Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
We've concluded the BETA FreeOnes survey, which was posted last week. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to check it out! I'll be posting more surveys to gauge how we're doing with putting together the new site going forward!
So, I'm sure you're interested in the results! I know I was!
I had 146 people (probably a little less since some people tried gaming the system to get more credits
) respond which was great! Out of the 146, 93% of you have actually visited the BETA FreeOnes at
60.3% of you think the new site shows promise, 19.9% hate it (change is hard, we know, but unfortunately it can't stay the same), 14.4% absolutely love it, and then there were some other responses from "it's ok but.." to "I'm not sure".
What's the favorite part of the new site?
The most common responses here are:
What do you dislike about the new site?
What do you hope we add to the new site?
Do you have anything else you want to say about the new site?
So, I'm sure you're interested in the results! I know I was!
I had 146 people (probably a little less since some people tried gaming the system to get more credits

60.3% of you think the new site shows promise, 19.9% hate it (change is hard, we know, but unfortunately it can't stay the same), 14.4% absolutely love it, and then there were some other responses from "it's ok but.." to "I'm not sure".
What's the favorite part of the new site?
The most common responses here are:
- Improved design/looks
- The new babe dashboards
- The new filters
What do you dislike about the new site?
- The color
By now we should have had the design for the FreeOnes default colors done, however, we've been having a little trouble with frontend coders. Hopefully, by the end of the month the BETA site will show the default colors then those of you who like the dark colors can log in and toggle it to the darker theme. In the future we'll offer more color options as well (at least that is our intent).
- Favorite babes are missing
We know. I'm not going to go into the technical reason for this but it is actively being worked on and we will NOT flip to the new frontend until all the favorites are properly in their place.
- FreeOnes shop is missing
We are going to add it back, but not until later this year.
- Terrible layout/navigation
We're actively working on this and it'll be tweaked, changed, redone several times between now and the new site launch.
- Not able to report links
This is actually being worked on right now! It'll be part of our next release of features if all goes right!
- Ability to close comments/not see them
We'll be coming back to the comments because there are a lot of things that still need to be done regarding this feature. Including collapsing replies.
- Bad search functionality
We're constantly tweaking this, so hopefully we'll make it so you can't live without it!
- Login trouble
If you have issues logging in, first make sure you're using the email associated with your account instead of your username. If that doesn't help, please contact and we'll help you out. We do still have some issues with a small percentage of accounts that got sent to the new database.
- No auto login from the message board
We're going to try to make this work exactly like it does now but won't be turned on until we're ready to turn off the old site.
- Cluttered main page
This isn't actually the true "homepage" design. We're waiting for the designer to be done with the design and once that happens we'll need enough of the functionality built to send people to it.
- Categories missing from links
Good one! Let me talk
- Missing myFreeOnes features
We're aware that there's not much myFreeOnes functionality right now but don't worry, it's coming!
What do you hope we add to the new site?
- Scrolling header
As soon as our new front end coder is up and running, this will be added. Hopefully by the end of the month!
- More shop items
We'll look into it!
- Today's birthdays and future updates
I'll talk to the team to what they think about adding them back in!
- Games section
On the list, along with a ded
- Things to purchase with credits
Once we have the new site up and running, we'll start working on new things to purchase!
- Full HD movies
We'll be working on this after the new site comes out!
- Ability to revert to the old site
If I could make this happen, I would. Unfortunately there are a lot of reasons why we won't be able to keep the old site up and running.
- Download videos button
It'll get added in once we get the credit system built!
- Personal stores of models
We're still deciding what we want to do with this.
- Rewards system
The credit system will be added back in, but we're also thinking about doing achievements and other reward oriented stuff as well!
Do you have anything else you want to say about the new site?
- I want some naked pictures of Regina
Dude, you gotta
- Looks like a site that will give us a virus
I'm sorry you feel this way about the upcoming site but I can assure you we work hard to keep it malware and virus free.
- Seems like its trying too hard
Hopefully as we progress you'll come to love it like we are!
- Doesn't work with IE 11
We know. This issue has been bounced between the past frontender(s) and the devs and we're hoping once the new frontender is on board we'll be able to get this fixed up. However, browsers will only be supported as long as there are enough people using it to be worth it. For example, we're not going to optimize for the 7 people that used the playstation browser last week. We can better spend our resources elsewhere!
- Let users save searches
A step ahead of you! We've already been working on this and hopefully it'll be released to users by the end of May!
- Better variety of categories
We're working on this!
If you have anything you want to add, comment below!