best pink floyd album?

best pink floyd album

  • dark side of the moon

    Votes: 36 43.4%
  • wish you were here

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • animals

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • the wall

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • the final cut

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • a momentry lapse of reason

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • the division bell

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • the piper at the gates of dawn

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • atom heart mother

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • other

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters


Hiliary 2020
All in all I'd have to go with The Wall.
My first concert was at the Nassua Colliseum in New York in Dec. 1980.
I was 12, with my older sister and her friends.
One of only 3 or 4 cties where they constructed a big WAll and blew it up at the end.
The pig was flying around the whole time. And it was loud.

Iv'e recently downloaded the first album Pipers with Syd Barret. He wrote I think all the songs.
Its excellent. The guy had talent. Shame that he reached for the secret too soon.


Fuck'en Bitches and Leav'en Stitches
The Wall

Then Darkside
Final Cut


Postal Paranoiac
Wish You Were Here then Animals.:yinyang:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs. was also the first compact disc I ever bought.
Wish you were here! After about 20 years of listening to Pink Floyd, I am most fond of that album overall...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Hard to pick just one, my favourites are "Wish You Were Here", "Dark Side Of The Moon" and "Meddle" (probably in this order, I'd say).

Yeah....Meddle is fantastic! If I had to pick just one....Dark Side of the Moon would have to be right there. Tough call. Awesome group, one of the best ever.
One of the few groups that consistently produced great albums without filler tracks - their level of quality control was unmatched over the decades.

For many years, i'd have named "Wish You were Here" as my favourite, but recently I've come around to acknowledging that Dark Side manages to have a variety of brilliant songs on it, whilst still sticking to its concept.
People who say Dark Side of the Moon are not true fans.

My personal favorite at the moment is Meddle. Atom Heart Mother and Umma Gumma are great depending on your mood. Every song from Animals is amazing, and their early psychedelic works are awesome. Darkside is a nice album and all, but no :rolleyes:
While I voted The Wall, I've got all of the CD's listed in the poll, and it's really a "mood call".

Sometimes you want to hear Animals, and think about politics and religion. Other times, Dark Side/Moon fits the bill, with such killers as Time, Money, and Brain Damage.

It's not really a question that I can answer, but then again, I chose The Wall because it's such a powerful album... and the fact that there's a movie to go along with it, and an EXCELLENT FILM at that, doesn't hurt either. I'd definitely agree that The Wall was their biggest undertaking, and it's also a tribute to the late Syd Barret.

I don't really remember any pink floyd album, although I was quite a fan, and have listened to them all... could this be a coincidence? Anyone else? I swear, it's like a conspiracy. I don't want to alarm you, but I think that drugs might kill your brain cells. flylicker
For me?
Dark Side of The Moon.
I can't put words to the feelings I get from that album.
From the old, original LPs to the new ultra modern SVCDs ....


Hell!!!! There are thousand other adjectives you could throw around but they'd never come close!

Animals, Wish You Were Here and of course The Wall come really, really, really, really, really, really close.

But to me, DSotM stands out. Unique. Steadfast. Timeless.

People who say Dark Side of the Moon are not true fans.
:rolleyes: :rofl::rofl:

You're too young to "remember" (much less have attended) a truly live Pink Floyd event.

You don't know how their "B-sides" sounded from their "A-sides"... and why there was a difference in the first place.

So; beside your bullshit, nonsensical, worthless "observation" as regards "true fans" (something you in your 21 years obviously know more about than folks who might have been there :rolleyes::rolleyes:).... please keep you nonsensical, nouveau-riche, blathering drivel to yourself.



Closed Account
the wall i know alot of ans hate it becuase it's so overrated now.
but i really enjoy all of the songs off of it and i like the flim too.

this was the first time i had ever felt cut by something someone said, if that makes sense. the album conceptualized the world for me, for the first time ever. i was 11 years old. i saw the commercial on tv, giant pig floating over an industrial town, bought the vinyl with my five bucks.
i still get goosebumps remembering, listening with headphones in my room. it was almost painful, but in a terrifyingly beautiful way.

and i like the early syd barrett stuff.