"Blondage" Marie Harf

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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That's a good looking broad. All that blonde hair twirling around twisting in her fingers swaying from one side to the other. Her and John Kerry side-by-side must look like Beauty And The Frankenstein Monster.



Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
She'd be more attractive if she wasn't constantly running around with her pants on fire.
She looks like Bernadette Rostenkowski (from The Big Bang Theory) twin sister


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I was about to make fun of her, but I just found out that she's a fellow 'Hoo... so I have to go back to STFU mode. Dammit, I had a good one lined up too!
Meh. I don't like pasty white blondes. The soles of their feet tend to be yellow like nicotine stains. Pass.
I guess FNC missed out on the Josh Earnest sweepstakes. That's an MSNBC hire if I ever saw one. If F. Chuck Todd doesn't watch out they'll put Josh as moderator of Meet The Press in a second.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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I'd like to see her put in a segment on Fox And Friends where they send her out for anal bleaching. Her large ass is very pale and soft so her anus needs to be a lighter shade of bubble gum pink.