Summertime is my favorite of all the seasons. I adore the sun and the warmth of the rays on my skin. The pool is always hopping and the sounds of laughter and good times seems to fill the air. The early stages of summer more than mid or late. 100 degrees is too much but anything between 82-90 is spot on in my book. This past weekend was so awesome. Aside from celebrating a lovely Father's Day, we did so at a friends house. Several of us like minded chill as hell adults getting together and acting like adults

The wine was spectacular, the food delicious and the friends, couldn't get any better.
The coming weeks are going to be pretty insane. Insane good of course but nutso none the less. I am heading to VA Beach for the 4th and then to the midwest for a week to be followed up by a nice fun family vaca to MI. Early Aug is going to be spent in LA and then perhaps a breather but I can not say for sure. I have already made my plans for the AVN's 2014 and know I will be out to LA 3-4 more times this year. Gotta keep you guys on your toes *wink*
I hope you are enjoying all the updates to You guys have made your requests and I have been fulfilling those

More new vids on the way. Have a great week and I hope to see you on cam for my members show tomorrow at 10:30pm est.
more news at :