biggest movie this summer you cant wait to see


what the fuck you lookin at?
yea, that new transformer flick for me too.
Transformers is about as exciting as water with slices of cucumber in to me.

I've no idea what movies are coming this summer really, but I suppose there are some good ones at least :dunno:
I want to see Year One AD, despite being a rip off of Life of Brian it has fuckin funny David Cross.

and Olivia Wilde. yumm
Nights in Rodanthe II !!
Not a big film (in fact it'll probably get swallowed up by all the blockbusters) but the film I'm most anxious to see is this:


I saw that trailer a few weeks ago and it looks really good,even though I'm not that big of a Sam Rockwell fan.

I guess I'm waiting for Transformers 2,District 9,Sherlock Holmes,and a couple others that I can't think of right now.

G.I. Joe look pretty terrible,but I will probably see that too.
According to the director Duncan Jones (son of David Bowie), Silent Running was one of the big influences.

He even hired some of the crew from Silent Running for this film.

I'm also looking forward to Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
It is sad to say but I am excited about no summer movie. They all seem to be ehhh. Nothing to exciting, man I am getting old.
GI Joe. It's almost like a wet dream come true from when I was 12. Giggidy!

So do i, though i may be in the minority when I say i like what they're doing for the movie. Plus can't go wrong with Sienna Miller in skin tight leather as the Baroness.

I'm up for Drag me to Hell and Transformers 2 (BONUS: Megan Fox is hot.)