Under the ban, sent to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer by the state legislature Thursday, schools will lose state funding if they offer any courses that "
promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals."
ThinkProgress notes(ThinkProgress is a notorious UltraLeft extremist org), the Tucson Unified School District's popular Mexican-American studies department is the target here. The state superintendent charges that the program exhibits "ethnic chauvinism."
Meanwhile, in a move that was more covert until the Wall Street Journal uncovered it, the Arizona Department of Education has told schools that teachers with "
heavy" or "ungrammatical" accents are no longer allowed to teach English classes. [Thank you! And common sense rears it's seldom used head...:thumbsup:]
As outlined by the Journal, Arizona's recent pattern of ... education policies is ironic -- and is likely a function of No Child Left Behind funding requirements -- given that the state spent a decade recruiting teachers for whom English was a second language.
In the 1990s, Arizona hired hundreds of teachers whose first language was Spanish as part of a broad bilingual-education program. Many were recruited from Latin America. (See? Many said it was a bad idea, fueled by good intentions.They were correct...)
Then in 2000, voters passed a ballot measure stipulating that instruction be offered only in English. Bilingual teachers who had been instructing in Spanish switched to English.
Teachers who don't meet the new fluency standards have the option of taking classes to improve their English, the Journal reports, but if they fail to reach the state's targets would be fired or reassigned. Damn...how mean and unfair...learn your subject and speak the language you are teaching coherently and fluently. Or move aside after
10 years...:rofl:
Anyone notice no mention of any particular subject being unacceptable? Only criteria that a third grader would see is fair and sensible...
so, once again a real racist Lefty BS post being passed off as "upset over unfairness"...
"Black History classes now banned in Arizona" is as untrue as is most of the first 4 or five posts in this thread...as usual. BS is the trademark of most of the really racist Lefties here...thank God they are so transparent and only influence other Lefty simple minded racists like themselves.
Most of us have moved on and have no time for stupid PC irrelevance...Arizona seems like a good place to live and a state that takes things like the law, freedom, and equlal rights for all seriously.:thumbsup:
(Stay tuned for desperation, sputtering, and silly name-calling by outed Lefty racists...!:rofl::rofl::rofl