Best story in gaming

After finishing this game and doing a lot of replaying, I have to add Bloodborne to this list. The story wasn't the best I've seen (although it was far from bad) but the delivery was spot on. First time I ever played a game where you literally know nothing and have to uncover bits and pieces of the story and piece every thing together, which makes every bit of information mysterious and engaging, and to the point where when you finally know the full story, it makes all the places and characters you've seen and met that much more interesting. The closest thing I've seen to this was Silent Hill.



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
For me, the best story in gaming has to go to the entire God of War series. I'm a huge fan of Ancient Greek mythology and, although Kratos is a product of game developers, the world in which he lives is entirely based off Greek mythology. And, on top of that, the accuracy of how they incorporate each mythological god and character from Greek mythology into the game is absolutely flawless.

Now, for the story itself? Amazing. I actually FELT things playing through those games. As the story developed, I actually felt myself playing angry or vengeful (depending on what part of the story I was on) and I felt myself feeling saddened at times. All in all, it really is a perfect series of games.

Other games with great stories:

Final Fantasy VII (obvious reasons)

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (amazing story - the ending can kill it for some people because, in all fairness, it IS a little ridiculous, but the story is so good I can overlook it)

The Walking Dead (the story just grabs you and holds you as long as you play)

Uncharted (I know many will disagree, but I really liked the whole series and the story it followed)
Uncharted (I know many will disagree, but I really liked the whole series and the story it followed)

The individual stories of each game is forgettable. The story of the progression of Nathan Drake and his involvement in those stories is awesome. This last game is gonna be emotional for sure. I can't wait to go through it.
Someone here suggested Ghost Trick, and it was AWESOME! I haven't shouted out loud at plot twists like I did with that one.
It's up there with Zero Escape: Virtue's last reward.

Final Fantasy III(VI)
And this too. They should have remade this one before VII