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BREAKING:Deaths Confirmed after Manchester Arena Blast


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
How coan you tell from a picture that someone is "clearly dead"? And if they were, your convoluted mind would deny it.

So we have all of these girls with cell phones. They are in an area where they are leaving the concert. Looking to get outside and home. If they are on their on their phones, they are probably texting or reading or writing tweets. The bomb goes off. BOOM! And you expect them to turn on their cameras and go TOWARDS the explosion and screaming? Not one ounce of logic in that.

We know and you know that EVERY ONE of your fake bomb stories were torn to shreds to the point that you ALWAYS request to drop the subject. Are you so desperate in your attempts to carry this thing further that you are using 2222222 to justify it being fake? Sometimes I think that you are just posting this silly stuff for our reactions and your entertainment. If true kudos to you. These false flag bombing things are really entertaining. Some people actually buy into these conspiracy theories. Kind of like those people that dress up at comic cons and argue about which character has the better super powers.


Hiliary 2020
This one really fucked up the script...he's still wearing shoes


I think he's missing one shoe.
But for reals, you cant tell thats a staged photo?

for one look at the blood. on his fat right leg why is the blood stain a perfect line?
Do you want to know? Do ya?
I'll tell you then you can dismiss it as nonsense and call me crazy.

Its a perfect line because the "blood" was sprayed on AFTER the bandaging was put on.
That heavy bandaging that blood is already leaking through shifted up a few inches after the blood was sprayed on leaving a perfectly straight line.
I hope I am not the first to see this but there is no other possibility. Its totally fucking obvious here.

And who are the clowns moving the guy anyway? I thought a parade of Ambulances all arrived coming from the same street in a nice single file line at the same exact freaking time.
So where are these paramedics now? Who had bandages handy to use on fatty and not one of the dying victims.

This was fake. They all are fake.
Its all right in our face in every single one.
We are being terrorized and its affecting our society all over the world and it pisses me off.
These are not muslims doing these attacks. They are staged hoaxes and every one is getting more and more obvious.


Hiliary 2020
How coan you tell from a picture that someone is "clearly dead"? And if they were, your convoluted mind would deny it.

So we have all of these girls with cell phones. They are in an area where they are leaving the concert. Looking to get outside and home. If they are on their on their phones, they are probably texting or reading or writing tweets. The bomb goes off. BOOM! And you expect them to turn on their cameras and go TOWARDS the explosion and screaming? Not one ounce of logic in that.

We know and you know that EVERY ONE of your fake bomb stories were torn to shreds to the point that you ALWAYS request to drop the subject. Are you so desperate in your attempts to carry this thing further that you are using 2222222 to justify it being fake? Sometimes I think that you are just posting this silly stuff for our reactions and your entertainment. If true kudos to you. These false flag bombing things are really entertaining. Some people actually buy into these conspiracy theories. Kind of like those people that dress up at comic cons and argue about which character has the better super powers.

your living in your own world. I never request to drop the subject with these.
And not one thing I've posted was anywhere near torn to shreds.
You keep believing bob. youre better off I think.


Hiliary 2020
The Time Square footage was cool, almost didn't look real the way the bodies were flying around like it was anti gravity. Lol

Nuke the bastards, start with Mecca

yeah times square. there we got ALL cctv footage.

Explain this please?
Shoes again.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
So you can tell from the fraction of a second of a photograph THAT YOU DIDN'T TAKE what went on in the minutes before? Get me to the comic book store to see who else has these superpowers.

Shit you have requested to drop the subject after being torn to shreds? I'll pull them up later next week. Keep going with this concert thing though. More fish to shoot.

And the shoe thing? People wear what are called sandals. Some wear flip flops. Open backed shoes. Get out of the house and into a shoe store for more information.


Hiliary 2020
Well the only time I would say drop a subject is if its going in circles or nowhere, man.
Again I dont recall you or anybody tearing anything I've posted to shreds.

I have done what I can here on this thread. If anybody still can't see it oh well I did what I could.
I can only show you the door...........

These are not Muslim attacks. If an actual Muslim working for Al Qaeueada wanted to fuck shit up they would do much better jobs than what we see in all these attacks.
These are hoaxes being done by our own people, GOV, and News Media to herd us all into a certain mindset. To push certain agendas.
None of them healthy for people and society.

The sooner enough people get this through their fucking heads the sooner this shit might stop.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Another meesterdodge not addressing reason and facts. There are no circles here or about the other stuff you post as the so called critical thinking you profess to have. We challenge what you profess to claim and you repeatedly come up empty and run away from the subject. If your memory is so short, I'll welcome pulling up these threads again. Beware that your last posts in those threads have you saying that you will not continue discussions.

And another I've noticed. When you cave in and wish to drop the subject, you bring it up again in another topic later on. YOU are the one circling the topics, not us. Come on fella, defend. Keep those discussions going. You profess that you are more knowledgeable of reality. Show us your stuff.


Hiliary 2020
your just talking shit again. Sorry but its true.
As usual you dont address anything Ive shown that indicates fraud, you just try to pollute the airwaves with a bunch of nothing hoping to distract people from seeing the truth.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I directly addressed your claim to find photos of "clearly dead". I directly gave you proof that people wear sandals and backless shoes. I provided indisputable logic as to why cameras weren't rolling in the middle of that panic situation. You can't say what happened in the moments before photos were taken. I give you truth and you can't dispute my facts much less address them. You have some kind of thing about making up versions of perceived reality that don't hold water. Address my claims as I do yours.


Hiliary 2020
Ok so still waiting for some video from the thousands of video cameras at the scene of this bobming.
What as it? 22 dead, more than a hundred injured from a nail bomb?
Wow that must have been as gruesome and a bloody a bloodbath as in Orlando.
And we all remember how much blood we saw there right.

So thousands of teenagers with cameras. Surely by now one of those kids must have posted something.
Surely by now at least one video of the carnage of 19 dead and over a hundred injured by a bomb must have surfaced.

Oh here's one now.

Its a video of the bomb scene being set up. Still think this shit's real.

And this, heartbreaking video of a man searching , well not really searching, calling for, well not really calling for........repeating his daughters name hoping she appears. Would be very sad if it was real.
Notice all the survivors running for their lives.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Obviously that was NOT the area where the bomb went off as so claimed. But you are going to buy into it because you'll believe anything that some asshole that wasn't there found on Youtube. The commentary was not from the person taking the video. You move the injured AWAY from the blast area to get treatment. Take care of the more serious victims first. That's a FACT.

He supports this with a Sandy Hook clip? As if there were no tents set up in front of the school at all? When was this clip taken? AFTER they torn down the triage area and victims were moved out. Why didn't he show those earlier shots? Because people like you will buy into his bullshit theory. Plenty of overhead shots with that area set up. Coroner's reports and death certificates still available for him and you to get. Did you get them yet? Public record has the truth. Do so to have the real answers that people died there.

That second video is fucking disgusting. Laughing at a victim's father (or relative or friend. I don't know who he is.) searching for someone amongst this chaos. Fuck you, the guy that created that shit, and everyone else laughing at it. You are all lucky that you all can hide in the Internet. Not a single one of you fuckers would dare face any of these victim's families and spew out that sort of garbage.

Fill that barrel again. I've got more shells to shoot your fish.


Hiliary 2020
yeah I'm the one who'll believe anything.
22 killed and over 100 injured by a bomb, a nail bomb.
Where is that blood?
All I saw was a fat guy with fake blood that was sprayed on before he was bandaged.
Which is proof of hoax.

So wheres that bloodbath?
Smiley laughy interviews on tv dont count.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Again, let me make it simple. An explosion happens. It happens near you or within earshot. Are you whipping out your phone to take photos? Running towards the smoke through an oncoming rush of people trying to get away? None, NONE of your videos posted are narrated by people that were actually there. Do you understand that?
That second video is fucking disgusting. Laughing at a victim's father (or relative or friend. I don't know who he is.) searching for someone amongst this chaos. Fuck you, the guy that created that shit, and everyone else laughing at it. You are all lucky that you all can hide in the Internet. Not a single one of you fuckers would dare face any of these victim's families and spew out that sort of garbage.

Amen. I sent that piece of trash a little note through his youtube channel.


Hiliary 2020
good for you.

did you know norman cassiano was shot six times in the back and released from the hospital the next day?
Actually of the 50 survivors who got shot in Orlando we saw about 6....the others who knows.
All of them were shot multiple times through organs and bones, then bled on the floor for 3 hours, then went through trauma surgery, and were all out and about the next day.
Doing happy smiley interviews with anderson cooper.

You people have the balls to critisize people who question the reality of that?
Youre sheep. You believe whatever they tell you because you are programmed that way.

So you are so sure this bomb in Manchester England England was real.
So sure 22 people died and over 100 were injured by this bomb.

yeah this is real

Show me some proof or stop posting.
Calling me names is not proof.
Show some proof or get the fuck out.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Typical diversion move by conspiracy theorists. Divert the topic to another of those stupid conspiracy theories and make up some idiotic comparisons. The only thing in common is they are all made up and not the smallest grain of facts. They already got shot down. How about you bring up those separate threads and we can have separate discussions. As long as you keep posting this kind of nonsense I will continue to shoot your fish.

Megan Hurley, 15
Courtney Boyle, 18
Philip Tron, 32
Wendy Fawell, 50
Elaine McIver off duty police officer
Sorrell Leczkowski, 14
Eilidh MacLeod, 14
Chloe Rutherford, 17
Liam Curry, 19
Michelle Kiss, 45
Jane Tweddle, 51
Nell Jones, 14
Angelika, 40, and Marcin Klis, 42
Martyn Hett, 19
Lisa Lees, 47
Alison Howe, 45
Kelly Brewster, 32
Olivia Campbell, 15
Saffie Rose Roussos, 8
John Atkinson, 26
Georgina Callander, 18

Here is a list of the 22 victims dead from that blast. Death records are public and so are birth records. Coroner's reports were made. That is called evidence. You give me evidence that these people are not dead or never born.


Hiliary 2020
your not shooting anything bob, just like Omar Matteen.
you think you are. youre posting shit you get from the msm as justification and evidence.
nice list, dont prove shit.

but that straight line of blood on the guys leg in that photo, that does prove something.
complete lack of any video at all with all those people, that does prove something.
The video of the smiley victims of fucking a nail bomb in street clothes at the hospital talking to THE QUEEN proves fraud.

So you keep shooting my fish.

See bobby I learned a long time ago that as soon as you hear the word ISIS, its bullshit.
Israel and the US are behind it.
You'll never see it. You'll keep living in never never land, oblivious to reality, a place they put you in and you have no intention of ever leaving.
I try to wake you but you get mean, so best you just keep sleeping.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Manchester bombing here. Focus man, focus. Bring back those other threads containing your ridiculous shit separately.

That list is public record. They were released to everyone at the same time. Go get ahold of them just like the msm did.

... that straight line of blood on the guys leg in that photo, that does prove something.

Prove what?

...complete lack of any video at all with all those people, that does prove something.

Proves nothing. Where are your videos of the planning and admissions that this was a staged event? Whistle blowers. Anything remotely related to this specific event posted before it happened. Be specific with location and timing.

Maybe there are a few videos of the blood bath and they didn't post them on Youtube. You and the assholes that snooker you with their convoluted commentary don't hold a single piece of evidence. Neither of you were there to hear the blast. Neither of you seen or smelled the smoke. Neither of you saw the dead or injured. My nephew's birth wasn't put on Youtube but I'm pretty damned sure he exists.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Good news meester! Some of your actor victims are still in the hospital. I gave you the list of names. Bring a balloon and stuffed animal to get yourself in. Rip off their bandages and start snapping pictures and videos of those woundless body parts. Be a hero. Expose this sham.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Not only are you building a bunker for the zombie apocalypse but are blind too. The guy with the blood running down his leg you claim is painted but you don't see shoes on both of his feet. No idea that girls are buying pre ripped jeans or the slice up the front of that girl's leg has the ankle intact. But no, you can tell if someone is dead or not from a photograph. Thank god they make compartment plates so your peas don't touch your mashed potatoes.