

what the fuck you lookin at?
Yea, I liked the demo too! Dunno if I'll buy it or not, but defiantly worth a couple rentals! For once the demo has me curious to see where the story leads. No to mention I want to unlock the rest of the bio powers, or whatever they're called!
I played the demo ... didn't like it. The graphics are great and everything, it just the first time your character uses the Plasmids I didn't get it.

You survive a plane crash, you survive drowning, you end up in an underwater city, obviously a dangerous place and then you inject yourself with an ominous red gunk, gain electo-powers just to open a door.

In the demo I played no-one tells you to inject the plasmid, you just do. I hate that in gaming, doing things just to move the game along.

But I heard a rumour that when you complete the game (8 hours if rushed) you get 800 points, now I'm tempted to rent the game, rush it and collect those points.

BioShock, not my cup to tea, I'm afraid. I'm waiting for the new Rainbow Six game
BioShock, not my cup to tea, I'm afraid. I'm waiting for the new Rainbow Six game

When I started the demo I felt the same way, but it's kind of grown on me. I'll probably end up getting it, if I don't like it I'll trade it back in.

BTW did they announce a new R6? :eek:
Bioshock is alright judging from the demo but i don't want to spend $60 on a game with just a 25 hour campaign and no multiplayer. I will wait for a price drop.
BTW did they announce a new R6? :eek:

Rainbow Six: Vegas ended with "to be continued" and it came out roughly 9 months ago, so we should have R6: V2 soon, remembering that GRAW 2 came out 12 -14 months after the first one and I wanna know what happens next to Logan Keller and the rest:)

There was something called, Rainbow Six: Bishop, coming to 360 but it was cancelled:confused: anyway I might re-buy R6: V as a 360 Classic.
Rainbow Six: Vegas ended with "to be continued" and it came out roughly 9 months ago, so we should have R6: V2 soon, remembering that GRAW 2 came out 12 -14 months after the first one and I wanna know what happens next to Logan Keller and the rest:)

There was something called, Rainbow Six: Bishop, coming to 360 but it was cancelled:confused: anyway I might re-buy R6: V as a 360 Classic.

I do remember the cancelation of bishop, but I hadn't heard anything on the R6 front since then. Hope we have another one soon for sure!
I played the demo all the way through and I can honestly say that I dont like it. It doesnt do it for me for some reason. Ill wait for Two Worlds.
I got the game today and so far I am very impressed . The powers and genetic upgrades are cool and the enemy AI is very good . The best example for the AI is when you attack an enemy with fire and he tries to find water to extenguish the flames on him/herself . Also enemies in the game try to heal themselves at a healing machine when they are wounded and you can hack those machines to make them hurt enemies instead . So from what I have seen so far , Bioshock is a great game . :thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm sure I'd like it more if I had an HD tv...oh well, tax time is coming up! Fuck I can't wait!
Going to dl the demo and play it before giving a review here. I'm getting it for pc if anything. Their developers really try to sell the game hard on gametrailers and it has impressed me, but we'll see when I actually play it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've heard the pc version looks even better. I dunno, I'm hooked on the online gaming thing now. No multiplayer means most likely a no buy for me.
GTAIV however I'll be getting that for the single player mode and could care less about the online stuff, that's really my only exception right now.
I don't remember where I found it, but I saw a story today of a guy running Bioshock on his PC and his power supply surged and completely charred his motherboard. Felt bad for the guy, but that speaks volumes about what this game contains.
I don't remember where I found it, but I saw a story today of a guy running Bioshock on his PC and his power supply surged and completely charred his motherboard. Felt bad for the guy, but that speaks volumes about what this game contains.

That's why when a game comes out for XBOX 360 and PC I always get it for my 360 . At least that way I'm pretty sure I won't have any problems and I don't have to install it .