Battle of The Four Japanese Giants

Battle of The Four Japanese Giants

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Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Which of these four do you think is the greatest?

I think that MGS is the better one, with FF as a close second.
i voted for RE-i have played every one & think it is time to retire the franchise RE5 was god awful!
i never ever played FF...i cant
Silent hill i tried the 1st one but never got into it. i think too dark&gloomy
& i couldnt see where i was going because it was dark,i was young & didnt know better.
i tried MGS the 1st for PSone i couldnt get past the training part where you needed to sneak around the guards & hide behind walls. at that point i said "fuck this game"!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That happens when a franchise gets bastardized like RE.
Tough choice this, i voted for MGS with FF following closel, same as you Leggy. Both are amazing and so are the other two but MGS just stands out more for me.
Silent Hill is my favourite, but it has probably made the smallest footprint in the gaming world.

Resident Evil brought survival horror to the masses but pales in comparison to MGS and FF.

MGS is probably the superior game series, but FF is almost a house hold name. Because of that, I vote FF.


Voted for Final Fantasy because I've played lots of FF games the most.
MSG and Resident Evil are both good seconds, and for both the first games made the biggest impression, have not played recent editions.
Never played Silen Hill.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Resident Evil ceased to be got after Code Veronica. MGS4 was dumbed down, I suppose the previous games were too hard for the gamers. Don't get me started on FF....


knows petras secret: she farted.
im and ff fan. especially the older stuff.

the enix/disney movement has saddened me a bit.