Avatar to smal? VOTE!

New Avatar size?

  • 80x80?

    Votes: 11 11.2%
  • 100x100?

    Votes: 36 36.7%
  • 120x120?

    Votes: 51 52.0%

  • Total voters

Out of difference for our very gracious host and the payment of bandwidth, and also out of pity for schmoes like me who have to use dialup.... PLEASE let's keep the gimmicks to a minimum, I do and i'm not diss'n those who like the glitz... far from it... but with pics and such, PLEASE use links.... ok... i'm catching hell from my girlfriends and such about my line being busy all the time.
So please... like Feng Shuy... less is more... Be artistic using less... dang what a challenge.... but let's at least try. If not, no bad things from me... Love this place and everyone here.

:wave2: :bowdown: :wave:


Well, on the one hand I'm on 56k and I still would have no problem with 100x100 avatars but on the other hand I think we should be thankful for what we have. I mean I know of a board that doesn't even host avatars for you, they do their avatars like we do our sigs with the whole [ img ] [ img ] thing.
LOL, the funniest thing is, that some of the people that I see here posting that they want a bigger avatar than 80x80, don't even use the full 80x80 space that they have.

Anyway, it's a good point Jennie, but like a lot of people said in this thread, bandwith costs money (big time!) and hosting a 100x100 or even bigger, costs more than hosting a 80x80. So, for now we are sticking to 80x80... but who knows what might change!
How about doing the off site hosting for avatars like with the signatures?

And dlgardner there is an option in your profile you can use to turn off different features of the board; you can individually toggle on and off images, avatars and signatures. Bit of a pain if sometimes you want to see a threads pics andyou have to go switch it on and refresh, but on the whole you will browse ten times as fast!
I think I'm probably the only one content with the 80x80 - I don't see the big deal to be honest. I was against the sig being made smaller but now I actually prefer them smaller than the current setting anyway. I think it's time to acknowledge and accept 80x80 is here to stay!!! ;)
parker said:
A bit bigger would be nice, especially when it comes to seeing your avatar. ;)

dude i hate to say it...especially to you....but that almost sounded like you know......'get your coat love, you've pulled'.....lol


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Marie said:
LOL, the funniest thing is, that some of the people that I see here posting that they want a bigger avatar than 80x80, don't even use the full 80x80 space that they have.

Anyway, it's a good point Jennie, but like a lot of people said in this thread, bandwith costs money (big time!) and hosting a 100x100 or even bigger, costs more than hosting a 80x80. So, for now we are sticking to 80x80... but who knows what might change!

Well here goes my opinions ones more....

Plz Dont count SIZE of a picture by its pxl size....
If u understand that size thing..... Lower your KB size and increase the pixelsize....

There is not any Money prob there.....

My avatar vas 18 kb 1 huour ago....... Its easy to have 5x5 gif pics with size of 20 KB and that cost.... Lover KB size and increase it to at least 100 x 100
And ones more there is absolutly No negative efects to anyone on this board or any negative eftets to the owner... Just Happyer site /board if u ask me

Here is a gr8 test for that
which picture costs more money? Nr 1 or 2!

or 2

Maybe its hard But Pic nr 2 is cheaper for everyone.....

Plz dont say now ohh u did this and that... i am just trying to make a point here..... Not many boards have so small avatar size (pixel) as freeones.... But not many boards Have So High KB avatar size as freeones
the size that realy counts....
My board have 120x120 max 12 KB
FO board have 80x80 max 19.5 KB

Hope u all understand

Love / Jennie
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It's KB transferred which count, not size/dimension. Perfect illustration in your above post, Jennie. I allow larger avatars, for example, and as long as Photoshop/whatever editing program is properly used, you can easily get an avatar to look just as good at a larger size and the KB usage/file size can be even smaller.

Besides, even some of the FreeOnes hosted avatars are bigger than 80X80. I never quite understood that. When you upload your own avatar, it has to be 80X80, but some of the generic ones from which you can choose are either 100X100 or I think even bigger in a couple of cases.

Some boards are ridiculous with avatars and sigs. I've seen avatars on boards that were like 300X300, and it just fucks up the entire page view. 80X80 is ok, but I prefer 100X100 or 120X120, personally.

Great post, Jennie!
:hatsoff: :)
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Closed Account
Avatars are cool but I don't need one. If you made the 20x20 I still wouldn't complain. Only thing that matters is the board, the rest (sig n avatars) is just vanity.
yeah 100 x 100 is fair i reckon


jenniegbg said:
Well here goes my opinions ones more....

Plz Dont count SIZE of a picture by its pxl size....
If u understand that size thing..... Lower your KB size and increase the pixelsize....

There is not any Money prob there.....

My avatar vas 18 kb 1 huour ago....... Its easy to have 5x5 gif pics with size of 20 KB and that cost.... Lover KB size and increase it to at least 100 x 100
And ones more there is absolutly No negative efects to anyone on this board or any negative eftets to the owner... Just Happyer site /board if u ask me

Here is a gr8 test for that
which picture costs more money? Nr 1 or 2!

or 2

Maybe its hard But Pic nr 2 is cheaper for everyone.....

Plz dont say now ohh u did this and that... i am just trying to make a point here..... Not many boards have so small avatar size (pixel) as freeones.... But not many boards Have So High KB avatar size as freeones
the size that realy counts....
My board have 120x120 max 12 KB
FO board have 80x80 max 19.5 KB

Hope u all understand

Love / Jennie

:hatsoff: Good point well made Jennie. Great choice of picture btw as well :)
foxycougar said:
I think they're fine where they are.....if they get much bigger they might be a little intrusive :)

Funny, that's exactly what my ex-g/f said when I suggested a breast enlargement! :rofl:

Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
Thorne said:
Funny, that's exactly what my ex-g/f said when I suggested a breast enlargement! :rofl:

Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
Lmfao....you should get them for yourself, first and see how you like them and then decide if you would like them for your g/f. You'd probably be very fetching with a set of DD's ;)
foxycougar said:
Lmfao....you should get them for yourself, first and see how you like them and then decide if you would like them for your g/f. You'd probably be very fetching with a set of DD's ;)

Hmmmm....thanks for the idea....