She's pissed Comey off now. He has probably obtained preservation of evidence orders for every Clinton Foundation computer as well as the Clinton Global Initiative.
Come on libs. You can't elect this bitch. Let Trump have a crack at it and run against him in 4 years. If the Clintons are indicted, before Obama leaves office he may not even pardon them.
They are going to damage the Democrat brand. Not that I care, but just sayin'.
Is it possible that the indictment can come before election day? If not, what would happen legally if she's indicted as POTUS?
Legally she can't pardon herself.
Legally Obama can't pardon her either.
To be pardoned you must have aleady been convicted.
The PREZ can't pardon someone who is under investigation.
They can break the law and interfere with the investigation process which has clearly already been done.
I've said this before: Nobody can save us from the corrupt criminal banana republic we live in now except ourselves.
This election will be rigged to put in the most unpopular and hated person in the world.
Our only hope is for a coup from within.
Legally she can't pardon herself.
Legally Obama can't pardon her either.
To be pardoned you must have aleady been convicted.
The PREZ can't pardon someone who is under investigation.
They can break the law and interfere with the investigation process which has clearly already been done.
I've said this before: Nobody can save us from the corrupt criminal banana republic we live in now except ourselves.
This election will be rigged to put in the most unpopular and hated person in the world.
Our only hope is for a coup from within.
I'll be happy when the week is over. I have had to listen to Obama go on a lying tour and start spilling the bullshit that the investigation is based upon innuendo. No Barry, a judge issued a warrant, the FBI presented facts and not innuendo to secure a warrant. Loretta Lynch could have blocked this but she didn't because she was presented with facts.
Jeezus H. Christ people, use your brains. This is corruption beyond anything I have ever seen in government before.
Obama has been proven to be a liar when he said he found out about the server when we did.
He was using a secure Blackberry while using a pseudonym communicating with her at
Quite frankly, Obama needs for her to win to keep him out of shit.
I didn't subscribe to the rigged election argument Trump has been making,, but he's right.
The whole system is bullshit. If she wins Tuesday, we may as well be Venezuela.
For corruption at an all time level I again point you to the Nixon administration.
Not even close.
Nixon took bribes???
Nixon used the FBI as his own personal cover up force.
Nixon committed felonies???
Many of his staff went to prison????
These are facts and they are not in dispute.
Obama irritates you???
Not the same thing.
For corruption at an all time level I again point you to the Reagan administration.