Average FreeOnes Members' Age?

How old are you?

  • Total voters
Actually, you can be too young to enjoy it. I imagine a 5 year old would be quite upset if he stumbled onto milfhunter.com by accident...

That's a good insight. :eek:


Closed Account
Hmm, it's interesting looking at the results. I thought GENIUS was about 30 and thought McRocket was about 25! (don't ask me why because I don't know)
So it looks like the most important regulars are in the 28-32 range, just as I expected!


59 members have voted on this as I type. That's 59 out of 35,500 active members. So that is only out of the 59 people who have voted. As I posted before, this isn't the first thread on this. The others have had a lot more post their age in them and it came out between 25 - 40. I know the members change over time. But in the two I remember that has always been the age group most are in.

Example I haven't voted and won't. Because I've done it too many times before to be bothered to do it again. I could also name you around another 30 members who haven't voted and don't fit into your age band. All are older.
So it looks like the most important regulars are in the 28-32 range, just as I expected!

Somehow I knew we would be in the same age range CA. Personally, I didn't know dave and monkey were so young or juballs for that matter. They have wisdom beyond their years! I think what's cool is that all the age ranges have their own what I consider quality and productive posters. I wont mention any names, but it's cool that both the regulars and not-so-regulars span such a variety of ages. Freeones is for everyone!
Somehow I knew we would be in the same age range CA. Personally, I didn't know dave and monkey were so young or juballs for that matter. They have wisdom beyond their years! I think what's cool is that all the age ranges have their own what I consider quality and productive posters. I wont mention any names, but it's cool that both the regulars and not-so-regulars span such a variety of ages. Freeones is for everyone!

Exactly! And this is just one reason why the most important regular users are in the 28-32 range. Yeah I'm surprised that juballs is a near juvenile, but I shouldn't be. Especially after seeing the pic of jibbijib that he posted, and the one of his dad on motorcycle.
It is interesting though, considering that this sort of poll has happened from time to time, yet 28-32 has the most important users in it! And the thing is, it doesn't even matter if some users didn't vote, cause the proof is in the poll my friend. The proof is in the poll!


Yeah, I thought GENIUS was older too. But I thought McRocket was A LOT older.

How are you people seeing how old I and juballs and others are? Or is this info from other sources?

As far as me (I am 44.)? Sometimes when I am on here I feel 16 and sometimes I feel 66 (and no doubt act similarily). So people's confusion about my age does not surprise me.