Ava Devine OR Vicky Vette

I definitely choose Vicky! saw notwithstanding
Gotta go with Ava all the way!!!


Center of the fothermucking universe
Hey Vicky, have and Ava ever work together?

That'll make a nice video!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Do i have to pick just one of them?
Heck I'd like to do em both at the same time if that were possible however in picking one over the other? That one is not complicated for me and please allow me to just put in my own southernly gentleman way, I'd like to bang Miss Vickey like a screen door in a hurricane I WOULD I WOULD ! Until the freaking cows came home! MMM M M ! She definately has my vote in the Freeones contest, HOT DAM SHE'S SO FREAKING GORGEOUS! She reminds me with that drop dead gorgeous chest, HAIR, smile, her cute girly giggle and manorisms (minus the chest) a cross between Goldi Hawn and another gorgeous porn star back in the day who has dearly departed us who went by the name of Trinnity Loren. The only improvements I could think of is that if Miss Vickey just had a tad more stomach, buttox, a couple of cute love handles and for that traffic stopping rack of hers to start sagging some and showing some blue veiners MMM M M ! She already has a killer set of legs, MY KIND A GAL ! So if you run across this message Miss Vickey quit pushing yourself away from the table girl and my hat is off to ya ma'am. As a new member I kindly thank you all for your time.
Ha ha ha ha "Spank me, I'm a newbie" Only if it's Miss Vickey doing the spanking ha ha!
A spanking for a spunking? Sounds reasonable to me :)
Heck I'd like to do em both at the same time if that were possible however in picking one over the other? That one is not complicated for me and please allow me to just put in my own southernly gentleman way, I'd like to bang Miss Vickey like a screen door in a hurricane I WOULD I WOULD ! Until the freaking cows came home! MMM M M ! She definately has my vote in the Freeones contest, HOT DAM SHE'S SO FREAKING GORGEOUS! She reminds me with that drop dead gorgeous chest, HAIR, smile, her cute girly giggle and manorisms (minus the chest) a cross between Goldi Hawn and another gorgeous porn star back in the day who has dearly departed us who went by the name of Trinnity Loren. The only improvements I could think of is that if Miss Vickey just had a tad more stomach, buttox, a couple of cute love handles and for that traffic stopping rack of hers to start sagging some and showing some blue veiners MMM M M ! She already has a killer set of legs, MY KIND A GAL ! So if you run across this message Miss Vickey quit pushing yourself away from the table girl and my hat is off to ya ma'am. As a new member I kindly thank you all for your time.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Vicky comes off (no pun intended) as pretty slutty and fun. I'd go with Vicky.