Okay I got it, how bout when we catch Bogfoot we dump him in a big pile of bullshit? :nanner: Just to see what would happen. I'm sure he'd be pissed off to start with just because he was captured which would mean the Navy Seal training he gained in the 80s when he captured Steve Wilcocks an ex-seal who taught him everything he knows who accidentally died of unknown causes after big foot and he went out to the tool shed after dinner to "talk". That training had allowed him to stay out of the limelight for so many years. Except that one piece of film they have of him walking, which was his bitch ex-wifes fault. She was nagging him so much he just had to get out of the house and go for a walk, and who can blame him?
But then to dump him in a big pile of shit, bull shit at that. Now you're gonna make him mad. Make sure guns are at the ready and are set to "kill" because this bitch aint gonna hold back once the noxious stench finally reaches his nostrils. People will die, I'm sure of it. Your children probably.
Oh, Big Foot say hi by the way :wave: