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Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You posted a photograph. Did the person that had taken it do the commentary with the circles and arrows? You don't know.

Let's take this a step further. Have ANY of your sources of information pertaining to the accusation that ANY of these events are staged had ACTUALLY BEEN at these events? No.

As you have stated in many of your posts that people have cameras, do any of them say ANYTHING that they are being duped into a staged event? No.

So, how can anyone make a claim of a fake event when they were never there? meester, I want to learn you something. Opinion is NEVER evidence. Not from one person, not from a zillion people. Go home and get your fucking shine box.


Hiliary 2020
Its a common photo. The MSM shoved it in our faces from day 1.

There no circles or arrows. Still fake blood.

I posted two videos analyzing much of the video and photos taken that day from literally the very second after the fake bomb went off.
You didn't watch them and I don't expect you to.
But maybe other people might and decide for themselves.

See bob I research these things on my own, in depth.
From that I form my opinion.

You on the other hand watch the news to get you info. CNN, Fox, NBC ect ect.
The news that is all owned and controlled by just a few companies.
From what they tell you you form your opinion. From their words and the naive faith of "they wouldn't do that".

Back to the photo. Thats just one thing out of scores of things which indicate it was a Phony Fake Show.
Boston was the most apparent one because they filmed too much. They since have reverted back to 10 second grainy "cell Phone" videos with the camera moving all over the place as proof.

And you don't have to have been there to see what it is.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You research nothing. You sit at your computer and Google and that's not research. It's called self-serving an opinion. Research is when you contact a medical examiner's office and get documentation. Research ii finding dead victims still alive. Research is gathering names of people organizing events. Your opinion is supported by none of these things.

And here you go again with your mystical power to tell what is real and what is fake in a photograph. Not just your power, OTHERS have this power. Fake blood? Are you trying to convince us that the people that are staging these events don't have access to REAL blood? If I show you a picture of my living room, can you tell where the cat is hiding?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You research nothing. You sit at your computer and Google and that's not research. It's called self-serving an opinion. Research is when you contact a medical examiner's office and get documentation. Research ii finding dead victims still alive. Research is gathering names of people organizing events. Your opinion is supported by none of these things.

And here you go again with your mystical power to tell what is real and what is fake in a photograph. Not just your power, OTHERS have this power. Fake blood? Are you trying to convince us that the people that are staging these events don't have access to REAL blood? If I show you a picture of my living room, can you tell where the cat is hiding?

I would very much like to rep this post, but I can not as the FreeOnes rep system mandates I pass some around, first. Great post, though, and that last line is hilarious, especially since the cat could very well be in the kitchen. :1orglaugh


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
the cat could very well be in the kitchen.

DEAR GOD! X was right! It IS totally obvious to tell such things from pictures. meester, I stand corrected.


Hiliary 2020
A five year old thread brought back for conspiracy bullshit?

Have you researched it at all?
Have you watched all the footage of it?
Have you watched any?
No you haven't.
All you know about it comes from mainstream media.

Yet you call the fact that it was fake bullshit.
Conspiracy bullshit. Like all the people there with neatly shredded pants that only expose their legs.
Their uninjured legs.
Or no blood at all showing up until about a minute after the smoke bombs went off.
Or people running around clearly uninjured then later they are suddenly ridden with horrendous injuries and covered in bright red paint.
Or the directors in the group clearly telling the crisis actors what to do.
Or the fact that only 1 ambulance showed up. The one that took away pretty blondie while the guy with no legs was still laying there.
1 ambulance. All the rest where taken into a giant tent in wheel chairs that suddenly where everywhere. And no ambulances transported any body from that tent. That MAGNIFICENT THINGA!

Anyway why bother thinking and forming your own conclusions when you have CNN to do it for you.


Hiliary 2020
Oh and by the way looks like a terrorist attack in where?

I wanna wake up in Texas, I miss those wide open skies.
I miss my 20 acres
Barbecues and pecan pies, oh why.

Notice I spelled the complete word Barbecue, didn't write it as BBQ.
Cause I do things write, not the easy way abbreviated way like some peeps do.

Oh Texas.
I wont gloat.
I predicted Texas was the scene for the next one and I was right.
I predicted NYC last year then sure enough CAR ATTACK.
I predicted Vegas was due and sure enough MASS SHOOTING.
And I predicted Texas and sure enough Church Mass Killing.

How did I make these guesses correctly?
I've been watching the patterns for years, plus other factors also.

I admit this recent Texas thing is not a major terror attack but its got a great angle, make people afraid to do something as simple as go out for a walk.

Anyway I was right. You insulted me but I was right.


Hiliary 2020
DEAR GOD! X was right! It IS totally obvious to tell such things from pictures. meester, I stand corrected.

You know what I'm trying to figure out bob?
How those windows in the stores were not broken at all after the bomb went off.
Then later after they cleared the scene of crisis actors suddenly entire store front windows were smashed out.
Like What Ever.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You know what I'm trying to figure out bob?
How those windows in the stores were not broken at all after the bomb went off.
Then later after they cleared the scene of crisis actors suddenly entire store front windows were smashed out.
Like What Ever.

Oh, it was CNN and other MSM that had any cameras at the Boston Marathon. Here's a little homework you can do meesterresearch:

Go look up how many countries had participants in that event.

Look up the news agencies from those countries that covered that event live.

Do the math and estimate how many cameras from around the world were focused on and around that finish line.

Find ANY VIDEO of something other than a bomb blast confirming windows were broken BY ANY OTHER MEANS.

And lastly, just like all of your other outlandish claims, produce an alleged dead person still alive. Produce communications from an organizer to a participant.



Hiliary 2020
Its just one of the 100+ things on video that indicates Something Fishy In Denmark.
In this case Boston.
And instead of Fishy its Rotten.
Like Johnny Rotten but without the Johnny.

In the footage there are full size store windows on the 2nd floor which are intact. Clearly intact.
At some point later when there are no people present those same windows are smashed out.
Same thing with benches. Solid wooden benches that didn't budge during the explosion then later shown smashed to bits.
But those cardboard ADDIDAS advertisements at ground zero survived completely unharmed....somehow.
It blew the legs off one guy but left the Addidas sign next to him LOO-KING GOOOD!

Hold on please.
Ok I'm getting some breaking news.
Terrorist Blow Up A Bomb At A Federal Express Office in where?
TEXAS? No way!
Well at least they are finally going after Government offices.


Says 1 employee was injured mildly. Mildly Injured. I would think either a bomb blows your face off or it doesn't.
Maybe it was the same guys who did the London Tube Bomb last year.
So now you can be afraid of opening your mail as well as taking a walk in TEXAS.


Hiliary 2020
Oh My Groin Texas again!
Another bomb.
Two in one day!
Texas bob Texas.

Says like in the other one today in a Texas Federal Express building that only 1 person was injured but
they're gonna be ok, Yay!
Police said he is recovering from his injuries and going to be okay.
They know he's going to be ok awfully fast....But don't worry its real, it's real.

Who would have guessed it would come to this in Texas?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
meester "Says 1 employee was injured mildly. Mildly Injured. I would think either a bomb blows your face off or it doesn't."

You are correct. In this case it didn't blow off her face. Read your first article as to why. Read the nature of her injury.

meester "Another bomb."

Wrong. Read your second article and it will describe the nature of that event.

Can you please address my questions concerning certified dead people and communications between creators and participants of any of your claims of staged events? If you don't remember my inquiries, let me remind you. Find ONE dead person that is still alive. Find ANY communications of collaboration concerning any of your claimed events. Months of me asking you these same questions. Months of you producing NOTHING. Sidestepping the questions with avoidance. The best you can do is provide your opinion. Your opinion contains nothing but SPECULATIONS. My opinion is based solely upon a collection of FACTS. FACTS that are confirmed with DOCUMENTATION. Your YouTube videos are posted by ANYONE without any account of actually being at these events. (someone posts a video, someone else takes that video and edits it and posts it with commentary, comments to the poster are deleted if questioning the content) Don't think that happens ...this thing is studied on/in the higher education level. Actual examples with documentation and testimony from the people involved in such events. Real and fake are both covered in these college courses. This is covered in the 100-400 level. Don't fuck with me on this. Treat me as the same as I treat Rey C when it comes to economics and finances.


Hiliary 2020
Its ok they caught the guy in TEXAS.
He blew himself up with one of his own bombs.
Great job TEXAS police.
I feel safe again (other than my new found fear of going for walks and opening mail).

For those of you just tuning in, I predicted the next TERROR ATTACK would be in TEXAS.
And somebody made fun of me in their usual degrading manner.
But it turned out I was correct.

I'm just glad they caught the guy who did it and blew himself up.
And he injured no police while doing so.

"Mommy do the Mooselums want to kill me?".
"Not any more Johnny.......now its White Men".

Why is that mommy?
"Well Johnny its because the media doesn't cover all the horrible shit the US and Israel do with their wars anymore
so people don't care now". "Out of sight out of mind you know"

"Now its all about fear and control Johnny. Fear and control."
Now take your antidepressants go back to sleep ok".
Boston Marathon Bomber Asks Court To Overturn Death Sentence

Fry this piece of shit

“The lawyers also argued that the constant negative media coverage after the attack has affected the jury and prevented Tsarnaev from receiving a fair trial.”
Were the press and media obligated to give the occasional positive media coverage about the bombings?

I hate cotdam fucking lawyers.