Blade Runner prequel – or sequel – on the way

Its funny how these idiots even dare to touch a classic like that. It was made almost 30 years ago, yet no science fiction movie has come close since.

What's next, a prequel to 2001 a space odyssey directed by Michael Bay?
oh no... this is awful
i think it would be interesting.


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I'd be willing to give it a chance if it's being directed by Ridley Scott. Hopefully it's not a remake.

I loved Blade Runner and in my eyes it made Rutger Hauer one of my favorite underrated actors.
if they employ a great director and avoid some of the past sci fi mistakes, i am interested!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Its funny how these idiots even dare to touch a classic like that. It was made almost 30 years ago, yet no science fiction movie has come close since.

What's next, a prequel to 2001 a space odyssey directed by Michael Bay?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Large-scale chase sequences with gigantic explosions and flaming motorcycles off the shoulder of Orion. I watched models who can't act run in slow motion and stare emotionlessly at the Tannhauser gate. All those moments should have been lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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It's good to be the king...
A Stupid idea...even for Hollywood

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Latest report I've heard is they're going to merge it with the Alien Franchise.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Wait, what?
:facepalm: :mad:

They should just leave it alone.

I could maybe see an expanded universe type thing if some good authors cooperated with the original creators and writers of the movie to keep the artistic integrity of the setting and the came out with some books explaining more than just what the movie showed. As far as a movie goes. I don't think it could live up to the original. The fact it would probably end up being more a money grab than something they tried to make right would just make it that much worse and ruin a lot of what made the original good.


For the EMPEROR!!
I'm not surprised, they seem to be remaking everything these day's. But they almost always fail to capture the greatness of the original, even with the latest flashy Special FX.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
No amount of flash FX or action can beat a perfecty good story.
I'm not surprised, they seem to be remaking everything these day's. But they almost always fail to capture the greatness of the original, even with the latest flashy Special FX.

Except they're not remaking Blade Runner. They're only adding a Prequel or a Sequel. I don't know if it's in the article that was presented but I read in another article that the contract that was signed by Warner Bros. specifically states they are not allowed to remake Blade Runner.


I was impressed with Tron Legacy.....Bar the bad Tron Deux ex machina moment.....It was good because they got it right and because it was a sequel.

Prequel or reboot of blade runner would be a cluster fuck. Whereas they could kick ass cyber punk style once again as a sequel....Lots of alluded shit in the original. Provide enough back story fluff.......Newer models...Maybe answer the big question.

Was Harrison Ford's character in fact a replicant.

PS> Probably was.....Based on Philip K Dick novel....And most of that shit he wrote on his own psychosis.
I think part of the problem with a prequel would also be that it might not have a lot of the dingy noir feel that the original movie has depending on where it's set at and at what time period before the movie it takes place. A lot of what happened in the setting apparently didn't even happen on Earth if you go off the plot of the movie. It might be interesting but I don't know if it would be what people think when they think of Blade Runner.

I think over the top special effects might also ruin it. The old analog special effects of which the movie was one of the last great ones to use that along with the gritty setting that was set up by hand has more character than CGI now unless the special effects people are really on top of it. With even some good CGI sometimes you can still sense to much fakeness in it.