****BREAKING**** FBI reopens Clinton email investigation!!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
There's also a bunch of stuff about sex slavery and the 26 flights on the "Lolita Express" and trips to "Orgy Island" still to come. There's been a rift between the FBI and the NYPD over this shit. Michael Savage quoted a website that had some news about the whole thing earlier. I wasn't really listening because I find him tedious. But the gist of the thing was that there's so much awful shit tied to Hilldebeast directly and that if the FBI doesn't act on it, they (the NYPD) will go right ahead and leak that information to several news outlets.

And then there's the link to that piece of crap, John Podesta, to the DOJ scumbag heading up the investigation of Clinton's email. They were college buddies. There's a lot to that story but I really don't care to find links because I have an itch on my ass that needs my attention right now.
She's pissed Comey off now. He has probably obtained preservation of evidence orders for every Clinton Foundation computer as well as the Clinton Global Initiative.

Come on libs. You can't elect this bitch. Let Trump have a crack at it and run against him in 4 years. If the Clintons are indicted, before Obama leaves office he may not even pardon them.

They are going to damage the Democrat brand. Not that I care, but just sayin'.


Hiliary 2020
Most of the stuff coming out I already knew about. The visits to pedophile island have already been proven years ago.
I've researched these criminals for years. If they have power and control over me I'm gonna find out what I can.
I've posted lists of Clinton crimes and scandals here before. Some very horrible things. They've ruined many lives.
I've said here years ago that she is the most evil woman who ever lived and I still mean it.

You know the first thing they did when they took the White House was fire the entire travel staff who had worked there since JFK was PREZ.
They did that to give their friends from Arkansas jobs.
But the Media and journalists were very fond of the staff so they began writing about it in a negative perspective of the clintons.
What did Hiliary do? She accused the man , Billy Ray, of embezzlement. He was arrested and charged because of her.
The man was facing years in prison and the trial went right to a jury decision of Not Guilty.
But the man was now completely broke and his families life ruined. The ordeal almost killed him.
Hiliary testified against him trying to put him in jail for years.
Her testimony was declared "Factually Innacurate", meaning she lied under oath with the intention of putting an innocent man behind bars.

And people, be it very few, want this evil creature to be PREZ.
If you are one of them you really need to think about just what kind of person you are.
Probably a choice between stupid, extremely naive, or morally empty inside.
Carlos Danger's counsel may want to consider a protective custody arrangement for their client.
She's pissed Comey off now. He has probably obtained preservation of evidence orders for every Clinton Foundation computer as well as the Clinton Global Initiative.

Come on libs. You can't elect this bitch. Let Trump have a crack at it and run against him in 4 years. If the Clintons are indicted, before Obama leaves office he may not even pardon them.

They are going to damage the Democrat brand. Not that I care, but just sayin'.

Spot on. It looks like an indictment is coming. No way can Obama pardon them. The American public wouldn't stand for it
Clinton fatigue. And she's not even elected yet. Can you imagine 4-8 more years of this shit? Forget fatigue, Clinton coma?

She's already the worst president ever.
Is it possible that the indictment can come before election day? If not, what would happen legally if she's indicted as POTUS?
Is it possible that the indictment can come before election day? If not, what would happen legally if she's indicted as POTUS?

Uncharted waters. I assume if she is indicted as president that she pardons herself and all of her cronies .
She could still be impeached and convicted in the senate however.

Then it would take Seal team 4 to remove her from office.


Hiliary 2020
Legally she can't pardon herself.
Legally Obama can't pardon her either.
To be pardoned you must have aleady been convicted.
The PREZ can't pardon someone who is under investigation.
They can break the law and interfere with the investigation process which has clearly already been done.

I've said this before: Nobody can save us from the corrupt criminal banana republic we live in now except ourselves.
This election will be rigged to put in the most unpopular and hated person in the world.
Our only hope is for a coup from within.
Legally she can't pardon herself.
Legally Obama can't pardon her either.
To be pardoned you must have aleady been convicted.

The PREZ can't pardon someone who is under investigation.
They can break the law and interfere with the investigation process which has clearly already been done.

I've said this before: Nobody can save us from the corrupt criminal banana republic we live in now except ourselves.
This election will be rigged to put in the most unpopular and hated person in the world.
Our only hope is for a coup from within.


Legally she can't pardon herself.
Legally Obama can't pardon her either.
To be pardoned you must have aleady been convicted.
The PREZ can't pardon someone who is under investigation.
They can break the law and interfere with the investigation process which has clearly already been done.

I've said this before: Nobody can save us from the corrupt criminal banana republic we live in now except ourselves.
This election will be rigged to put in the most unpopular and hated person in the world.
Our only hope is for a coup from within.

Was Nixon convicted of anything when Ford pardoned him???
I was only 5 years old but I don't think he was.
I'll be happy when the week is over. I have had to listen to Obama go on a lying tour and start spilling the bullshit that the investigation is based upon innuendo. No Barry, a judge issued a warrant, the FBI presented facts and not innuendo to secure a warrant. Loretta Lynch could have blocked this but she didn't because she was presented with facts.

Jeezus H. Christ people, use your brains. This is corruption beyond anything I have ever seen in government before.

Obama has been proven to be a liar when he said he found out about the server when we did.

He was using a secure Blackberry while using a pseudonym communicating with her at Clintonmail.com.

Quite frankly, Obama needs for her to win to keep him out of shit.

I didn't subscribe to the rigged election argument Trump has been making,, but he's right.

The whole system is bullshit. If she wins Tuesday, we may as well be Venezuela.
I'll be happy when the week is over. I have had to listen to Obama go on a lying tour and start spilling the bullshit that the investigation is based upon innuendo. No Barry, a judge issued a warrant, the FBI presented facts and not innuendo to secure a warrant. Loretta Lynch could have blocked this but she didn't because she was presented with facts.

Jeezus H. Christ people, use your brains. This is corruption beyond anything I have ever seen in government before.

Obama has been proven to be a liar when he said he found out about the server when we did.

He was using a secure Blackberry while using a pseudonym communicating with her at Clintonmail.com.

Quite frankly, Obama needs for her to win to keep him out of shit.

I didn't subscribe to the rigged election argument Trump has been making,, but he's right.

The whole system is bullshit. If she wins Tuesday, we may as well be Venezuela.

For corruption at an all time level I again point you to the Nixon administration.
Nixon took bribes???
Nixon used the FBI as his own personal cover up force.
Nixon committed felonies???
Many of his staff went to prison????
These are facts and they are not in dispute.
Obama irritates you???
Not the same thing.

It was never proven that Nixon took bribes.
Nixon threw roadblocks in the FBI's path. They weren't his personal Brown Shirts.
Yes , many went to prison.
Many of the Clinton's cohorts have gone to prison..
Clinton was held in contempt and could have been convicted of perjury ( a felony).
It seems your facts are in dispute.

Clinton has violated the Espionage Act.
She has destroyed requested evidence under subpoena. Obstruction of justice.
She has used her office of Secretary of State for personal financial gain and American foreign policy has been put up to the highest bidder.

Yes Obama irritates the fuck out of me for using the DOJ to stonewall the investigation and lying about what he knows.

It is almost clear that she has committed treason.
Nixon resigned and relieved the country of a constitutional crisis...

The Clintons will never do the same.


