Brandi darling, you are absolute perfection, no other performer has the same glint in the eye, the obvious enjoyment (unless you're a really good actor - oscar?!), or swallows like you, please don't stop, and any chance of you cumming over this side of the pond so we can see you in the flesh, London rocks! Keep up the good work beautiful, you will always be my absolute favourite. xx


Official Checked Star Member
Brandi darling, you are absolute perfection, no other performer has the same glint in the eye, the obvious enjoyment (unless you're a really good actor - oscar?!), or swallows like you, please don't stop, and any chance of you cumming over this side of the pond so we can see you in the flesh, London rocks! Keep up the good work beautiful, you will always be my absolute favourite. xx

I am at a loss for words.....sometimes you guys say things to me that just... I don't know what to say, other than thank you. You really get me. In an industry that has become very fake (not everyone but a massive quantity) unrealistic and daunting quite frankly....I have remained true to myself and only done scenes I wanted to, worked with people I wanted to, and brought all I could to every scene. I do enjoy sex, that IS why I work in the adult industry. It is not because I had to or need to....I choose to. Perhaps that is why you see the glimmer in my eye. I get into my costars and enjoy the chemistry we have in the moment. I not only enjoy the physical pleasure, but the few hours of mental and emotional connection I feel with my costars. It does not last (maybe that makes me more like a guy, LOL!) but it does not need to last be an amazing experience.

I rarely hang out with other pornstars (I don't live in LA) but while I am with them....I dig em' and that makes the scenes real (at least for me) and my hope is it brings others joy, literally! I totally love the idea that I could have some small thing to do with bringing pleasure and a smile to someones day. Sex is a massive part of our happiness. When we get it or are having it ....we are happy. When are are not getting it we are not happy. That simple.

Our society is so fucked up with the mixed messages on sex. We are born desiring pleasure. We grow up with sexual images all around us and then we hit "age" to be exploring our sexuality, we get blasted with a brick to the forehead "NO NO NO!!!!!" sex is bad, dirty! you whore, slut, pimp, hooker ect. I choose to live my life my way and my desire is to open people up to their true sexuality and not allow others to form it for them. No one can tell another what will make them happy. If you are not monogamous, don't try to be...embrace it and find a mate who shares your philosophy. If you are confident in your sexuality, ignore na sayers. Who cares? it's your body, your life, your one chance to enjoy this time on earth. I don't know about you but I want to do it my way....not try and live up to someones elses "standards" of what I should be doing. That doesn't make any sense to me. Your life, your rules now go enjoy it!!!!


PS- guys make sure to check out the brief special freeones and I are promoting together! get me while you can *wink*
Hey Brandi!!

It's BigMur, I've been a member of your site off and on for the past 5 or 6 years. I tried to catch your camshows whenever I could, but most of them time they conflicted with my work schedule.

I gotta tell ya, I'm SOOOO glad you joined Naughty America! Not that I didn't enjoy watching vids of you fucking Michael's brains out, and getting his cum all over your face(*g*). But now the whole porn industry has found out what we've known for years.......You're a damn sexy woman who loves sex, has a killer body and a sweet suckable pussy! I look forward to more videos, keep up the good work and I'll keep my dick hard for you...:)
Hey Brandi,

can't wait to see the Brazzers scene, the Naughty America scene was great - you looked smoking in those tight jeans, you do get better and better - must be that great '73 vintage (of which i am also one ). You're absolutely right too many people telling us what we can and can't do, what's right and wrong - we only get one go at life, might as well actually live it, and live it your own way. Keep up the great work, you are amazing. Love ya. xx


Official Checked Star Member
Hey Brandi!!

It's BigMur, I've been a member of your site off and on for the past 5 or 6 years. I tried to catch your camshows whenever I could, but most of them time they conflicted with my work schedule.

I gotta tell ya, I'm SOOOO glad you joined Naughty America! Not that I didn't enjoy watching vids of you fucking Michael's brains out, and getting his cum all over your face(*g*). But now the whole porn industry has found out what we've known for years.......You're a damn sexy woman who loves sex, has a killer body and a sweet suckable pussy! I look forward to more videos, keep up the good work and I'll keep my dick hard for you...:)

BigMur you are so sweet! Of course remember you. You have seen the many changes my site has gone through and watched me grow into someone I never knew possible *wink* TY for the very thoughtful words. I am not sure if you noticed but FREEONES is having a kick ass promo for a short time if you join my site via the front page special:) Just in case your "curious" as to what and who else I have been up to. Many wet kisses, and many more years of exploring!



Official Checked Star Member
stay safe this weekend if you're home - seems this storm (Irene) is heading your way - much love and kisses xx

TY! I am looking forward to the Brazzers scene as well...... I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did:) I am keeping my fingers crossed about this weekend. Shoot, first an earthquake now the hurricane? Maybe it's time to move out West?! LOL

Yes, definitely move out west! The Pacific Northwest is wonderful. I'll even do your yardwork in the summer on the off chance you might wander outside in a bikini.
Thanks for these....the first I have seen too! LOL!


Hi Brandi, you are wonderful and you will be a superstar soon !!
Fantastic pictures ... your debut on Brazzers will be very hot
You will perfect for BB/G and anal ! Please make it soon
Wonderful !!! Brandi number 1 on freeones Most Popular Babes!
She is going to be a superstar ;)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Hey Brandi looking fantastic!! Just wondering if and when you are going to be with a black cock??? Love to see that
