My top ten best natural breast list: (in alphabetical order by first name)
IMO, the best natural breasts will have a few common features (the pictures below showcase these features). In order to achieve these features, the breasts need to be at least a D cup as smaller breasts won't be able to achieve these feature just due to the very nature of being smaller in size. First, there will be significant amount of space between the bottom of the breast and the bottom of the nipple. The diameter of the areola should only be about 4 times the diameter of the nipple. Second, when looking at the breasts straight on, the breasts should come together and meet at a point in the middle of the chest, rather than there being a gap between the breasts. Third, (again, when looking at the breasts straight on), from this point in the middle of the chest the two breasts should slope almost straight down and eventually rounding outward to form the rounded shape of the bottom of the breast. Fourth, the nipple will be located at least at the point on the breast where the breast stops moving away from the body and begins moving back towards the body, if not higher up on the breast. In terms of vertical positioning, the nipple should be located at about the midpoint between the shoulder and elbow. Fifth, breasts should be symmetrical. There will of course be similarities in terms of the profile (view from the side) of the breast, however these are too difficult to describe with prose as my only means of communication.