bong video


Official Checked Star Member
hey guys im giving out a copy of my bong smoking video which is hot and includes nudity :)

make a free profile on and message me the code BONG to get it.

or if you are already a member you can get the video for one message credit.


this helps me in an ongoing contest for signups

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If you had a video where you watched a Cubs game in just a Starlin Castro jersey, I'd be there. Hell, I'd have season tickets.

But pot... meh. A little too middle schoolish for me. Time to grow up and shoot heroin like an adult.
Hmm, I'll look into it for just anything, perhaps support on your part? Maybe...


Official Checked Star Member
okay just seems like if people are not interested in my niche as a 420, booty shaking, powerlifting cam girl there is no reason to make jokes or condemn me. i am hoping to connect with fans interested in my topics not have people scared away and criticizing me.
I'm not condemning you... I just am not into that shit personally. No real punch line there. That's not to say I'm not into you and your booty, because I am. We do have a few part time comedians here, but I don't think they mean any harm.