We have hockey up here. Very big deal. I know Texas is football, Indiana is basketball, Minnesota is hockey and I think Florida is baseball. I wish I could go back to high school!
Not even close. Football RULES in Texas.
Suck it, Nebraska.
Do Canadians even have high school sports? I'm pretty sure there isn't HS hockey, right; they all play Juniors?
In Saskatchewan, there is no high school hockey as far as I know. It's probably due to the large amount of leagues that we already have for high schoolers, like the WHL. However, most schools have your basic high school sports teams: volleyball, soccer, basketball (One of the schools in Saskatoon holds an international tournament every year), Canadian football... My school had a curling team. I'm not sure about schools in other parts of Canada, though. High school football is definetly not as popular in Canada as it is in the States, though.
You guys ever play any American teams for high school level hockey?
I wish it was Ultimate Surrender though.
Not that I know of in Saskatchewan. They probably do that in Ontario, though.