Not wanting to flame, but what?? Most non nude girls like this fall by the wayside reasonably fast because they aspire to be something they are not.
Non nude models such as Denise milani, have the magic that keeps us coming back. JC and W4 probably for a while too, although not as long as DM. then there are girls like Nextdoor Nikki, who (if i am totally honest i am not sure why anymore) are still around. But Non-nude is a gamble for a girl to take. she only has a few photosets in which to capture a big fanbase before people get bored, and the cost of maintaining the website outweighs the cost of keeping a few fans amused
The funniest thing about non-nude girls though, is that people look at the free preview tour pictures, not realising that the pictures they are being shown for free are as good as it gets, in fact the free preview pics are usually the absolute hottest pics from the set.