Global warmin? Satan is trying to trick us yet again!

Boo! Science bad! Librals tryin to take away our freedoms again.

Let me ask you this, if we weren't supposed to burn oil, why would God have put it there? Can't come up with an answer to that one mister science jerk, can you?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It's all well and good saying that Chef, but you are going to have to back up your assertions here. It's just not good enough to say something is there - especially within the realm of science - and not back it up with evidence.

I see it all the time, I've read what Plimer and Monckton have to say and it's been thoroughly demolished.

Like I said, all we are hearing from sceptics is selective/junk science, misquotes, misrepresentations.

Support for Global Warming is selective science as well. For the most part, Global Warming has been blamed on the amount of CO2 emissions that have been supplied to the atmosphere, mainly by humans. But, the direct causes of that CO2 is being completely misrepresented, because supporters for Global Warming are using the same exact selective science that you are claiming the deniers to be using.

Supporters usually blame CO2 emissions on things like cars, factories and the burning of oil based products. I've said this in about a hundred different Global Warming threads on this forum, but why don't the supporters list other, realistic contributors to the rise in CO2 emissions? And, just so I don't have to sit here and type it all out again, I'm just going to quote myself from the Little Time To Curb Global Warming Thread...

Perhaps I should've worded my statement(s) a little differently...

Yes, human beings are contributing to Climate Change and Global Warming, but not how it is being portrayed. The problem doesn't lie within our release of pollutants, chemicals and other products that have been deemed to be "harmful to the environment"; the problem lies with our body heat, which hardly any scientist addresses in their argument for Global Warming (which I will get to later).

Here is a table that shows the average temperature, by year, since 1880, which is when records of temperature began being recorded.

(scroll down a tiny, tiny bit)

Since 1900, the average temperature has risen .82 Celsius.

I don't like using Wikipedia as a resource, but comparing it's recent data with...

...shows that it has very similar information as far as the world's population is concerned.

The estimated world population in 1900 was about 1,650,000,000
The estimated world population in 2005 was about 6,500,000,000

In a matter of those 105 years, the population has multiplied nearly 4 times over. That means that human beings are giving off 4 times the amount of body heat. I've been searching for a link that would provide everybody with a scientific fact as to the exact influence that body temperature has on the surrounding air temperature, but I can't find any.

The only thing I can say is this...

If you are standing in an empty room and you are the only one in it, the temperature won't be nearly as warm as it would be if there were 10 other people in that room with you. Why? Because our bodies emit a great deal of heat. And, to have added nearly 5 billion people to our earth within the past 105 years, has to have had an impact on the temperature.

My problem with the Global Warming issue is that it is mostly used as a scare tactic. Yes, there are scientists who support the theory of Global Warming, but there are just as many scientists who don't support the theory of Global Warming.

Another thing I don't like about it is the lack of depth in the research that is done. Most of the argument involved with Global Warming centers around pollution and cardon dioxide emissions. Most of the studies I've seen and/or read about have had one, closed-minded point of view...

Humans are polluting the earth. Humans are destroying the earth.

Scientists who claim this seem to be so sure that it's our pollution that is warming the earth, but they completely ignore simple facts like the body heat issue I addressed. Where are the studies on that? Also, where is the study on how on electric currents and radio waves effect the earth's temperature?


Seriously, think about it...we have more electricity being used than ever before, we have more electronic devices that use microwaves and radiowaves then ever before and we have more heat producing inventions then ever before (stoves, lamps, space heaters, toasters, radiators in our cars, etc). Yet...we're not researching their influence?

Why are most people so quick to ignore the obvious things that raise temperature, but are so quick to blame everything else?

Let's tweak that comment to be a little more accurate...

The number of scientists who are publicly addressing and making it their life work to fight Global Warming outnumber the scientists who publicly don't support the theory of Global Warming.

There's no money to be made from siding with the scientists who don't believe in Global Warming. This is a serious question and it's not to direct the conversation to another avenue, but...

Do you honestly think that money has nothing to do with this?

I do believe in science and most of the science that I've seen shows that Global Warming is an unproven theory. Science has shown that the Big Bang Theory is a possibility too, but nobody is taking it as a fact and trying to prove that God doesn't exist just because of it.

:2 cents:

The science that I've seen that does support Global Warming, however, is nothing but one tiny thing that is repeated over and over and over again, just with different words, in order to make it look like a bunch of evidence that Global Warming exists. Have you seen that documentary "An Inconvenient Truth?" That movie is a great example of that. It takes one little aspect of human life that contributes to the Global Warming theory and exploits it by turning it into an hour and a half of crap. CO2 levels have risen...other than that, what other hardcore evidence do scientists have that human pollution is causing Global Warming?

I highlighted "pollution" because that is another one of my peeves with the people who push Global Warming as some sort of fact. They, once again, ignore common sense and put most of, if not all of the blame on human pollution when it comes to rising temperatures around the earth. As I stated before in a previous post, there are a bunch of other things that are contributing to that, but since it's a trendy thing to do, scientists and politicians are painting the picture as if humans and our "pollution" causing lifestyle is the sole reason that temperatures are rising.

I just don't buy into the hype. That's all it is anyway; hype. Remember when scientists and nutritionists claimed that eggs were bad for you? That's because it was the trendy thing to do. Then, a few years later, scientists and nutritionists claimed that eggs were good for you. That's because society changed and so did the trends, so they changed their point of view to go along with it.

That's how I look at the whole Global Warming trend. Give it a few years and scientists will start saying that Global Warming doesn't exist.

:2 cents:

If a psychologist did a bunch of research on mental disorders and proved that most of, if not all medically diagnosed mental disorders were nothing more than a bunch of :bs:...that psychologist would never be able to find work again in that field again. Why? Because they would've outted every other psychologist in the world and proven all of their so-called research and diagnoses to be falsified and they, themselves, to be a complete scam.

Yes, a climatologist's job is to study weather, but in order to keep their job, they must do what they're told by their higher powers. AKA - whoever writes their paychecks (big corporations, NASA, politicians, etc).
Oh and ''global warming'' isn't a faith :1orglaugh
Listen, global warming is all about undermining the capitalist system, the very system that has produced prosperity and wealth for all who have fled oppression worldwide.
Global warming is also all about destroying the middle class in this nation via the imposition of nonsensical environmental laws and on and on and on


THe difference between faith and the science of climate change is that one is a belief in an imaginary friend and the other is a scientific theory based on data and research.

The belief that climate change is undermining the capitalist system is a conspiracy theory that ignores the fact that NeoCons themselves are responsible for the economic havoc they have been wreaking on this country and against the middle class for the past 30 years.
@ Chef

Another thing I don't like about it is the lack of depth in the research that is done. Most of the argument involved with Global Warming centers around pollution and cardon dioxide emissions. Most of the studies I've seen and/or read about have had one, closed-minded point of view...

Humans are polluting the earth. Humans are destroying the earth.

That's not how scientific research in this area is carried out at all. In the case of temperature the main areas of research are performed on the main indicators of temperature variance throughout the ages. Tree rings, ice cores, historical records etc are all areas of study in which data has been produced. It is only then when the data can be reviewed are assumptions based upon it made.

Take the so called 'hockey stick' graph for example:

A graph that depicts the data extracted from several different sources and teams (second graph) around the world that all indicate a level of planetary warming. There's an obvious correlation there.

Now do you really think everyone involved (several different teams of climatologists from around the world) in this research decided beforehand that no matter what that graph was going to show that the planet was getting warmer and this was in fact due to man? If you do, you fundamentally lack knowledge about how scientific research is conducted. Yes some of them may have had assumptions or opinions on the matter, but it is the data that speaks for itself, not the scientists involved. In this case the data clearly shows that there has been a massive spike since the time of the industrial revolution.

Scientists who claim this seem to be so sure that it's our pollution that is warming the earth, but they completely ignore simple facts like the body heat issue I addressed. Where are the studies on that? Also, where is the study on how on electric currents and radio waves effect the earth's temperature?

Simple fact is, the rise in population in general is a huge issue when it comes to a change in climate. Your body temperature theory while plausible would in my opinion only be a minuscule part of a wider issue - hence the lack of research into it (these people know their stuff and what they choose to look into and research are done for a reason). The level of energy and resources to keep these people far outweighs any damage their collective body heats do.

Seriously, think about it...we have more electricity being used than ever before, we have more electronic devices that use microwaves and radiowaves then ever before and we have more heat producing inventions then ever before (stoves, lamps, space heaters, toasters, radiators in our cars, etc). Yet...we're not researching their influence?

Why are most people so quick to ignore the obvious things that raise temperature, but are so quick to blame everything else?

You seem to have answered your own question here. We have more appliances, which means we need more electricity, more fuel needs to be burnt in order to keep these appliances running, more pollutants being pumped out into the atmosphere......

There's no money to be made from siding with the scientists who don't believe in Global Warming. This is a serious question and it's not to direct the conversation to another avenue, but...

Do you honestly think that money has nothing to do with this?

Really? There's no money in being on the "other side" of this issue? Seems strange that the large energy producers would be putting so much into lobbying this issue then isn't it.....

The science that I've seen that does support Global Warming, however, is nothing but one tiny thing that is repeated over and over and over again, just with different words, in order to make it look like a bunch of evidence that Global Warming exists. Have you seen that documentary "An Inconvenient Truth?" That movie is a great example of that. It takes one little aspect of human life that contributes to the Global Warming theory and exploits it by turning it into an hour and a half of crap. CO2 levels have risen...other than that, what other hardcore evidence do scientists have that human pollution is causing Global Warming?

It's simple? A rise in CO2 (which has been named as the main cause of climate change which is why it gets the majority of attention - along with other minor causes, such as water vapour and methane etc), rise in temperature, shift the climate. This is what high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere do. 11 out of the past 12 years have been the warmest on record. Sea levels rising, etc, etc.

I dunno Chef, you seem to have you mind already made up for you.

If a psychologist did a bunch of research on mental disorders and proved that most of, if not all medically diagnosed mental disorders were nothing more than a bunch of ...that psychologist would never be able to find work again in that field again. Why? Because they would've outted every other psychologist in the world and proven all of their so-called research and diagnoses to be falsified and they, themselves, to be a complete scam.

Was this psychologists research published in a peer reviewed journal?

If not he can makes as many crack pot claims as he likes, it doesn't mean they mean anything in the overall general psychological community.

[Not really in the typing mood this evening so if some of this doesn't make sense or lacks depth, apologies.]

Will E Worm

THe difference between faith and the science of climate change is that one is a belief in an imaginary friend and the other is a scientific theory based on data and research.

Not always. :tongue: Global warming is one of those.

Accepted "science" is faith in a theory, that's more than likely a lie. :D

Let me ask you this, if we weren't supposed to burn oil, why would God have put it there? Can't come up with an answer to that one mister science jerk, can you?

If (this is a big if) god put oil there then there is an ecological reason for its existence. God did not put capitalism in the environment for us to simply discover. Capitalism discovered the use value of oil and capitalism also discovered the "dark side" to the use value of oil (it ruins our air and makes our planet warmer).

Shouldn't capitalism, if it's such a great economic model, be the leader in the solution of finding something which carries the same use value of oil but without the dark side of ruining our planet? Shouldn't capitalists be the champions in being Ecologically sound because if capitalists continue to ruin the planet there won't be any more consumers.

Capitalists can't think beyond the dollar put in front of them.
Shouldn't capitalism, if it's such a great economic model, be the leader in the solution of finding something which carries the same use value of oil but without the dark side of ruining our planet? Shouldn't capitalists be the champions in being Ecologically sound because if capitalists continue to ruin the planet there won't be any more consumers.

In a word, no.
Why are American climate change deniers always convinced that attempts to bring about sensible global climate policy initiatives are part of some conspiracy to alter the political landscape of the US? The green party of Denmark or Japan or South Africa really couldn't give a fuck if the pollution produced by the US was manufactured under a socialist or capitalist government.

The falures of Copenhagen were certainly triumphs for capitalism. Sadly for the West and the US in particular they were triumphs for the nations that have largely destroyed American manufacturing capability. Enabling them to continue unchecked the practices that help keep their prices down.

The facts are that overwhelmingly there is a human impact on weather patterns on this planet. Increasingly this damage is going to be made by nations other than the US, it's effects though are far reaching and difficult to gauge. To make the necessary alliances to combat these effects we will need a unifying principle, namely science. The idea that the Japanese or German academies which are of one mind regarding this issue are part of a one world global cabal is simply silly. As is the idea that the faculty at MIT, Cal Tech, and Stanford are also so inclined. (Three schools that arguably made more millionaires and biillionaires during the tech boom than anywhere else. And produce waves of scientists annually who work for big Pharma, big agriculture etc) There is not a credible school producing detailed peer reviewed literature supporting the deniers that has convinced one governmet that has meaningful free elections.

In short there is a mountain of evidence on the one side and some well organized lobbyists on the other wedging a crowbar into any of the cracks of doubt that are inevitable in a field of inquiry this vast.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
That's not how scientific research in this area is carried out at all. In the case of temperature the main areas of research are performed on the main indicators of temperature variance throughout the ages. Tree rings, ice cores, historical records etc are all areas of study in which data has been produced. It is only then when the data can be reviewed are assumptions based upon it made.

Take the so called 'hockey stick' graph for example:

A graph that depicts the data extracted from several different sources and teams (second graph) around the world that all indicate a level of planetary warming. There's an obvious correlation there.

Now do you really think everyone involved (several different teams of climatologists from around the world) in this research decided beforehand that no matter what that graph was going to show that the planet was getting warmer and this was in fact due to man? If you do, you fundamentally lack knowledge about how scientific research is conducted. Yes some of them may have had assumptions or opinions on the matter, but it is the data that speaks for itself, not the scientists involved. In this case the data clearly shows that there has been a massive spike since the time of the industrial revolution.

I know that you are using that graph as nothing more than an example, but, as I said before, that's just one tiny piece in a gigantic puzzle. If you look at that graph and that graph alone, one would be alarmed at how much the temperature had risen. And, to note only that the graphs peak increases around the time of the industrial revolution, then you are going to think that two instances (the rise in temperature and the industrial revolution) are undoubtedly linked together, which would cause one to come the conclusion that human pollution is the only reason why the temperature has risen.

To make such a huge statement by only looking at such a small piece of the puzzle isn't's assumption.

FYI - I will never ever deny that the temperature of the earth has risen over time. It would be ignorant to claim that the temperature and the climates that cover our earth have always remained the same; neither of them have, but humans have been around for much longer than the graph indicates. Where's the rest of the data? If our science can use carbon dating to measure temperature from 1,000 years ago, then why don't our scientists go back even farther and map out the history of our earths temperature since even before humans habiated this planet?


Simple fact is, the rise in population in general is a huge issue when it comes to a change in climate. Your body temperature theory while plausible would in my opinion only be a minuscule part of a wider issue - hence the lack of research into it (these people know their stuff and what they choose to look into and research are done for a reason). The level of energy and resources to keep these people far outweighs any damage their collective body heats do.

I completely agree with you; the body heat issue is nothing more than a minuscule part of a wider issue. But, the supporters of Global Warming focus their attention on CO2 emissions, which is also nothing more than a minuscule part of a wider issue.

Personally, I would like to see all of these scientists look at every single aspect that could even be considered a factor towards the theory of Global Warming, no matter how minuscule it may seem, and then put all of the pieces together instead of looking at one, single factor and acting as if they know, for a fact, that that one, single factor is the sole cause for the rise of the earths temperature.

You seem to have answered your own question here. We have more appliances, which means we need more electricity, more fuel needs to be burnt in order to keep these appliances running, more pollutants being pumped out into the atmosphere......

But where is the research on the effect of electric currents on the earths temperature? Why does it always go back to CO2 emissions? Are we so certain that electric current doesn't raise temperatures? Because, there are plenty of products that we use today that use electric current to increase the temperature of the air around it.

Really? There's no money in being on the "other side" of this issue? Seems strange that the large energy producers would be putting so much into lobbying this issue then isn't it.....

I never said that there isn't money being made on the "other side" of it. But, even the same energy producers (even including automobile companies) are also making money from the PRO Global Warming crowd, as most of them are developing products and technology that can take advantage of the whole Global Warming trend. Just look at how many car companies have plastered the market with eco-friendly cars now-a-days. It wasn't that long ago when these same car companies refused to put electric cars and hybrids out on the road, because it would've hurt their profits. But, since it's now a trendy thing (and trends make money), electric cars and hybrids are being pumped out like crazy.

So, is being made on both sides, but most of it is coming from the PRO Global Warming crowd.

It's simple? A rise in CO2 (which has been named as the main cause of climate change which is why it gets the majority of attention - along with other minor causes, such as water vapour and methane etc), rise in temperature, shift the climate. This is what high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere do. 11 out of the past 12 years have been the warmest on record. Sea levels rising, etc, etc.

If it's called Global Warming, then you would expect that to mean that the entire globe is getting warmer, would you not? If that's the case, then why did the DC area and a large portion of the NE United States just get hit with one of the worst winter storms in history? Was that Global Warming that brought all of that snow?

It's just funny to me that the supporters of Global Warming refuse to look at examples of weather that go against their belief and/or even acknowledge it. And, in instances where they do acknowledge those moments, they still blame it on Global Warming.

When the temperature is hotter than normal? Global Warming.
When the temperature is colder than normal? Global Warming.

So, what if the temperature hits the average right on the head? Is it still Global Warming, even though it's completely normal? Or, is that the only instance in which Global Warming doesn't exist.


I dunno Chef, you seem to have you mind already made up for you.

It seems you have your mind made up too, sooooo...where do we go from here? Is there where we unzip our pants and touch penises? Or, do we be boring and just agree to disagree? Me? I'd much rather touch peni...I mean agree to know what? Let's just touch penises.



Global warmin? Satan is trying to trick us yet again!

Boo! Science bad! Librals tryin to take away our freedoms again.

Let me ask you this, if we weren't supposed to burn oil, why would God have put it there? Can't come up with an answer to that one mister science jerk, can you?

Ha ha ha heh ha heh ha <sides sore>

God didnt put shit there....Years and years of human bodies, and animals put oil there hence the term "Fossil" fuel....I suggest instead of calling someone a science jerk you see about learning some.
As I seem to be having a fair few technical problems tonight I won't go through the entire post, I'll just pick this out and go from there.

If it's called Global Warming, then you would expect that to mean that the entire globe is getting warmer, would you not? If that's the case, then why did the DC area and a large portion of the NE United States just get hit with one of the worst winter storms in history? Was that Global Warming that brought all of that snow?

This is why it's called Global climate change, because yes there may be freak snow storms in the eastern part of the United States - setting aside it's still winter, this one event still doesn't take anything away from the fact that average temperatures globally are up once again.

It's just funny to me that the supporters of Global Warming refuse to look at examples of weather that go against their belief and/or even acknowledge it. And, in instances where they do acknowledge those moments, they still blame it on Global Warming.

When the temperature is hotter than normal? Global Warming.
When the temperature is colder than normal? Global Warming.

So, what if the temperature hits the average right on the head? Is it still Global Warming, even though it's completely normal? Or, is that the only instance in which Global Warming doesn't exist.


Weather and climate are two different things. Freak weather systems in one particular place are just a by product of the wider climatological change. As I said above the fact still remains that average global temperatures are up. Whether the snow's there or not there's no getting away from this.

These snow storms change nothing.

It seems you have your mind made up too, sooooo...where do we go from here? Is there where we unzip our pants and touch penises? Or, do we be boring and just agree to disagree? Me? I'd much rather touch peni...I mean agree to know what? Let's just touch penises.


I'd always be up for some cock on cock action with you Chef. :kiss:

Now that I think about it, I probably could have gone through you post in its entirety, but it'd probably be the similar to what I've put here. So I guess I've let you off . . . for now. ;)
i dont think ive ever met anyone who denied climate change. im starting to think that the denial is a right wing conspiracy


In regards to BB's reply to ChefChiTown.....When the temperature rise really takes place it doesnt mean we are all going to have nice tropical weather lmao....Could people stop taking it so literal, In fact all the ice melting has to go somewhere.....It can drop its candy ass anywhere in the world in the form of one major shit storm of a snow storm sha mon!!!!!
In regards to BB's reply to ChefChiTown.....When the temperature rise really takes place it doesnt mean we are all going to have nice tropical weather lmao....Could people stop taking it so literal, In fact all the ice melting has to go somewhere.....It can drop its candy ass anywhere in the world in the form of one major shit storm of a snow storm sha mon!!!!!

Higher temperatures, will lead to - amongst other things - higher levels of water evaporation which as you know has to come down somewhere. Which could lead to the increase of freak weather systems.
I, for one, look forward to global warming. It should cull much of the excess population.
I, for one, look forward to global warming. It should cull much of the excess population.

That's what you'd call an optimist. Always see the up side of any situation.
You know I've been thinking about this and Bill Nye is wrong.

People who disagree with climate change are not un-patrirotic.

They are idiots, but that doesn't make them un-patriotic.

In fact,neither does accepting climate change mean that you are patriotic.

Patriotism means love for one's country. View on climate change is not a criteria for patriotism. The two are separate things that don't go together.

That's like saying because you disagree with the sun being yellow, you have poor sportsmanship.
They're not unpatriotic, they're just stupid.

I, for one, look forward to global warming. It should cull much of the excess population.

What makes you think you're not going to be among those affected?