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Black Guys and White Chicks

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I don't find black people sexy at all. I don't know why, but they just don't turn me on. Most asians don't do it for me either (except the transgendered ones, and London Keys).

Will E Worm

i more prefer black chicks.

Says the guy with a non-black avatar. :D

The 15% of white woman that do have interest in black men more then likely don’t have a sold family… there dad walked out on them things of that nature not giving them the white family values.

Sounds about right.

Have you ever watched Ralphie May?

He said, "If you see a white girl smoking Kools wait a minute...and you will see a half black baby walk around the corner". :1orglaugh

living in the virginal highland area.

Virginal? Where did you say you lived again? :bigear:

You show me a straight guy who doesn't want to bang Beyounce and I'll show you a liar.

I'll pass and I'm not lying. :hatsoff:


you want the truth?
you cant handle the truth!
(and i never even saw the movie).

personally i dont care who fucks who.
but some do.
some very powerful people who control many things in the usa and the world.
the media is one of those things, movies and tv.
oh how these things shape our society and influence us, especially the young'uns.

these powerful people don't believe in inter-mixing within their own, its forbidden.
but for blacks and whites its cool and theyve promoted the hell out of it for about 20 years
now, concentrating alot on mtv, getem while theyre young.
An entire generation, now its time to sit back and reap what theyve sown.
"yes keep fucking until everybodys the same color, a shade of brown, except for us".
$$$$$$$$$$$$$, power and control.

Best post I read in a long time. Personally dont care either but you hit the nail on the spot but also I would also point out the general tabooness and the myths associated with black men has alot to do with it.Its something new and the dissaproval is only gonna add to the excitement. But I think theres statistics somewhere on the net stating that now black women are getting into white guys another prime example of the pushing. Alas the NWO boys must be living in cloud cuckoo land cause even if humanity was to inter mix to the level that there wasnt really ethnics groups anymore we still find reasons to kill each other.
i dont think it is racist, here in europe it seems to be the case ? wtf if you have an openion just spit it else spill off mate
The 15% of white woman that do have interest in black men more then likely don’t have a sold family… there dad walked out on them things of that nature not giving them the white family values.

Some people are just so stuiped, it's not even funny.....but I'm laughing, tho. LOL:D
  • Is anyone on here saying that you can't date or marry ANYONE that you choose to (besides the ones who claim that a White girl married to a Black guy is from a fucked up home, that is ;))? Has anyone in this thread claimed that EVERYBODY should be in interracial relationships?

    [*]you dont have to imply anything.

    you dont have to say it, but if someone says i only want to be with a person of my ethnic backgroun (and theyre white) you will at the very least imply they are just racists. people can ascertain your view, its pretty obvious.

    I know Jews who only date and marry other Jews. Whites that only date other Whites, Asians who ony date other Asians (that one bothered me, cause she was REALLY cute! :tongue:), Blacks who only date other Blacks, so on and so forth. Who someone dates or marries is their business (or as Fallacy might say, "there busines"). It's people like you and Fallacy (rather appropriate name, I'd say) who have these "well thought out" social theories :)rolleyes:) about people who date outside their race that I find curious... and entertaining. People TEND to marry those most like themselves. That's true with regard to race... social status and education. So even though I haven't dated a lot of Black girls, I'd surely date a pretty, well educated Black girl from a good family before I'd date... well, let's say your White female equivalent. Know what I mean, Gene?

    [*]your smug, weak little posts do nothing, gay rey...i mean, rey c. if you dont live in the real world (and maybe you dont with your depraved thought process) than you know only whites are regarded as racists if they say "i only date..."

    I've probably forgotten more about how the world works than you'll ever know. You don't know enough to assure me of anything. So let's drop that fantasy right now, shall we?

    [*]your'e smug and weak, thats pretty clear. you cant even think for yourself as evident by the "party line" way of thinking you show post in, post out.

    Where a person lives doesn't make them a racist.

    [*]so white flight isnt "racist"? thats news to me. what about china town? the mexican neighborhoods that are exclusively latino? blacks? what about reservations that are "natives only"?

    [*]Their reason for living there MIGHT. But I'm not aware that my cousins or their husbands live where they live in order not to be around Blacks, poor Whites, Mexicans or anybody else. They're high earners and yeah, they live in "cushy" neighborhoods. Maybe you don't know this, but it's not typical for people who have combined incomes near 7 figures to live in anything other than upper class neighborhoods.

    [*]i get it, the system is "racist" therefore there are no upper-class ethnic neighborhoods. ah, i see. smug....little....devil, you.

    But I'm sure there are also interracial couples in Brooklyn, downtown L.A. and probably the 9th Ward of N.O. (though I don't know anything about the 9th Ward outside of what Katrina did to it).

    [*] your'e "sure" about this? just a guess on your part, huh, rich boy.

    [*]But yeah, "hypocracy" is a bitch. And hypocrisy is too. English major? :rofl:

    [*] typo. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    (wow, we have a spell check in the upper right of the computer and i've never used it because, you know why.....I dont give a hoot about how youre smug ass assesses the way i post here.)

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
    [*]Learn it. Love it. Embrace it! :wave2:

    [*] have you ever had your nose broken? ever been in a brawl and got your ass kicked or kicked someone elses ass? hehe, when you walk out of your gated community into the real world i wonder if you'll make it. i worry about people like you.

    i knew smug prissy ass little effeminite kids like you growing up and they were a complete joke, internet gangsters (in your case smart asses).​
Dude, I think you totally misread Rey's posts.

  • Dude, I think you totally misread Rey's posts.

  • no...no i didn't miss anything.
    maybe you missed mine.
    hes coming from the perspective that all people date outside their own; mine was that only whites seem to be the ones vilified if they oppose it.

    we have different points.

    further, just because he knows a few people who dates outside their group.....so. whats that supposed to prove?

    fact is the OP said what he observed and the fucking cooks on the left hesitated half a second before they shit their pants (probably simultaneously thinking -"oh my GOD!....how could they say that those evil racist ignorant rednecks) and jumped on him like stink on shit. fucking pussies.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
you dont have to imply anything.

you dont have to say it, but if someone says i only want to be with a person of my ethnic backgroun (and theyre white) you will at the very least imply they are just racists. people can ascertain your view, its pretty obvious.

Are you learning disabled or something? Seriously. Was what I said THAT difficult for you to understand? Don't try to reinterpret it... just read it as it is. It's not that hard... really.

your smug, weak little posts do nothing, gay rey...i mean, rey c. if you dont live in the real world (and maybe you dont with your depraved thought process) than you know only whites are regarded as racists if they say "i only date..."

Believe me, I have no doubt that my posts do nothing for you. And let's be honest, Sport... being called "gay rey" by a guy who is still trying to hack out basic English doesn't exactly ruin my evening. We used to have a neighbor who had this barking rat that passed for a dog. Other than being hella annoying, I can't say that I paid him much mind either. Ya know? ;)

Are there double standards in our society? Yes, there are. Among other things, some relate to race, gender and religion. I'd like to see double standards (in every area) go away as time goes on. One of the reasons that I do not support hate crimes and protected class legislation is because I feel that they tend to support double standards... and they give yahoos like you something ELSE to whine about.

your'e smug and weak, thats pretty clear. you cant even think for yourself as evident by the "party line" way of thinking you show post in, post out.

Yeah, I get it. You like the word smug. Your Word of the Day, huh? Why don't you belly up to the bar and use facts or data? Why don't you give me a lesson in logic and rational thought. Hell, it might be fun... for one of us anyway.

so white flight isnt "racist"? thats news to me. what about china town? the mexican neighborhoods that are exclusively latino? blacks? what about reservations that are "natives only"?

Where a person lives doesn't make them a racist. Their reason for living there MIGHT.

You honestly had trouble understanding that??? Like for realz?

Indian reservations? What exactly does that have to do with the price of eggs in Costa Rica?

i get it, the system is "racist" therefore there are no upper-class ethnic neighborhoods. ah, i see. smug....little....devil, you.

Again, WUT? There are neighborhoods composed of various ethnic groups throughout the U.S. Of course there are upper class neighborhoods that might have more of one ethnic group than another. And this means what exactly? If they were restricted to living in one place and were not allowed to live anywhere else (even if they had the money to buy a property), that would be one thing. But as far as I know, a Black, Mexican, Asian, Jew or anybody else can buy a house in Palos Verdes or Brentwood, if they have the money. So again, what the fuck are you jabbering about?

your'e "sure" about this? just a guess on your part, huh, rich boy.

Unless they all died last night, finding at least a few interracial couples in all of New Orleans, Brooklyn or L.A. shouldn't be overly hard... if you leave your parents' basement: Black/Hispanic, White/Asian, Black/White, etc.

(wow, we have a spell check in the upper right of the computer and i've never used it because, you know why.....I dont give a hoot about how youre smug ass assesses the way i post here.)

Good for you. Fight the power! Don't let The Man get you down!

have you ever had your nose broken? ever been in a brawl and got your ass kicked or kicked someone elses ass? hehe, when you walk out of your gated community into the real world i wonder if you'll make it. i worry about people like you.

i knew smug prissy ass little effeminite kids like you growing up and they were a complete joke, internet gangsters (in your case smart asses).

Can't say I've ever been called "effeminite" (or effeminate) before. Have I ever gotten my nose broken? Nope. Having a crooked nose or scars on your face isn't much to be proud of. It pretty much says that you're too dumb or SLOW to stick & move. So, you got your ass beaten quite a bit, I take it? Tough childhood? An uncle that you don't want to talk about? The older boys turn you out in juvie hall or something? That's too bad. Maybe that's the source of all this anger you seem to display. Maybe you should get some therapy to deal with the memories of all those ass beatings and backdoor bang sessions when the warden called "lights out - asses up". :helpme:

Sorry lad. I grew up on a farm in the south. Dad taught me how to "dance" (you know how to dance, doncha boy?), as well as how to hunt and shoot. But you can't make anything of yourself if all you can do is stomp around, beat your chest like a dumb ape (no offense) and grunt out words. My smartassity? Guilty as charged. You're fun to fuck with. What can I say? :tongue:

But outside of the inherent entertainment value that is you, I honestly have NO idea what you're on about, trying to convince me you're some sort of street wise tough guy. I'd say you're just a typical angry loser, who is mad at the world (some parts of it more than others? ;)) because you don't feel like you're getting your fair share of the pie. And here's a news flash, Sport, based on what I've read here and how poorly you handle yourself, you're probably not going to get it. Why not just accept that and try to be happy? :hatsoff:

Dude, I think you totally misread Rey's posts.

Eh, don't sweat it - he's in his zone, where he sees and hears what he wants to see and hear. I'd have had an easier time explaining Econometrics to a 4 year old.
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Another pretty simple equation IMO. If any group of anything is widely depicted virtually all the time in it's best possible light it will become most desirable.

There is a reason why Burger King, McDonald's, etc. posts beaming posters all over the outsides and insides of their restaurants....positive advertising works.
  • Are you learning disabled or something? Seriously. Was what I said THAT difficult for you to understand? Don't try to reinterpret it... just read it as it is. It's not that hard... really.

    Are there double standards in our society? Yes, there are. Among other things, some relate to race, gender and religion. I'd like to see double standards (in every area) go away as time goes on. One of the reasons that I do not support hate crimes and protected class legislation is because I feel that they tend to support double standards... and they give yahoos like you something ELSE to whine about.
  • no...i think it's you're the one who's learning disabled, or at the very least selective in what you want to learn (and believe) and what you don't want to learn (and believe). that's called ignorance, and it suits you very well. you can't pull the wool over my eyes about the accepted norms in society, as if there isn't a double standard today against certain people (and im not talking about the downtrodden minorities that you act like you weep for every night.)

  • Where a person lives doesn't make them a racist. Their reason for living there MIGHT.

    [*]You honestly had trouble understanding that??? Like for realz?

    Indian reservations? What exactly does that have to do with the price of eggs in Costa Rica

    [*]hey numbnuts, why dont you try using that peanut for a brain that you have and THINK for a change...THINK!
  • if a person says "i only want to live with people of my own ethnic background" that they will not be labeled racist? better yet, break it down by race: if a white person says that, what will be the response? an Asain person? Indian? Newsflash: that's against the law, of course, unless you're an Indian, or if you live in Chinatown.

  • Again, WUT? There are neighborhoods composed of various ethnic groups throughout the U.S. Of course there are upper class neighborhoods that might have more of one ethnic group than another. And this means what exactly? If they were restricted to living in one place and were not allowed to live anywhere else (even if they had the money to buy a property), that would be one thing. But as far as I know, a Black, Mexican, Asian, Jew or anybody else can buy a house in Palos Verdes or Brentwood, if they have the money. So again, what the fuck are you jabbering about?

    [*]Unless they all died last night, finding at least a few interracial couples in all of New Orleans, Brooklyn or L.A. shouldn't be overly hard... if you leave your parents' basement: Black/Hispanic, White/Asian, Black/White, etc.
  • over your head again, twerp. :rolleyes:

  • Can't say I've ever been called "effeminite" (or effeminate) before. Have I ever gotten my nose broken? Nope. Having a crooked nose or scars on your face isn't much to be proud of. It pretty much says that you're too dumb or SLOW to stick & move. So, you got your ass beaten quite a bit, I take it? Tough childhood? An uncle that you don't want to talk about? The older boys turn you out in juvie hall or something? That's too bad. Maybe that's the source of all this anger you seem to display. Maybe you should get some therapy to deal with the memories of all those ass beatings and backdoor bang sessions when the warden called "lights out - asses up". :helpme:

    [*]Sorry lad. I grew up on a farm in the south. Dad taught me how to "dance" (you know how to dance, doncha boy?), as well as how to hunt and shoot. But you can't make anything of yourself if all you can do is stomp around, beat your chest like a dumb ape (no offense) and grunt out words. My smartassity? Guilty as charged. You're fun to fuck with. What can I say? :
  • zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  • you bore me with your attempts at wittiness. we can all claim to be anything we want on the internet so you could be anyone, as could i. you don't need to say anything; the way you approach threads on here is enough to know your'e a sissy who would probably cry like a baby if someone broke in your house and raped your momma in front of you.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
no...i think

And that's exactly where you made your first mistake! Stop trying to do things that you're ill equipped to do.

if a person says "i only want to live with people of my own ethnic background" that they will not be labeled racist? better yet, break it down by race: if a white person says that, what will be the response? an Asain person? Indian? Newsflash: that's against the law, of course, unless you're an Indian, or if you live in Chinatown.

An "Asain" person, huh? Man, that's just sad. But anyway, no, that is not against the law - what did I tell you about trying to think?! It's against the law to offer for sale or rent a property and refuse to conduct a transaction with certain groups. But I can say that I only want to live in a majority White neighborhood all day long. That's not against the law, genius. A Realtor won't show me properties based on that criteria. But I'm free to use that as a search criteria if I want to.

over your head again, twerp. :rolleyes:

Riiiiight. :1orglaugh

you bore me with your attempts at wittiness.

Not hard to believe... Dictionaries and books in general probably bore you too, don't they?

we can all claim to be anything we want on the internet so you could be anyone, as could i.

True. You could claim not to be a poorly educated loser with a severe race complex. I wouldn't buy it, but you could still claim that. But it's all good, baby. As long as the government keeps taxing the shit out of me, you'll always have a hot meal and a Section 8 trailer to live in. Say "Thank you, Mistuh Rey." :bowdown:

you don't need to say anything; the way you approach threads on here is enough to know your'e a sissy who would probably cry like a baby if someone broke in your house and raped your momma in front of you.

Ya know, rather than "your'e", why not just stick with "your"? I mean, at least that's an actual word. As for this mother raping kick you're on, is that what led you down this dark path? Go on... tell Dr. Rey what ails you, son. I care a lot. Really, I do. :sleep:

Dude, let's just be honest: you're fucked up. That's not a personal swipe, it's just the truth (as you've given so much objective evidence here). And you're angry at me because I've pointed out that you're fucked up. And that's OK - I understand. I guess you're mad at Blacks, Mexicans, Jews and whomever else, because the ones who have more than you do (and especially the ones dating White women! :eek:), reminds you that you're fucked up, and you can't get what they have. So you angrily tell yourself that you don't care because you don't want it anyway... ya know, like you don't care that you can't spell, speak standard English, form complete sentences or comprehend very simple concepts. Relatively normal people just tend not to get wound up over this silly shit the way that you losers do... so you always give yourselves away. There's just bigger fish to fry for people who have something going on, ya know?

If you actually had some sense, sparring with you would be somewhat interesting. But this is more like making fun of a kid who fell off the short bus. So keep telling yourself how gay I am, how you want to rape someone's mother and someday you'll be a big, successful man (who can speel werds). Like I said before, why not just accept the truth and try to be happy? Take a class. Find a girlfriend (that doesn't require being blown up). Try to improve the sorry state in which you find yourself. But getting mad at me? Well, dude, you'll still be fucked up. And it's not my fault that you're the way you are. Blame your parents or maybe some higher power. But only you can fix you. :dunno:

And good luck to you. :thumbsup:

(poor dumb bastard will probably be back in jail within six months)
It was a different quote when I asked...something about how it's a fact that black men have bigger dicks.

I'm guessing the Freeone mods change the titles (or whatever they're called) as the see fit or funny...or maybe they're just random? Mine seems to change every time I look.
It was a different quote when I asked...something about how it's a fact that black men have bigger dicks.

I'm guessing the Freeone mods change the titles (or whatever they're called) as the see fit or funny...or maybe they're just random? Mine seems to change every time I look.

Ha! Missed that. How ironic. :D

I think statuses change at random every time you post. I quit even looking to see what they are since they're nonsense. Good catch, though.
Ha! Missed that. How ironic. :D

I think statuses change at random every time you post. I quit even looking to see what they are since they're nonsense. Good catch, though.

Ah. Thanks! I only responded because it didn't seem to fit your comments about generalization in regards to race. I've posted on a few boards before, but those AV comments were always somewhat static and post count based.

I know it's ultimately a porn board, but it's still a fun forum. Sucks to think that tomorrow I may be, summed up as "Likes to fuck goats when nobody's looking" or whatever random thing.
  • [*]
    [*]An "Asain" person, huh? Man, that's just sad.
  • typo, genius (aka, Internet policeman, aka, Rey, the I know it all friggin' prick.

  • Riiiiight. :1orglaugh

  • such an astute, well thought out answer, genius. is that all you can come up with...."riiiiiiight"? :rofl: try thinking, you airhead.

  • True. You could claim not to be a poorly educated loser with a severe race complex. I wouldn't buy it, but you could still claim that. But it's all good, baby. As long as the government keeps taxing the shit out of me, you'll always have a hot meal and a Section 8 trailer to live in. Say "Thank you, Mistuh Rey."
  • no, rey, I am not on welfare, nor do I live in a basement, and that is all very true (not that I would give two shits whether you believe it or not). and women? well, let's just say the females that gravitate towards me are not exactly ugly (but that's all just a claim, riiiiight?).

  • Ya know, rather than "your'e", why not just stick with "your"? I mean, at least that's an actual word. As for this mother raping kick you're on, is that what led you down this dark path? Go on... tell Dr. Rey what ails you, son. I care a lot. Really, I do.
  • has it ever occured to you i might be trying to throw you off with poor grammar (for certain reasons)? think about it...(or maybe that's over your head too). :)
  • Dude, let's just be honest: you're fucked up. That's not a personal swipe, it's just the truth (as you've given so much objective evidence here). And you're angry at me because I've pointed out that you're fucked up. And that's OK - I understand. I guess you're mad at Blacks, Mexicans, Jews and whomever else, because the ones who have more than you do (and especially the ones dating White women! :eek:), reminds you that you're fucked up, and you can't get what they have. So you angrily tell yourself that you don't care because you don't want it anyway... ya know, like you don't care that you can't spell, speak standard English, form complete sentences or comprehend very simple concepts. Relatively normal people just tend not to get wound up over this silly shit the way that you losers do... so you always give yourselves away. There's just bigger fish to fry for people who have something going on, ya know?
  • rey, spare me. you are the one who is fucked up, i mean, you can't even handle the fact that there are actually people in the world who don't buy in to your warped, deluded world view. it gets you sooooooooo upset. Poor rey. :rofl:
  • getting mad at me? Well, dude, you'll still be fucked up. And it's not my fault that you're the way you are. Blame your parents or maybe some higher power. But only you can fix you. :dunno:

    [*]And good luck to you. :thumbsup:
  • rey, is that your form of reading and comprehesion?,....because it's pretty pathetic if it is. you actually think I am mad at you? lol, you are a pathetic tool, dude. I'm not going to let your snide remarks have the last say here, mr.
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