I took his comments as being directed at organized religion....the "religious bureaucracy" I think he called it.
I didn't take aim at his challenge of "organized religion" as there are plenty of easy targets in that group. I just questioned how someone (Maher in this case) could believe in a concept such as a God without some doctrine to guide his belief.
Since the notion of a God or Deity could tend to defy science, logic or circumstance for some, faith should be the most critical component underpinning one's belief.
Ergo, why would you need faith if the existence of a Deity was unimpeachable. I just don't see how one can get to faith without some doctrine to attach it to and by extension draw understanding from your experiences with it.
I feel exactly the same way. I believe in a concept of what most of you out there would construe to be "God" (although I'm pretty sure my vision of what God is differs greatly from any of you who attend church, temple, mosque or synagogue) but I have no use nor need for some congregational and dogmatic approach to "knowing God" or "understanding faith" as you put it.
Fair enough and I tend to agree...holding something as personal as a belief doesn't require a crowd. But again, I just addressed some of his narrow points within the clip.