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Backlash After Colin Kaepernick Named Face of Nike Ad

Colin Kaepernick was benched after the 49ers were at that point 1-11 and had lost 11 straight in 2016. The Niners' GM made it clear to him that offseason that he would be released or he could opt out of his contract and become a free agent, whatever.

How did Kaepernick "sacrifice everything?" By that point, his career as a starting QB was basically over. Sure some teams may have signed him as a backup (the Seahawks reached out to him twice) but not with the additional baggage of his on the field activism.

But no, he made a savvy business decision by going SJW. He now has a lucrative contract with Nike. And it should be said, he has done some good donating money and clothing to the poor here and abroad.

Ok, a few things here :

Dear Nike,

This is what "sacrificing everything" looks like.
Buy you know, this is advertiement, they like to exagerate, to over-emphasize things, to use unecesary and over the top superlatives, etc. just for the sake of a catch-phrase

2) Kaepernick di a bold move wether you like it or not it was bold, it took guts. But I don't think he ever imagined things would go that far. But the part where he sacrificied something (not everything but something) was when he choosed to stand his ground. He woulc have apologied, asked for forgiveness, told he wanted to do something, to say something but did not understood the meaning of what he had done, etc. But he did not. And when he made that choice he knew it would have huge consequences on his life, that it would be, on war or another, a turning point.
Wether you agree wth him, with what he did and the reasons why he did that, you gotta admit the man choosed to stand for what he believes, even thought it costed him a lot since it happened. He never backed down, never back-pedal, stayed true to his words, to himself.
Wether you like him or not, wether you agreed with him or not you have to admit it takes guts to do that, you have to admit the man is not a coward.

3) It don't think it was "savvy business" : There's no way he could have guessed that he would sign with Nike or any other huge coroporation. These corporations usually avoid controversy, usually try to stay neutral, to avoid conflicts because they want to sell products to everyone, they don't want to alienate potential customers.
The guy is now considered an outcast in the NFL and no team wants to hire him because they fear the backlash that they would then face. He hasn't played any game in an entire season and is starting his second season in a row as free-agent. He's 30, he should be on top of his game but he's in a dead-end. That doesn't like "savvy business" to me...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
In 2017, Nike announced that the company planned to center its products and marketing on consumers living in 12 cities around the world: New York, London, Shanghai, Beijing, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Mexico City, Barcelona, Seoul, and Milan. In a press release, the company said, “These key cities and countries are expected to represent over 80 percent of Nike’s projected growth through 2020.”

These cities aren’t just big; they’re also, for the most part, incredibly wealthy. And as Pamela Danziger described in Forbes, young people living in big, wealthy cities make up Nike’s core demographic:

For Nike, the company’s best customer prospects are active, high-earning young people, for who else can or will spend more than $100 for a pair of sneakers, Nike’s pricing sweet spot, when the average price for a competitive pair runs about one-third less. These high-earning young people, those I call HENRYs (high-earners-not-rich-yet) making $100,000-$249,900 annually in professional jobs, live in big cities, and Nike’s 12 Key Cities are the best place to find them.
Young people living in big cities in the United States like Los Angeles and New York — cities that are generally more racially and ethnically diverse than the areas surrounding them — are also supportive of Kaepernick’s protest efforts and generally opposed to Trump, tending to be more left-leaning in general. That means that for companies like Nike, appealing to them — and not to their parents or to their Republican-voting older neighbor — makes sense. As Josh Barro wrote in Business Insider in March:

Think about who companies most want to advertise to: people who have a lot of disposable income and aren’t too old. This advertiser preference is why television ratings are reported in terms of adults 25 to 54 (or sometimes even 18 to 49) and it’s why networks like Bravo tout their unusually upscale viewer base to prospective advertisers. Appealing to senior citizens is a good way to win an election, but it’s not a good way to sell most consumer products and services.

Why Nike doesn't give two shits if MAGA Chuds and 40+ white dudes burn their stuff
I know but still funny. Last I read he wanted to become a man again.
So anyone who supports the flag is a racist and bigot??? Those are news to me :rolleyes:I will remember you what your dear community organizer Obama Notrauma said about why he didn't follow the protocol when the National Anthem was played:
"“As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides,” Obama said. “There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem it self conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song ‘I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.’ If that were our anthem, then I might salute it.” Typical liberal socialist and unpatriotic bs coming from the worst and most divisive president USA ever had. Enough of Obama muppeting.

Good fucking grief georges you're becoming a fountain of Fake News.
No, Obama never said anything of the kind.


Time to start fact checking your posts. Actually it's way beyond time.


Staff member
Good fucking grief georges you're becoming a fountain of Fake News.
No, Obama never said anything of the kind.


Time to start fact checking your posts. Actually it's way beyond time.
Maybe time to stop your whining as well as your forever Obama Notrauma praising and face the facts. Most of the time you claim and lambast systematically unbiased sources which in fact are kissing always Democrat's asses and being financed by their acolytes. Fake news fountain applies more to the ones like you who blindly stand behind the mainstream medias and their cronies as well those who approve supposedly so called unbiased sources which are in fact biased. Snopes, the last time I have been shown a snopes link, it was a clearly biased despite the site is marked as unbiased. I know that you will always raise a gold portrait of Obama no matters what was his mediocre presidency
Your beloved and praised Obama defended US football player refusing to stand for national anthem back then and that is the very same pos player who refused to stand for the national anthem which is thread is about
Let's not forget this too
Obama Invited 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America
Go ahead and cry me river :laugh::thefinger: Enough of his nonsense
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Maybe time to stop your whining as well as your forever Obama Notrauma praising and face the facts. Most of the time you claim and lambast systematically unbiased sources which in fact are kissing always Democrat's asses and being financed by their acolytes. Fake news fountain applies more to the ones like you who blindly stand behind the mainstream medias and their cronies as well those who approve supposedly so called unbiased sources which are in fact biased. Snopes, the last time I have been shown a snopes link, it was a clearly biased despite the site is marked as unbiased. I know that you will always raise a gold portrait of Obama no matters what was his mediocre presidency
Your beloved and praised Obama defended US football player refusing to stand for national anthem back then and that is the very same pos player who refused to stand for the national anthem which is thread is about
Let's not forget this too
Obama Invited 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America
Go ahead and cry me river :laugh::thefinger: Enough of his nonsense

So you danced around the point - doubled down by posting an ancient article about conservatives having a cow over flag pins and an oath of allegiance (like a true terrorist is going to keep their oath?) .

How about simply committing to double checking what you post so you don't end up posting easily debunked crap like the phony Obama quote you focused on in your previous post. Your frequent failure to do so undermines any credibility You Might hope to establish as a "news" source, which it seems you aspire to be.


Staff member
So you danced around the point - doubled down by posting an ancient article about conservatives having a cow over flag pins and an oath of allegiance (like a true terrorist is going to keep their oath?) .

How about simply committing to double checking what you post so you don't end up posting easily debunked crap like the phony Obama quote you focused on in your previous post. Your frequent failure to do so undermines any credibility you might hope to establish as a "news" source, which it seems you aspire to be.

I am taking a lot of flak (yes I am accustomed to it but every time it just strenghtens me even more) but I have a very hard skin, but I will respond even if I don't agree with you on many many things. You will appreciate the time that I have taken to give you my response because many would have dropped the ball but not me. Have the Obamanomics improved the life for millions of Americans? Not according to Forbes.
Obamanomics: The Final Nail In the Discredited Keynesian Coffin
And two other links describe well what was Obama's presidency
Now all the Russian bs Collusion and all this salacious Steele Dossier was an Obama initiative. In case if you don't remember and recall, I will remember it to you
When you have corrupt and crooked people such as Brennan, Sztrok, Mueller and his 15 angry democrats, Page, Rosenstein and a dolt like Sessions how do you want people to have trust in rotten apples when they are all part of the Deep state and were all backed up by Clinton?
As the famous quote says :"Bad government comes from too much governement" and another quote says :"Socialism is the distribution of misery". Obama wanted a big government so he could control and have the upper hand on everything and high taxes means nothing good.
Free healthcare and free social security are not granted rights and not even lifetime warranties , you have to work and bust your ass off to pay for them and earn them.
The question that should be adressed to the democrats is:"Is a country with zero illegal immigration control, weak borders, people who don't work and who leech off permanently free social security and healthcare, heavily biased and manipulative mainstream medias as well as a weak army a great coutry to live in?"Unlike some people here who think and absolutely adore the failed and fucked up socialist scandinavian/nordic countries are marvelous, what is applicable for them is definitely not applicable for the USA. Remember that under Obama the number of people on foodstamps was at its highest peak.
Maybe in all due respect, you should debunk your own bias by stopping claims that the links of the websites you posts are neutral and show the absolute unquestionnable truth when they aren't and when they are run by liberals. You should also check your democrats beloved double standards and hypocritical rethorics especially when you have such senators and people such as feinstein, hirono, booker, harris, coons, whitehouse, klobuchar and any other democrat who was serving before in the Obama admlinistration and they were and still are Obama devotees/muppets. Aside deceitful and purposeful obstructionism , nothing positive comes from them, not a damn fucking thing. About their patriotism, I don't have seen any of it nor I don't expect to see any of it. Any person who is against ICE, closed boarders, the 2nd amendment and against illegal immigration control is not really a patriot.

‘I’m done’: Colorado sporting goods store liquidates all Nike products in response to Kaepernick ad
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2018/0...sletter&utm_medium=BPR Email&utm_campaign=DMS
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Not to detract from George's post here, but when democrats want to throw a fit it falls flat. Anybody remember In and Out last week? Nike pulls this great marketing stunt with Kaepernick and there's actual backlash.

What will happen with the NFL? What happened last year?


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‘Just Stand’: Army Vet Rolls Out New Anti-Nike Clothing Line

The NFL Is Reportedly Not Going to Implement an ‘Anthem Policy’ This Year

Louisiana Mayor Kicks Nike Out: ‘Under No Circumstances’ Will Any Nike Logo Product Be Purchased
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