Black On Black Homicides


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Moonshot is acting as if black folks aren't just as racist as any other demographic, and that's just removed from reality.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You are not a moderator. You and your friends have a pattern of making volatile statements about African Americans. You posted a gif of someone shooting a black person, so shut the f up.

When have I ever claimed to be a moderator? And you should know that someone writing for me to "shut the f up" is like goddamn catnip for me, you tool.

How many roads do black Americans block in protest of the black-on-black murder rate?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"Apeshit" is a generic term. How in the hell can we get over the racial barrier if there is going to be hypersensitivity over every word. I didn't even think about the connotation until you linked it.

OMG!!! Someone wrote something that someone else had no idea what they were intending and then overreacted. Isn't he the same clown who thought the word "moniker" was racist?


Torn & Frayed.
I think this is definitely a contributing factor. Fathers abandoning their children and mothers having babies without the financial means or any responsible planning many times is a recipe for disaster.

I am in favor of the legalization of marijuana but am uncomfortable legalizing the harder drugs. But, if all drugs were legalized and the black market value incentive were taken away, do you think these former drug dealers would seek out legitimate jobs they were educated and qualified for or continue to persue the criminal life they were accustomed to like possibly prostitution or gambling as you mentioned?

I think that enough of them would seek out legitimate work which utilizes their skills to make the idea have merit. Let's face facts, some of the people in the upper levels of distribution are practically CEOs.

And on a side note, Elwood, apparently when you're too sober you're like Silent Bob when he finally speaks, nice post, brother, and I'm having a shot of Johnnie Walker in your honor.

Blue, I hope?


I think it would be,advisable for you to come up with better solutions than just legalization before you start accusing others of being simplistic. My vantage point on a daily basis gives me a little more insight to the problems we face, in that I am confident. I had a whole other lengthy post but decided against posting it. The first insult exchanged between us is yours toward me since your return if anyone is keeping score. Your bull in a china shop routine is not going to get the reactions that they used to. Good luck with future postings.

Man, it is so tough being you. Every little thing is an "insult" to you, while you go straight to the condescending bullshit approach. You don't have any more insight on the drug problem than anyone else, except being part of it.

The first insult exchanged...
Jeezus Tapdancing Christ, grow the fuck up. If you can't handle the discussion then piss off while the rest of us have one. THAT is the "first" insult exchanged between us, and no one is keeping score, but you go right ahead with your self-enabling. It's going to get the exact same reactions they used too.


Closed Account
Man, it is so tough being you. Every little thing is an "insult" to you, while you go straight to the condescending bullshit approach. You don't have any more insight on the drug problem than anyone else, except being part of it.

Jeezus Tapdancing Christ, grow the fuck up. If you can't handle the discussion then piss off while the rest of us have one. THAT is the "first" insult exchanged between us, and no one is keeping score, but you go right ahead with your self-enabling. It's going to get the exact same reactions they used too.
"Jeezus tapdancing Christ" If we had a dime for every time you posted that.. And while we are clarifying shit fuckface, I've have never taken one pill that wasn't prescribed, never snorted a drop of coke, or any other substance that you like to insinuate that I abuse. As for having a grasp of the drug problem and how it affects people, I do know a hell of a lot more about it than you, unless you are in a courtroom 3 times a week or meeting clients at a jailhouse. Oh yeah. You are an ex vet that meets every type of degenerate with either a substance addiction or gambling addiction so that makes you an expert. As for you not taking your prescription, congratulations, now here's your God damn virtual cookie.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You haven't talked about anything. You've written garbage posts with shitty grammar.

Shooter in Dallas- “I want to kill white people. I want to kill white police."

Obama- "I think it’s hard to untangle the motives of the killer.”
I'm not going to refute point by point but I'm proud of my service and I'm relatively certain there were a couple world wars that needed our particular brand of whoop ass (not to mention several treaties that were in place requiring our participation. And that whole Pearl Harbor thing.). I got out in 1993 and most of my experience was awesome. I learned my capabilities and weaknesses; saw parts of the world I wouldn't have been able to visit in any other capacity. I formed lifelong relationships with some of the best people I've known and attended several schools to further my career and expand my knowledge and apply that knowledge to perform my duties. I gained a sense of self worth and an esprit de corps that hippy fuckwits will never understand or appreciate. Simply stepping on the yellow painted footprints at the receiving barracks, MCRD San Diego, is alien to the sucktards of the world who think the military wants automatons.

We were pretty hamstrung by bullshit ROE's in any of the hot spots I went to. Not firing on an enemy until they fire is just fucking infuriating. A weapon and intent should be enough. I prefer law enforcement in that regard.

Semantics, really. If you're a pussy you believe service men and women are stone cold killers and that stopping the threat of communism/progressives is oppression, that's your prerogative. But recognize it's those service members who protect your right to be a whiny bitch.

I'd further stipulate that the threat of ISIS is real and we need more people willing to put themselves in harm's way to stop them. And the infrastructure has been degraded so badly, thanks to the Clinton(s) and the Obama administrations that the outcome is uncertain.

You are a lair and a coward. I remember you saying you never got deployed in the military. We can have Adam or someone look up the post. Hell, I will close my account if I made an error.


And while we are clarifying shit fuckface, I've have never taken one pill that wasn't prescribed, never snorted a drop of coke, or any other substance that you like to insinuate that I abuse.

No offense to Elwood but I knew before I scrolled down that libs would be wetting their panties over your post and the suggestion to decriminalize or legalize all drugs.

So how does it feel to have the condescension flow both ways? It's funny how you become so unglued when others exhibit the same behavior that you exhibit all the time.

I do know a hell of a lot more about it than you, unless you are in a courtroom 3 times a week or meeting clients at a jailhouse.
This means jackshit to me're in a courtroom and/or a jail. You can pat yourself on the back all you want, in your sequestered little environment, but this is another example of your overwhelming condescension.

And as far as never taking anything that wasn't prescribed, have two virtual cookies. Again, this is meaningless given the absurd level of prescription drug abuse that Elwood mentioned to get this particular ball rolling.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You are a lair and a coward. I remember you saying you never got deployed in the military. We can have Adam or someone look up the post. Hell, I will close my account if I made an error.

I've never stated that I hadn't deployed, asshole. I deployed five times. Show me where I posted that . Learn his to use spell check, moron.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I can't wait to see if you follow through, but you're as much of a punk-ass bitch with no follow through, like Deep Cover and that other fuckwit who kept promising to leave and still wound up posting for five fucking years.


Closed Account
So how does it feel to have the condescension flow both ways? It's funny how you become so unglued when others exhibit the same behavior that you exhibit all the time.

This means jackshit to me're in a courtroom and/or a jail. You can pat yourself on the back all you want, in your sequestered little environment, but this is another example of your overwhelming condescension.

And as far as never taking anything that wasn't prescribed, have two virtual cookies. Again, this is meaningless given the absurd level of prescription drug abuse that Elwood mentioned to get this particular ball rolling.
Glad I was busy today and didn't have time to read this madness. Folks, this is a former member of the U.S. armed services. One that is just a little too easily triggered. You seriously need to consider some of the mental health options made available to you through the VA.
I can't wait to see if you follow through, but you're as much of a punk-ass bitch with no follow through, like Deep Cover and that other fuckwit who kept promising to leave and still wound up posting for five fucking years.

USMC 89'-93'. 1st Bn 5th Marines.


How did you get deployed 5 times during the early 1990s? Your unit's official website does not backup your claims. I only read about two deployments during the period you serviced.


Glad I was busy today and didn't have time to read this madness. Folks, this is a former member of the U.S. armed services. One that is just a little too easily triggered. You seriously need to consider some of the mental health options made available to you through the VA.

If you're going to keep acting like you have an audience (because that's not weird at all), then go ahead and look at what their seeing. And if anyone is "too easily triggered" around here, it's a certain batshit crazee hillbilly alcoholic who won't shut up....and thinks he has an audience.


Closed Account
If you're going to keep acting like you have an audience (because that's not weird at all), then go ahead and look at what their seeing. And if anyone is "too easily triggered" around here, it's a certain batshit crazee hillbilly alcoholic who won't shut up....and thinks he has an audience.
That's just precious.