Back From The Dead: Man Attends Own Funeral


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
So do they get a refund on the funeral, or what?
Bet the look on his family's faces was priceless.


Wonder if he was well liked , guess it depends of how many people were at his funeral, and now he knows that answer.
I would have assumed he was a zombie and bashed his head in then turn to everyone and say some action movie line like, "Bank loan denied." or something like that and walk off into the sunset
He shows up and no one is there. :1orglaugh

Looks in the casket and sees no one in there, turns around and asks where the body is. :dunno:

His wife looks surprised and starts sobbing in front of him. Only to realize, wait, if he is alive, where was he last night?!!?

This can open up a can of worms in so many ways! Note to self: Get cremated when I am dead to avoid any of this awkward nonsense!
Does anybody think he should have arrived early, climbed in the casket, and then surprised everybody when they came in and were in the middle of it that way?
He should have waited and turned up at the reading of his will.
It happens all the time in 3rd world countries.
Wouldn't it be messed up (and messed up as in funny) if he walked in just as his brother was hitting on his "widow" wife?
This scenario kind of reminds me of that show Candid Camera or to a latter extent PunkD. Oh to see the looks on his friends and loved ones faces.