Best Guitar Solo

"your all i've got tonight" by the cars


Closed Account (Also their live performance was cool).

I spent frikkin' HOURS rehearsing this for gigs. Clever little turn there.

Vai, Malmsteen, Van Halen, Satch, Jeff Beck are undoubtedly excellent. Jimi Hendrix - dunno where he got it from.
Also that solo by Eric Clapton from something down the Highway, can't remember the title - 9 min long solo 'bout.

OBTW - I'm a single humbucker mayan mahsel'.
Whole lotta Rosie-ACDC
I'm Gonna Crawl-Zep
Yellow Ledbetter-Pearl Jam
Sweet Soul Sister-The Cult
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Free Bird _ Lynard Skynard!! One of the most beautiful and stirring and loong guitar solo's ever!
Well.. it depends on what the OP meant by solo... live or recording?

Many, many, many guitarists are amazing on track, but are mind blowing on stage; like Angus Young for say. Sounds great on track, but bumps it up on stage. Not all guitarist are like that however... too many bands get so drunk while on stage they can't even play properly. :1orglaugh

Anyway, for the best guitar solo... A very tough question. Like I asked before, live or on disc? (not a "live disc" :1orglaugh)

For recording, "Let There Be Rock" by AC/DC is one of my top favorite solos. Even live, the way they used to extend it so much was great :thumbsup:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I will always remember sitting on my friend's patio when he played Van Halen's "Eruption" for me for the first time. other solos may be technically better, may be muscially better, but I think we can all agree that "Eruption" changed rock music. The finger tap had been done before, but not in such an explosive way. Van Halen was born onto the scene and a whole new sound as well.


Lord Dipstick