Bishop E.W. Jackson

Hell yeah, he's right. And about nine months or so ago, I was saying pretty much the same thing this fella is saying. And, I got crucified in here for saying it. I even posted the website back when I made the topic. --->

By the way, good post Meester.
lol @ Bishop E.W. Jackson, meester and fisher.

So what you're basically saying is that you have nothing to refute any of the claims made in the video, then?
So what you're basically saying is that you have nothing to refute any of the claims made in the video, then?
I'll refute it. He is a moron for being a Christian. Shed your slave masters name and religion brother.
I'll refute it. He is a moron for being a Christian. Shed your slave masters name and religion brother.

As much as the left loves to believe, and try to convince others that the United States is not a Christian country, it simply isn't true. 78% of all Americans identify with some form of Christian religion. Of the whole, 15% of all Americans cite having no religious identity, which translates into the very real fact that, of Americans with religion, 78% of the entire country, that 95% of those individuals are Christian.

I know its hip lately to trash and altogether dismiss God (See: The 2012 DNC), but in the United States, there are more than 240,000,000 people that identify with Christianity, so it seems like the message in this video may have a broader audience than you're willing to admit, seeing as though there are nearly a half a billion "morons" that still so "stupidly" believe in God.


Hiliary 2020
i meant more on the first part about the party than the religious part.
should have said that.
religion is not a topic i want to discuss
As much as the left loves to believe, and try to convince others that the United States is not a Christian country, it simply isn't true. 78% of all Americans identify with some form of Christian religion. Of the whole, 15% of all Americans cite having no religious identity, which translates into the very real fact that, of Americans with religion, 78% of the entire country, that 95% of those individuals are Christian.

I know its hip lately to trash and altogether dismiss God (See: The 2012 DNC), but in the United States, there are more than 240,000,000 people that identify with Christianity, so it seems like the message in this video may have a broader audience than you're willing to admit, seeing as though there are nearly a half a billion "morons" that still so "stupidly" believe in God.

I always thought first real step for blacks to gain equality was to reclaim some of there own identity and shed the one thrust upon them. If I was black I would have done what Malcom X and Muhammad Ali and other blacks did. Change my name and reject the foreign religion I was indoctrinated into. They created their own new religion and that is a step in the right direction for them IMO.

i meant more on the first part about the party than the religious part.
should have said that.
religion is not a topic i want to discuss

But his whole thing is based on religion. All he talks about are Dems are violating his christian principles. He is just a black evangelical.
Well, blacks are not stupid. Most stay with the Democratic party because everyone knows most antiblack racist join the modern day Republication party. Hey, lets install voter ID laws to solve a nonexistent problem. It's not racist. Is this the issue you want discussed MR P?
When you let your religious believes interfere with your political values, you couldn't be more wrong.

The Democrat party is not anti-God, but pro-secularism.

And you will stand before God to give an account for choices and motives
This kind of sayings have a name : blackmail. And it's a crime.


Hiliary 2020
Well, blacks are not stupid. Most stay with the Democratic party because everyone knows most antiblack racist join the modern day Republication party. Hey, lets install voter ID laws to solve a nonexistent problem. It's not racist. Is this the issue you want discussed MR P?

What issue? that the republican party is racist or that most black are democrats because most white racists are repubs?

oh, and good to see you ymi.

Will E Worm


JACKSON: Blacks are abandoning the Democratic Party

For more than 50 years, the black community has been the wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party. That may be changing. In spite of the overwhelmingly liberal voting patterns of black voters, they are an essentially conservative community. Americans of African descent are more pro-life and pro-family than the average white voter and as conservative on social issues as any white evangelical.

Democrats have managed to monopolize the black vote in spite of the vast chasm between the two on social issues. This philosophical difference has become more pronounced in the past 20 years, as liberals have embraced far-left progressivism. Their view of “social justice” embraces the killing of an unborn child right up to the moment before birth. Indeed, President Obama, the iconic representative of the far left, believes that even a child born alive should be left to die without medical treatment if the mother intended an abortion. He championed this Mengelean position as a state senator in Illinois.

I was raised to be an FDR Democrat because my father was a young man during the Depression and credited President Roosevelt with saving him from starvation. “The Republicans only care about rich people,” I was told. This was more than 40 years ago. In spite of my childhood indoctrination, as a young man newly committed to my Christian faith, I had a crisis of conscience in the late 1970s. Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank was pushing the homosexual agenda. How could I, as a Christian, be committed to a party led by Mr. Frank? In the end, I could not. My desire to be in a right relationship with God and my faith was greater than my desire to be approved by my father, my family or the black community. My wife and I, then Massachusetts residents, left the Democratic Party in 1980 and never looked back.

Democrats now have fully embraced an abortion policy that amounts to infanticide. They have also made the lesbian-homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda their vision for America. How have they managed to hold on to black Christians in spite of an agenda worthy of the Antichrist? They have shown a ruthless willingness to frighten black voters with outright lies about the plans of conservatives and Republicans. Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s “they gonna put y’all back in chains” was not a gaffe. It is part of the Democrats’ strategy of using fear to keep blacks as a captive audience. I always have believed that such lies could not distract black voters forever or keep them from noticing the increasingly anti-Christian radicalism of the Democratic Party.

All over the country, black churchgoers are now expressing disenchantment with the Democrats making “same-sex marriage” an official part of their platform. This may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. There are older black Christians who will vote Democratic no matter what, driven by emotional memory rather than spiritual commitment. Younger, committed Christians more readily see the contradiction and the irony. They are being asked to put aside their biblical and moral vision of the world and submit to the leadership of the Democratic Party because that leadership promises to do something for them. The Democrats’ policies since the 1960s have decimated the black family, perpetuated poverty and created failing schools that operate to benefit unions rather than children. In league with the National Education Association, they oppose every effort to give choice to parents to allow their children to escape failing schools.

Now black churchgoers are being told to suppress Christian conscience and remain beholden to a party that demands their loyalty while insulting their faith and blaspheming their God. For the first time in 50 years, there is a discussion going on in the black community as to whether their loyalty to the Democratic Party is deserved. Many black pastors are telling their members to stay home, rather than vote for a black president who has done more to advance the cause of homosexuality and abortion than that of black Americans.

We are hearing the rumblings of a fissure between black Christians and the Democratic Party. My organization, Staying True to America’s National Destiny (Stand), is calling for a mass exodus of Christians from the Democratic Party. We held a news conference at the National Press Club on Sept. 10 and produced several videos. This not only has prompted discussion, but perhaps has launched a movement. Mr. Obama’s commitment to the radical left’s anti-Christian, anti-God politics may cost him the election, because a constituency he has taken for granted has awakened to the truth that being the first black president is not enough.


Of course he's correct. The Democratic Party is not the party for Christians, but neither is the Republican party.

We need to create a third party. A party that cares about the Constitution, the American people, and morality.
Will, your are so ridiculous. You would endorse every opinion, agree with every person, as long as it is anti-Obama/Anti-Democrat.
If Kim Dong-Ill, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Hugo Chávez would say they want Romney to be elected, you would agree with them, congratulate them and tell us how great they are.

Will E Worm

Will, your are so ridiculous. You would endorse every opinion, agree with every person, as long as it is anti-Obama/Anti-Democrat.
If Kim Dong-Ill, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Hugo Chávez would say they want Romney to be elected, you would agree with them, congratulate them and tell us how great they are.

Come on now. :facepalm:


Works for panties
Well, blacks are not stupid. Most stay with the Democratic party because everyone knows most antiblack racist join the modern day Republication party. Hey, lets install voter ID laws to solve a nonexistent problem. It's not racist. Is this the issue you want discussed MR P?

They're not stupid, they're miseducated by schools run by Democrats whose purpose (along with the media) is to keep them uninformed and enslaved as a voting base to keep Democrats in power. If they knew the truth, they would not be Democrats. Democrats are the ones who voted against ending segregation (and slavery before it), and Democrat Governors refused to abide by new laws. Bill Clinton's mentor was a well-known segregationist (who was it, Bull Connor?), and Hillary got an award named after Margret Sanger. Margret Sanger wanted to exterminate the blacks in America through abortion and forced sterilization (things she learned from the Nazis), and started Planed Parenthood to do it. Robert Byrd was in the KKK. Obama is racist towards whites, as he has (in his own words) "a typical white" grandmother who apparently in his view sees a black person an assumes bad things. If you want, we can go back further into the anti-black history of the Democrat Party, and see that Woodrow Wilson screened a KKK propaganda movie in the White House and resegregated the Army. Yes, he resegregated the Army, as in was all races together before he got in. And if you don't believe me (and I don't expect you to), just go look it up.

As for the voter ID laws, I suppose all the dead people and cartoon characters voting in Chicago is normal and not a problem, or places where more people vote than actually live. I suppose it also means its racist to want ID to buy alcohol or cigarets, or that most black people (by like 70-80%) think that having to show an ID to vote is a good idea. And I don't know if you're aware, but in order to see Obama, you must show a photo ID. If you need a photo ID to see the President, you need one to vote.