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Ben Carson : Joseph, not Pharaos built the pyramids, as grain storage facility, not tombs

How We Know Ben Carson is Wrong About the Pyramids

In the United States, we have a holiday called Thanksgiving that we celebrate every November. The typical American family has a Thanksgiving dinner with any members of the extended family that can make it, provided they’re on speaking terms, and some interesting political conversations can come out of that.

This Thanksgiving is going to be especially interesting, because many of our American readers will have uncles or parents who believe, quite intractably, that the ancient Egyptian Pyramids were grain silos built by the biblical patriarch Joseph. And that’s because Tea Party presidential candidate Ben Carson said so.

Tea Party science operates in a very unusual way; Tea Party meteorology teaches that man-made climate change isn’t real, Tea Party physiology teaches that birth control pills cause abortions, and Tea Party biology and paleontology teach that the world (and, usually by implication, the cosmos) was created in six days some 4,000 years ago. Tea Party geology would presumably teach us that the Mount Rushmore memorial is a natural rock formation, Tea Party electrical engineering that female plugs are too delicate to bear high-voltage electrical currents, and so on.

It’s Tea Party archaeology—which links every ancient monument to the literal text of the Bible—that’s making the news right now. But for goodness’ sake, don’t argue with your relatives about the Pyramids; you’ll just make things more awkward than they already are. Send them a link to this article instead, so I can tell them that…

1. It’s pretty clear that the Pyramids contained human remains.

While staple recipes and food preservation methods have changed over the past few millennia, one practice we and the ancient Egyptians have in common is that we don’t like to put rotting human flesh in our cereal. Although European archaeologists investigating the pyramids in the early 19th century found no mummies, empty sarcophagi were found—sarcophagi that, numerous older historical documents suggest, had once contained mummified bodies. There’s also evidence of a possible canopic shrine in the second Pyramid at Giza, the centerpiece being a chest that would have contained Khufre’s preserved internal organs. That’s not something you want to find in your breakfast.

2. The Pyramids were built over a very long period of time.

The first surviving Egyptian pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, was built around 2650 BCE; the final classical pyramid, dedicated to Ahmose I, was built around 1525 BCE. More time elapsed between the construction of the first and final pyramid than elapsed between the first Viking invasion of England and the inauguration of President Obama. That’s an 1,100-year stretch we’re talking about—10 times Joseph’s total 110-year lifespan as described in Genesis 50:26, and certainly not the short-term grain shortage described in the Bible.

3. The Pyramids identify themselves as tombs.

The most damning piece of evidence against Carson’s pyramid theory is their own testimony; the ancient Egyptians wrote down what the pyramids were for, and it wasn’t grain storage.

4. The Pyramids weren’t even hollow.

The Pyramids were mostly made of limestone, with very narrow passageways leading to relatively small chambers as illustrated here:


3D model of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, showing entrances and burial chambers. Image: © R.F. Morgan / cc-by-sa.

5. The Bible doesn’t even remotely imply that Joseph built the Pyramids.

Most examples of Tea Party science boil down to either economics or religion, and in this case religion seems to be the culprit—specifically, the belief that the Bible implies that Joseph constructed these structures to store grain. Not only does the Bible say no such thing (the story of Joseph and the famine is recounted in Genesis 47), but giant monuments filled with relics dedicated to the Egyptian gods would have violated at least two of the Ten Commandments: the prohibition on other gods, and the prohibition on graven images.

Ben Carson is entitled to his own beliefs, and they don’t make him stupid; it’s harder to defend a crackpot theory than it is to defend a well-supported one, and goodness knows plenty of geniuses hold some strange ideas. But the fact that so many people in the conservative movement are defending such an odd take on archaeology and biblical interpretation does raise some difficult questions about the central role hierarchies of authority play in shaping the beliefs of the Tea Party movement, and the role that these increasingly eccentric beliefs may play in the 2016 U.S. election cycle.

This guy is the front-runner in the Republican primary :facepalm: If Carson's elected, if there is a God, may he help us all...
Ok, he has a right to his beliefs. Just as I have the right to say his beliefs are BS.
The difference is that I have actual facts on my side when he has nothing to back his theory, wether you look in ancient records or in the Bible, there's not a line, not a verse claiming that Joseph built the pyramids.

And the way he mixes-up egyptologist with nutjobs claiming that aliens built the pyramids (a theory that has 0 scientific credibility since there no scientific material indicating that aliens built the pyramids, just like there no scientific material indicating that they were built by Joseph to store grain) is insulting. These men have dedicated their lives to study ancient Egypt and here comes a neurosurgeon who claims the things they concluded from decades of study and research are bullshit.
Does egyptologists criticize how Mr. Carson conducted his brain surgeries, claiming that he butchered the people he operated ? No, because it's no their area of expertise and because the people he succesfully operated are living proofs of his expertise. Then why does he criticizes the work of egyptologist, when the pyramids themselves are proving him wrong ?
and although this is an old clip, he has recently confirmed that he still believes this crazy idea

if i didn't see and hear him saying such things i would find it impossible to believe a brilliant brain surgeon could be so stupid in other areas

it could be related to religion though - once you start to believe one illogical thing based on no evidence, then i guess it isn't too much of a leap to believe another, then another ...

:2 cents:
and although this is an old clip, he has recently confirmed that he still believes this crazy idea

The video I posted has him confirming it, at 1:12
Do I need to post Bernie Sanders' knee slapping nuttiness?

Carson's intellect cannot be questioned so question his sanity.
Carson can slice open a skull relieve a sub-dural hematoma put a kid back together and be home by supper time.

Sanders couldn't slice open a cantaloupe without taking a finger off at the knuckles.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
In case you haven't noticed yet: It would be impossible to get Dr. Ben Carson and Kanye West in he same room at the same time.

Why??? I hear you ask.

Because they are the same person.

Just wait for his finish line at the next debate:

"Mr. Trump, I'ma gonna let you finish, but I will be the bestest President of the United States of America OF ALL TIME.""
Nothing screams "we need to nominate a candidate" like when the loony tunes like are on this board don't approve of them.

Especially Carson. He's black so it destroys the left's narrative that all Republicans are racist. He's smart and he's a christian. The left-wing nuts trifecta nightmare.

And before you get your little red diapers in a wad about his claim of being offered a scholarship to West Point, he was 17 years old when he met with Gen. Westmorland and based on the conversation he could have easily interpreted the conversation as an offer.

Get used to Dr. Ben. He's going to be around for a while.
nevermind that pyramid shit, I'm more concerned about Dr. Carson's reaction to 9/11 and his advice to then president Bush.

my keyboard is al jacked up with lube right now so just look it up.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Carson can slice open a skull relieve a sub-dural hematoma put a kid back together and be home by supper time.

Sanders couldn't slice open a cantaloupe without taking a finger off at the knuckles.

I admit, I laughed harder at this than I should've.
Do I need to post Bernie Sanders' knee slapping nuttiness?

Carson's intellect cannot be questioned so question his sanity.
Carson can slice open a skull relieve a sub-dural hematoma put a kid back together and be home by supper time.

Sanders couldn't slice open a cantaloupe without taking a finger off at the knuckles.

Having a great intellect doesn't make you an expert on everything.
I do not question his sanity, I'm just telling egypt should be left to egyptologists, just like neuro-surgery should be left to neuro-surgeons.
"West Point Controversy Imperils Ben Carson's Credibility At A Crucial Juncture"


No it does not. It was a hit piece by The Politico. A 17 year old kid can easily misunderstand an informal offer. The headline was totally misleading and it won't have any effect on his candidacy. His support is solid and left wingers Bernie nuts wouldn't support him anyway. Hillary Clinton has far more credibility issues than this little dust up. Remember sniper fire in Kosovo? And speaking of vetting, where are Obama's college transcripts?

This election we are coming at the left hard with a candidate that you will find distasteful, if it is Carson, so be it.

He may believe Egyptians used the Pyramids for grain elevators. But he damn sure doesn't believe the phony computer modeled hoax of man made climate change.

And as a man of faith he understands the miracle of life and how only a Supreme Being could have created the absolute wonder of the human body than just about anyone.

It warms my heart to see the left scared out of their minds over him. Enough to make me consider voting for him. Bring it.
Carson's intellect cannot be questioned

When if flies directly in the face of overwhelming, nigh-indisputable, substantial amounts of evidence almost all sane and rational people in the world believe, yes his intellect can be questioned.

To add on top of of what everybody else is saying Carson also doesn't believe in science of evolution, and for a neurosurgeon, he reasoning for it is so far from logical it's scary. The guy is freaking Looney Tunes material.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If Ben Carson wins the Republican nomination for President I will vote for him for President, even if he's running against Bernie Sanders, because hilarity.
When if flies directly in the face of overwhelming, nigh-indisputable, substantial amounts of evidence almost all sane and rational people in the world believe, yes his intellect can be questioned.

To add on top of of what everybody else is saying Carson also doesn't believe in science of evolution, and for a neurosurgeon, he reasoning for it is so far from logical it's scary. The guy is freaking Looney Tunes material.

The looney tune is at 1600 right now. He sat in a church for 20 years that espoused things far crazier than anything Carson has said or believes. And he believes everything Jeremiah Wright says. In fact. He has become Jerimiah Wright.
Better get used to the idea that your worst nightmare just might become POTUS. I think you already have come to terms with it. And is the reason the left wing kooks like you are coming after him.

Deal with it.
He sat in a church for 20 years that espoused things far crazier than anything Carson has said or believes.

The focal point in terms of Jeremiah Wright has always appeared to be that he vehemently, bombastically took issue with decades of U.S. foreign policy in the middle east, and believed it foolishly invited retribution. That hardly makes him crazy. Or anti-American. A whole lot of perfectly sane, patriotic americans who don't belong to his church are of that same opinion.

It warms my heart to see the left scared out of their minds over him.

Not scared at all.
More amused that so many who railed incessantly about Obama's lack of experience/credentials for the job - despite his two terms as a state senator and one as a US senator - are lining up behind a guy who has NO experience in governance at all, and is clearly woefully ignorant about foreign policy matters, as well as (it would seem) economics.
The focal point in terms of Jeremiah Wright has always appeared to be that he vehemently, bombastically took issue with decades of U.S. foreign policy in the middle east, and believed it foolishly invited retribution. That hardly makes him crazy. Or anti-American. A whole lot of perfectly sane, patriotic americans who don't belong to his church are of that same opinion.

Not scared at all.
More amused that so many who railed incessantly about Obama's lack of experience/credentials for the job - despite his two terms as a state senator and one as a US senator - are lining up behind a guy who has NO experience in governance at all, and is clearly woefully ignorant about foreign policy matters, as well as (it would seem) economics.

His sanity had been questioned at least from narcissistic terms. How s comments were far more than foreign policy. The government running drugs into black communities ect..

"Woefully ignorant" I am glad I wasn't taking a drink of something when I read that.

We have an Iran deal that creates an arms race in the Middle East. Not one hostage sent back and they get 150 billion dollars and we alienate our greatest ally in the region. The Arab Spring and Benghazi and the world is blowing up around us.

The unemployment rate is actually at 20 percent because 98 million out if work aren't even counted.

Tell me about foreign policy and economics again?

A sock puppet could do a better job.