Bill Maher shreds organized religion on Scarborough Country

I took his comments as being directed at organized religion....the "religious bureaucracy" I think he called it.

I didn't take aim at his challenge of "organized religion" as there are plenty of easy targets in that group. I just questioned how someone (Maher in this case) could believe in a concept such as a God without some doctrine to guide his belief.

Since the notion of a God or Deity could tend to defy science, logic or circumstance for some, faith should be the most critical component underpinning one's belief.

Ergo, why would you need faith if the existence of a Deity was unimpeachable. I just don't see how one can get to faith without some doctrine to attach it to and by extension draw understanding from your experiences with it.

I feel exactly the same way. I believe in a concept of what most of you out there would construe to be "God" (although I'm pretty sure my vision of what God is differs greatly from any of you who attend church, temple, mosque or synagogue) but I have no use nor need for some congregational and dogmatic approach to "knowing God" or "understanding faith" as you put it.

Fair enough and I tend to agree...holding something as personal as a belief doesn't require a crowd. But again, I just addressed some of his narrow points within the clip.
The right has Glenn Beck, the left has Bill Maher

If that NeoCon is the best the right can get, they have alot to worry about.

hellraiser you are about as branwashed and lost as one can get.

this is not an attack on religion, its an attack on christians by a jew.
period. he says religion but his only talking about christianity.

its sick in a way to hear someone like him tell america how christians have such a huge influence on the GOV, considering reality isthat its isreal or jews that have such a enormous influence on the united states government and the media it would take all day to show you.
I know but if he says it its cool, if i say the opposite i'm anti semite.
the good old double standard.

And whether he's right or wrong isn't really the issue because who is he to say which religion if any is true.
some of you people need to see things for what they are and not be tricked so easily.

Another example
pissing on jesus

how am I brainwashed? if that were true then I wouldn't have an open mind and question organized relgion nor post threads of people who critique it. Obviously the one who is brainwashed here is you and that's why you are projecting yourself onto me for daring to post a thread of someone debating the merits of organized religion.

But keep on crying like a politically correct baby who constantly whines about double standards when it is politically expedient for you although you hypocritically don't like it when others complain about double standards
But keep on crying like a politically correct baby who constantly whines about double standards when it is politically expedient for you although you don't like it when others complain about double standards

Sorry for the double post but my connection went out and I couldn't edit.

One thing that always bothers me as somebody who is religious(Although I don't do anything to show it other than trying to live right, I don't force my beliefs on other people, and I don't have anything to do with organized religions) is why when people talk down people that are religious and compare us to evangelicals or other nuts, tell us of the worst things religious people or organizations have done, or put all religious people in all one lump and stereotype us is why they never bring up any of the good stuff religious people have done. Why are we often compared to small meaningless dumb ass acts some religious people feel they need to do. Why do they gloss over the deeds of people like Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, or Mother Teresa for example. Does anybody think they would have been the people they were without their spiritual beliefs? Does anybody think their beliefs made them stupid or weaklings? Why is it so often not mention that most of the human rights and most deeply held liberties we protect today are from the basis of religious belief? Long after people that don't believe in something greater have given up, caved in, and surrender a lot of people that do believe will keep going because they feel something that's greater than the situation they are in, that's even greater than themselves.

A lot of atheist and agnostic people out there I don't even think they feel the way they do out of any principle or belief. They have nothing to believe in. Even the ones that do often can't tell you why they feel something is right or wrong other than, "I just do" or "just because". What I feel is that a lot of them decide not to believe in anything (or at least claim they don't believe in something) not out of principle, but because it's convenient for them to do so. It lets them do what they want, because if they were to believe in something they might have to do some things that don't benefit themselves. They might have to sacrifice some things or comforts. They would loose an excuse to be selfish or apathetic. That seems like weakness to me. Like some of them are just empty husk that live empty existences, but what I do know. I'm just one of those weak religious people.

It's never religion or maybe even the lack of it that was the problem. It's some of the stupid people that do stupid things. All systems, all organizations can go wrong and become twisted when the people in them get corrupted, and it's in human nature to be able to be corrupted.

Have some rep sir :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
LOL you actually put this message on You Tube? :rofl: Click the OP's link and then scroll to comments and there is MP.

I think you have the making's of a White Supreamist. :2 cents:

what i post on youtube is not for you to post here.....
youre like a little child at times with your cheap shot pussy comments.
now "look everybody what mp posted on youtube" a child.
dont advertise my handle on another website ever.

you want to call names over and over jason, go find someone else to do it with.
call me white supremist all you want, dont mean shit.
just because i see something for what it really is.
youve been conditioned, you cant help it.
here this screwhead bashes christians, not muslims or jews but christians on tv.
thats fashionable i guess.
I just mention the word jew and i'm a white supremist.
typical idiot response.

hellraiser, im about as non politically correct as one can be, so your wrong about that.
And am i the one doing the whining on this board, every post yopu make is whining about something., in this case its religion but your to blind to see its not religion but only christianity.

Ask yourself why is it ok for jews or muslims to bash christianity over and over but if a christian was to do the same there would be an outcry and demand to destroy that person.
thats where the double standard comes in.
surely youre open minded enough to see that.
hellraiser, i about as non politically correct as one can be, so your wrong about that.

This is truth. Politically correct people are afraid to talk about any other type of race or nationality because it might "offend" them. Go watch South Park sometime....the most politically incorrect show ever. That's why I love it :D


Hiliary 2020
11 minutes later i openly apologize to jason for some of what i said to him
he just pissed me off.
doc says too much caffiene makes me edgy, better switch to sanka.
i went overboard i suppose.:anonymous


11 minutes later i openly apologize to jason for some of what i said to him
he just pissed me off.
i went overboard i suppose.

But can we agree with what I think Hellraisers point was that so called political correctness works both ways?

Meaning yes some on the left may say race and such cannot be talked about in ways that infer any negative sterotypes but on the right as an example you have people who think talking about christinaity negatively is out of bounds.


Hiliary 2020
maybe friday but not in this case.
one can talk bad about christianity all they want, no prob.
i may argue the merit or try to show the other side but i accept someones opinion.

in this case maher was disguising it as "religion", when he was clearly just again attacking christianity (and even throwing muslims in the mix at the end.).
Also i called him a jew, thats not negative, thats what he is.
I wanted to show that if a christian trashed judism on national tv, what do we think would happen to that gentile or goy?
I guess he'd be banished, no.
here this screwhead bashes christians, not muslims or jews but christians on tv.
thats fashionable i guess.
He didn't bash "christians"(sic). He merely used Christian examples to make his point. His contention is with "organized religion".

hellraiser, im about as non politically correct as one can be, so your wrong about that.
And am i the one doing the whining on this board, every post yopu make is whining about something., in this case its religion but your to blind to see its not religion but only christianity.

"as non politically correct as one can be..." Sir, "political correctness" applies to the notion that there are subject matters that can't be dealt with even handedly for fear of over-sensitivity of those who then overreact.

Whether you know it or not you are demonstrating the quintessential overreaction based on what you feel is politically incorrect.

Maher is critical of "organized religion" and nowhere does he single out only Christianity EVEN IF he merely referred to Christian examples.

You've made they over-sensitive, reactionary leap that he's "bashing" Christianity. That is an example of A-No.1 politically incorrect reaction.:2 cents:

You seem to think "politically correct" only applies to the subjects the right-wing echo chamber has defined.....


Hiliary 2020
dude i called a spade a spade.
sorry he tricked you but his words were not against simply organized religion.
and nothing to do with political correctness, or maybe it did
you can bash christians but you cant bash jews or muslims or say anything about them actually.
you may be called a white theres where the political correctness comes in
you think it was just a coincedence that he chose christians as his example, i dont, not until next time when he chooses judism
maybe friday but not in this case.
one can talk bad about christianity all they want, no prob.
i may argue the merit or try to show the other side but i accept someones opinion.

in this case maher was disguising it as "religion", when he was clearly just again attacking christianity (and even throwing muslims in the mix at the end.).
Also i called him a jew, thats not negative, thats what he is.
I wanted to show that if a christian trashed judism on national tv, what do we think would happen to that gentile or goy?
I guess he'd be banished, no.

If this quote refers to Bill Maher I think you are mistaken.

Bill Maher is the son of a Catholic dad and a Jewish mum. He was raised Catholic. He talks about at length with his sister and his mum in his movie.


If this quote refers to Bill Maher I think you are mistaken.

Bill Maher is the son of a Catholic dad and a Jewish mum. He was raised Catholic. He talks about at length with his sister and his mum in his movie.

I though just the mother had to be jewish for one to be consider a jew, but i could be mistaken. Either way he is half Jewish/Catholic. He must really be confused, no wonder he talks like he does.
In the movie they are sitting in church he and his sister went to. His father is dead and he asks his mum why she never got involved in his religious life and why all of a sudden he and his sister no longer had to go. Turns out the church of the time came out against contaception, his mum was on the pill so his dad made a choice between being a true catholic or going for the rythmn method. I guess he was honest enough not to have to make his kids go to a church he was no longer willing to obey.

I'm a bit fuzzy as it was along time ago that I saw this but I got the impression his mothers religion played no part in their upbringing.
I'm a bit fuzzy as it was along time ago that I saw this but I got the impression his mothers religion played no part in their upbringing.

Was under a similar impression.


Hiliary 2020
that just shows that he's full of shit, the ultimate flip flopper
one day hes atheist, in this video he believes in god.
I have not liked him since he got on ted nugent for defending the 2nd amendment like 10 years ago, but i do agree with him once in a while.
dude i called a spade a spade.
sorry he tricked you but his words were not against simply organized religion.
and nothing to do with political correctness, or maybe it did
you can bash christians but you cant bash jews or muslims or say anything about them actually.
you may be called a white theres where the political correctness comes in
you think it was just a coincedence that he chose christians as his example, i dont, not until next time when he chooses judism

This is the problem with politically correct people like you...You Miss simple factors that are in plain view.

Maher specifically talked about "organized religion" you find somehow that he's targeted Christianity when all he did was cite Christian examples to demonstrate some point.

You seem to be all in a tizzy because of the fact that he used Christian examples but why wouldn't he when the individual he was discussing the topic with is Christian and Christianity is the most likely religion he and entire viewing audience is most familiar with???

It would seem obvious to use Christian examples in a discussion with a Christian....I doubt seriously he would have used Christian examples in a similar discussion with a Muslim. I mean, duh...