Re: Belladonna

Wow, Belladonna's actually here! This is a thread to watch!!!


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Re: Belladonna

Why is that so exciting? You know if you're REALLY interested in anything I have to say, check out my blogs on

I'll still post here occasionally, but you can really learn a lot about me over there!
Re: Belladonna

Hey Belladonna!

How are ya? So I see you are slowly starting to become a foot person? I've seen quite a few pics and a few preview clips of you having some foot fan and I must say very nice! There are a lot more foot fans out there then you may think. I can show you a few forums if you are interested. :D


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Re: Belladonna

While I would love to visit some different foot forums, I just simply don't have the time to go to them. I mean, I have my site, this site, myspace, cherrytap, and i make my movies, edit, etc.. AND have my personal life. I hope you understand... but I would definitely NOT be opposed if you were to tell people about my love for feet on those forums! :) Spread the love!
Re: Belladonna

While I would love to visit some different foot forums, I just simply don't have the time to go to them. I mean, I have my site, this site, myspace, cherrytap, and i make my movies, edit, etc.. AND have my personal life. I hope you understand... but I would definitely NOT be opposed if you were to tell people about my love for feet on those forums! :) Spread the love!

I can completely understand! You are one busy gal and I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my message anyway!

Of course I can do that, although you are already on two different forums, both with great comments! :D