band/song Association Game

Kool & The Gang - Misled

The powers that be
That force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what they've done to you
Kool & The Gang - Misled

The powers that be
That force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what they've done to you

The Pretenders - Back On The Chain Gang

Then I noticed in the back seat a lady wrapped in fur
Her eyes burned through me and mine stared back at her

(Sorry maildude, you just didn't leave one to guess!)
38 Special - Chain Lightning

So you gotta, when you wanna hold a sigh,
You gotta hold him like it's the last minute in your life, baby.
You gotta hold, whoa, whoa, hold him
'Cause someday some weight's gonna come on your shoulders
Ratt - Chain Reaction

Run in the shadows
Damn your love, damn your lies
Break the silence
Damn the dark, damn the light
Motorhead - Back On The Chain

Jack of Diamonds is a gambling man
He played the tables whenever he can
Take some advice boy stay clean stay out of his way

Dokken - Breaking The Chains ?

Take these tears from my eyes and let me see
Just a spark of the love that used to be
If you love somebody new, let me find a new love, too
Vangelis - Wisdom Chain

Free like a bird as it flies,
Free like an old man that dies,
Just like a stream or a rose growing wild
Kiss - Love In Chains

And in this I'm restrained
Filled with less than I am
I find all of my frailties
I can see no end
Dio - The Chains Are On

Tamed the fire prophesied
Length of day and height of sky
Made his tools chased his meal
Then progressed he built the wheel