Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)

I love her pity she isn't an ocsm :(
Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)

Looks like Ava / Lana is gone for good. I have really enjoyed 2007 the year of Ava Lauren the Pornstar!!! I waited so long for her to do Porn and it was awesome. Good Luck AVA!!!!
This was posted at her official My Space:

Never having been one who likes to disappoint, I've been somewhat reluctant to put this out there. However, I think the time has come to let my fans know what's new in Ava's world...

Some of you die-hard fans may already know, but for those of you who don't, I have "officially" retired from the porn industry. Yes... I do realize that I may have had one of the shortest lived careers in the biz, but I'm 100% okay with that. I feel that I have seen all there is to see in this industry & knowing who I am & what I want for my life, I am sure I have made the right decision.

Don't get me wrong, the industry serves it's purpose for many... Just not for me. Sure, the money was great... But that's not all there is. Unless you dive in full force, ultimately, it can make things harded for you in the long run. I consider myself lucky to have someone in my life who is patient enough to take the time to see the real me & not the glorified porn star. That, to me, is what is important & it always has been. My reasons for going into the porn industry varied at different points in my life & at the time I decided to do it, it seemed like a sensible decision. But, as we all know, life changes & sometimes quite quickly. Again, I consider myself lucky to have found someone with whom I don't have to have any regrets... & that ain't easy, let me tell you.

So, what am I up to now? Well... Good, old-fashioned, hard work. That's what! My boyfriend & I have been building his business back up & it's doing quite well. I find it amusing sometimes though, when I come home after being in the rain for hours, with my now short fingernails thick with dirt. I just have to laugh a bit. Who would have thought?If they could see me now...

The things I miss the most are my therapist & my trainer, but I know that in time I will be able to have those things again... if needed. I am happy & I am loved... for ME. That's what counts.

Much Love to all & God Bless!

Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)


Even though this decision makes me sad, I wish her good luck for the future.
Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)

Yup - sad to see that she has jacked it in, but you have to wish her well for the future.

One of those lasses that has 'something about her' - that's for sure. :cool:
Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)

I alweays thought she would retire before doing b/g and I'm glad she didn't.

Good luck to her for the future.
Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)

as a porn fan, i feel sad...
as a person a wish her best of luck!!;)
Re: Lana Lotts (aka Ava Lauren)

Watched that scene with Lisa Ann here the other day. Why does she have all those bruises?:confused: