band/song Association Game

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the Doobie Btrothers - Takin' It to the Streets

They say it takes a lot to keep a love alive:
In every heart there pumps a different beat
But if we shift the rhythm into overdrive
We could generate a lot of heat.
Billy Joel - 52nd Street

I see my baby stumblin' around with tears in her eyes
And as I reach out for her she falls on the floor
She mumbles through bloody lips about a bad man, robber, raper
And in my gut I know I got one to score

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Kansas - Lonely Street

They'll be huggin'.... and a kissin'
That's what I been missin'
And all that music....lord, if you just listen'
New Orleans....
Dr. John - Basin Street Blues

I got no deeds to do
No promises to keep
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me

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Simon & Garfunkel - 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)

Hey, that cunt's not breathing
I think she's had too much
of something or other, hey, man, you know what I mean?
I don't mean to scare you
Lou Reed - Street Hassle

It's always here and now my friend, it ain't once upon a time
It's all over but the shouting, I come to take what's mine

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ZZ Top - Party On the Patio

Playin' my records, keep dancin' all night
Leave me alone for a while
'Till Johnny's dancin' with me
I've got no reason to smile
Ozzy Osbourne - Party With The Animals

Do the dancin' romance all night long
I know it's cold outside
C'mon baby, I'll keep you satisfied

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the Kinks - Party Line

People came from miles around, everyone was there
Yoko brought her walrus, there was magic in the air
'n' over in the corner, much to my surprise
Mr. Hughes hid in Dylan's shoes wearing his disguise
The Kinks - Party Line

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself
People came from miles around, everyone was there
Yoko brought her walrus, there was magic in the air
'n' over in the corner, much to my surprise
Mr. Hughes hid in Dylan's shoes wearing his disguise

:o apologies DVC...

Ricky Nelson - Garden Party

I've had a drink or two and I don't care
There's no fun in what I do if she's not there
I wonder what went wrong
I've waited far too long

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:o apologies DVC...
Well, the song you chose wasn't bad either. ;)

the Beatles - I Don't Want to Spoil the Party

Met a little lady so pretty and young
She was quite a little talker 'till the cat got her tongue
She oozed up beside me, I turned on my charm
Well, pretty soon she was completely disarmed
Wierd Al Yankovic - Party At The Leper Colony?

Play that song called "Soul Twist"
Play that song called "I Know"
Don't forget "The Mashed Potatoes"
No other songs will do

dick van cock

Closed Account
the Doors - The Celebration of the Lizard

Entertainment can sometimes be hard
When the thing that you love
Is the same thing that's holding you down