Battle of the Butlers

Who is the most badass butler?

  • Barrymore - Baskerville Family - The Hound of the Baskervilles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bernerd - Osbourne Family - Spider-Man

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hobson - Bach Family - Arthur

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jenkins - Blake Family - Scooby Doo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Always forced to say ... "yes, sir" ... "right away, sir" ... "Is it alright if I retire to my quarters now, sir" and ... "will there be anything else, sir". Pent up aggression has finally built up to the breaking point!

Butler Fight!

Who is the most badass butler?
Which servant would serve up a huge can of whoopass?
Which butler would shove a polished silver .... right up the other guy's ....
Well, you get the idea.

Alfred Pennyworth - Wayne Family - Batman
Barrymore - Baskerville Family - The Hound of the Baskervilles
Benson DuBois - Gatling Family - Benson
Bernerd - Osbourne Family - Spider-Man
Coleman - Whinthorpe / Valentine Family - Trading Places
Hobson - Bach Family - Arthur
Jenkins - Blake Family - Scooby Doo
Niles - Sheffield Family - The Nanny
Poole - Jekyll Family - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Winston "Jeeves" Smith - Croft Family - Tomb Raider

For the sake of fairness only "normal servants" are included.
Those with a history of major violence and other superhuman abilities were excluded...

Delbert Grady - Overlook Hotel - The Shining
Riff-Raff - Rocky Horror Show
Lurch - Adams Family
Rosie the Robot Maid - The Jetsons


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Geoffrey from Fresh Prince of Bel-air
Oops, I voted for my favorite before I read the questions. Watching Niles tear that chick to shreds on the Nanny was the best part of that show (well, that and Fran Drescher's ass).
Niles ... loved it when he verbally attacked CC
I'm outraged that Mr.Belvedere on the list.:mad:

How could anyone forget him?!
I would say Alfred. I mean, he does know where the keys to the batmobile are kept. ;)
For the sake of fairness only "normal servants" are included.
Those with a history of major violence and other superhuman abilities were excluded...

Delbert Grady - Overlook Hotel - The Shining
Riff-Raff - Rocky Horror Show
Lurch - Adams Family
Rosie the Robot Maid - The Jetsons

or were is Lurch from the Addams family

He was disallowed from being eligible,see above. Lurch had no history of violence (cept for crushing a few hats lol) and no superhuman abilities cept for his steller singing and dancing.And calling him not normal is slander!!:tongue:

Here is a better extended clip of him singing.
Lurch, the Singing Butler

And his dance moves.

Made appearances on other shows.
Lurch on teen dance show

Lurch on Batman

Had a record made about him.

Does any other Butler even begin to compare to LURCH ???
Love all the interest in the thread. :thumbsup:
Sorry .. not everyone's favorites were included --- but the polls only allow maximum 10.

There are many other great ones that nobody has mentioned as well.
We also have to remember a blowout is no fun....... watching disgruntled evenly matched codgers go at it is! :thumbsup:

Geoffrey from Fresh Prince of Bel-air
Yeah, he could probably lay the smack down.
He was "an Olympic runner several years before being hired by the Banks family" and more importantly "sparring butler for Chuck Norris".

I'm outraged that Mr.Belvedere on the list.
How could anyone forget him?!

Yep, another good one that has to deal with a lot of other people's crap. I'm sure he has some steam to let out.

Actually.... These two are currently going at it over at the "Who would win in a fight between..." thread.

Where is Jeeves?
Which Jeeves? There's a shitload.
  • Winston "Jeeves" Smith - Croft Family - is there already.
  • "Ask Jeeves" was busy trying to find as many things as Google. (unsuccessfully)
  • "Jeeves" from P. G. Wodehouse / Jeeves and Wooster is technically a valet. (not butler turned personal attendant by unfortunate circumstances like Pennyworth, Bernerd, or Winston for instance) .. (although he'd be allowed in the fight if there was room for more than 10)

or were is Lurch from the Addams family

He was disallowed from being eligible,see above. Lurch had no history of violence (cept for crushing a few hats lol) and no superhuman abilities cept for his steller singing and dancing. And calling him not normal is slander!!

Riiiiiiight. ;)
"He tries to help around the house, although occasionally he botches tasks due to his great size and strength..."

"in Addams Family Values, a 20-pound cannonball is dropped from the top of the Addams' mansion, landing directly on his head, seemingly with no ill effect."

Besides I didn't say he wasn't normal. :tongue: I said he is not a "normal servant". He is quite an "exceptional servant". ..... and dancer. :D

Fight on.. you old stuffy bastards!