Bill Maher: Stop the Abuse...It’s Time to Break Up With Your Big Bank

Bill Maher

Host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher"
Posted: January 13, 2010 02:21 PM

Hello, I'd like to take a moment to address the millions and millions of you all across America who are currently stuck in an abusive relationship.

Now I know what some of you are thinking: Who is Bill Maher to give me relationship advice?

But that doesn't mean I don't know a dysfunctional relationship when I see one. Especially when it's staring me right in the face.

You know who you are. Those of you staying in a relationship long after it's turned bad. Sticking around despite the abuse -- even as it's gotten worse and worse over the years. Sticking around only because it seems easier than breaking up -- and besides, where else are you going to go?

That's right, I'm talking to all of you that keep doing your banking at the giant, too big to fail, Wall Street banks that brought our economy to the brink of disaster, were rescued by trillions of dollars of our taxpayer money, then paid us back by using that money to hire lobbyists to convince our lawmakers in Washington to kill financial reform.

They took our money... but cut back on lending.

They took our money... and made record profits -- and paid themselves record bonuses.

They took our money... then returned to the risky behavior that led to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, with record unemployment, bankruptcies, and foreclosures.

They took our money... but kept on with all the greedy, abusive, ruthless, and cold-blooded practices that have earned them untold billions of dollars a year -- year after year after year. Things like charging you outrageous fees for anything and everything, jacking up your credit card interest rate to 30 percent for being late on one payment (it's a good thing sodomy is legal!), and refusing to renegotiate your mortgage after the housing bubble they helped create burst.

These big banks, deemed "Too Big To Fail" by our Wall Street-friendly leaders in Washington, are convinced that they can get away with anything -- because they always have.

But here's the thing. You don't have to put up with this nonsense. You don't have to stay in a loveless, abusive relationship with your Big Bank.

In fact, it's easy to get out -- and into something much, much better.

My friend Arianna Huffington has started a campaign designed to convince people to move their money out of these big banks and put them into smaller, local, community banks and credit unions that are more likely to see you as a person, not as an account number... and also to reinvest in the community where they are.

It's a pretty simple idea: If enough people who have money in one of the Big Six banks -- that is, JP Morgan/Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs -- move it into a local community bank or credit union, then collectively we, the people, will have taken a big step toward fixing our broken financial system.

It's easy, and painless, and will send a powerful message to Wall Street and to our leaders in Washington.

Face it: Real change is not going to come from Congress. It's not going to come from the White House. And it's certainly not going to come from the lobbyists Wall Street hires to make sure their special interests keep beating out the public interest.

We've got to do it ourselves. And moving your money is a great way to start.

This is not a conservative idea or a liberal idea. It's not left or right. It's populism at it's best -- and it's already attracted people from all walks of life who are sick and tired of the Big Banks and are ready to do something about it.

So it's time to go break up with your banker and get the hell out. Go to and see just how easy it is to end your abusive relationship and find true banking love. Or, at least hot, sweaty, monkey, banking sex. Tell 'em Dr. Bill sent you...

To watch a video of Bill on Moving You Money, click here.


F*** The big multi national banks !

Choose a local S&L or Credit Union get better everything !

I actually agree w/ maher :o
Hm. I was all set to reply with something along the lines of Fuck Bill Maher....something along those lines....but holy hell, that actually makes some sense. Hm.

I always liked Maher on "Fridays"
Well, how can I break it off with my big bank when the larger ones keep buying out all the small ones? :dunno:

This topic, and not necessarily just this thread, makes me think and wonder. Especially since the Govt. bailed out those fuckers and how they harass unemployed people like me in this recession. Mainly Citigroup, who was one that got bailed out. When is MY bailout coming? If I want them to leave me alone I will have to file bankruptcy and hurt my credit even more. That is my only option as they just keep piling on late fees and interest that I will be unable to repay all of my debt. It's downright shameful.

Then over the Christmas holiday I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the thousandth time. Watch that movie and pay close attention to how George Bailey and his Savings and Loan business actually care about the people. Even when they lose money his biggest concern is the people. That is how things should be. And also he, the head of the company IS NOT a rich man.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
How about not having a bank account until this blows over. :tongue:

For anyone who has a business, that would be a tad tricky, Will E.

But I fully agree with Maher on this one. While it's almost impossibe to fully escape dealing with a money center at some point (locally originated credit card accounts, auto loans and mortgages often get sold to them), local banks often offer better deals, and you can actually speak to someone who doesn't see you as just a number.

Will E Worm

Bit smug for a christian aren't you? What's the biblical quote for that then, smarmy pants. How about you doing the christian thing and helping him out, "while this blows over" and then he'll see you right.

:nono: This had nothing to do with Christianity. Stop derailing threads.
Credit Unions are the way to go. This makes perfect sense, and everyone should do it.

I agree totally! With a credit union you get great rates, not just a number and many give you a year end bonus.

I think the Big Banks and Wall Street are appalling these days. This is such a slap in the face of the taxpayer.
People getting mad at each other just because of a matter of opinion has no reason to be in political threads. Why is it that in a lot of political thread, there is not tolerance between and towards each other, just be polite and nice to each other:lovecoupl it will make things better. I am pretty sure everyone can have an interesting debate but do not flame people just because their opinion is different from yours or not necessarily fitting your tastes.
People getting mad at each other just because of a matter of opinion has no reason to be in political threads. Why is it that in a lot of political thread, there is not tolerance between and towards each other, just be polite and nice to each other:lovecoupl it will make things better. I am pretty sure everyone can have an interesting debate but do not flame people just because their opinion is different from yours or not necessarily fitting your tastes.

Well said.