Our friends from Pornstar Airlines jsut released a brand new private interview with Brandi
I suggest checking out thew site she mentions in the interview, about her step mother. Funny stuff there.
We need to bring this thread back to life, Brandi....The hottest MILF on the planet.!!!!
As you can tell I too enjoyed the interview. Thanks for taking the time to read it Kisses!
I have an especially soft spot in my heart for devious evil of that nature. I love seeing people that have something coming...get it. Kind of like, when an anti gay politician, gets caught in a men's room getting his knob polished...or some hypocrite bible thumper that believes in turning the other cheek, doesn't practice what they preach.
Thank you Brandi, You are such a sweetie! And I do mean it when I say you are the HOTTEST MILF on the PLANET