At war with North Korea

And how would you destroy them completely?

Bomb and destroy any and all vital infrastructure starting with the most vital and militarily important to them with anything we have under nuclear weaponry. Bomb and kill any high ranking, or even mid ranking military leaders every chance I got and of course all high ranking civilian leaders. Bomb and destroy all heavy military equipment including tanks and plans. Destroy any artillery and missile emplacements so they can't shot at you. That would probably be first. Finally, bomb any large troop formations and do that while an allied force like troops like those from South Korea move in on them.

Of course all human shields that the forces against you use would have to be completely ignored. If anybody tires to use a guerrilla campaign against us I would even mess around and give them a chance to do it (plus the troops are not going to stay there for them to engage anyhow), after all in that scenario we’re not preserving anything or nation building. I would just surround the cities or places where those people are, give all non-combatants a day or so to evacuate unarmed, because if they are armed they get shot on sight, and destroy wherever they are by razing it until it doesn't exist anymore. There would be no troop presence to keep the peace or anything like that because they are just there to destroy our opposition, not help them rebuild. Even if they have nuclear weapons they don't have a lot of them at this moment and don't have good delivery systems with them. That might be a good reason if we are bound to have a conflict we do it now instead of waiting for them to have a good stockpile. In the even they use one that just gives us a legitimate reason to use or own and utterly destroy everything, like area saturating every important place over there with our own.

When your vastly more militarily advanced and capable than the opposition there is no way they can beat you unless you do like I said and try to nation build, try to take over the place, or try to have a presence there.

Part of the benefits of doing something like that to North Korea is that the people are so impoverished and their quality of life is so bad that even destroying most of the infrastructure doesn't really hurt them that much or chance that much for them. In fact it might allow people that really care to actually get food to them instead of food aid being funneled off to support North Korea's army.

Of course it's bad for the truly innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, but then again you can blame their government for that, and the fact they have did nothing to resist or overthrow them while living under a brutal totalitarian regime.


Bomb and destroy any and all vital infrastructure starting with the most vital and militarily important to them with anything we have under nuclear weaponry. Bomb and kill any high ranking, or even mid ranking military leaders every chance I got and of course all high ranking civilian leaders. Bomb and destroy all heavy military equipment including tanks and plans. Destroy any artillery and missile emplacements so they can't shot at you. That would probably be first. Finally, bomb any large troop formations and do that while an allied force like troops like those from South Korea move in on them.

Of course all human shields that the forces against you use would have to be completely ignored. If anybody tires to use a guerrilla campaign against us I would even mess around and give them a chance to do it (plus the troops are not going to stay there for them to engage anyhow), after all in that scenario we’re not preserving anything or nation building. I would just surround the cities or places where those people are, give all non-combatants a day or so to evacuate unarmed, because if they are armed they get shot on sight, and destroy wherever they are by razing it until it doesn't exist anymore. There would be no troop presence to keep the peace or anything like that because they are just there to destroy our opposition, not help them rebuild. Even if they have nuclear weapons they don't have a lot of them at this moment and don't have good delivery systems with them. That might be a good reason if we are bound to have a conflict we do it now instead of waiting for them to have a good stockpile. In the even they use one that just gives us a legitimate reason to use or own and utterly destroy everything, like area saturating every important place over there with our own.

When your vastly more militarily advanced and capable than the opposition there is no way they can beat you unless you do like I said and try to nation build, try to take over the place, or try to have a presence there.

Part of the benefits of doing something like that to North Korea is that the people are so impoverished and their quality of life is so bad that even destroying most of the infrastructure doesn't really hurt them that much or chance that much for them. In fact it might allow people that really care to actually get food to them instead of food aid being funneled off to support North Korea's army.

Of course it's bad for the truly innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, but then again you can blame their government for that, and the fact they have did nothing to resist or overthrow them while living under a brutal totalitarian regime.

No, no, no. Don't get me wrong, I like where your head is at. But I have the better plan:

Personally I've always felt (and I truly believe that this is a sound strategy) that if we go to war against N. Korea, we should just shoot food at them. Load up some Tomahawk missles with blankets rolled over two cans of Chunky Soup and a note that says, "There's more where this came from!", and launch it over troop concentrations. There would be such a huge surrender-fest and we could roll the M-1s right up Kim Jong Ils ass. End of war, one brand new free country.

Now if I can just get The Pentagon on the phone.....


Man watched news this evening....Usually I go with the posturing route but I think this situation is actually far more dangerous than usual. They have actually sunk a ship hence drew first blood. Kim boyo is ill and I reckon he feels his regime will collapse without him, I mean like his son went AWOL didnt he? Clear sign he really hasnt got a successor.

So dying dictator with legacies problems, He just might want to take a pop. And man you keyboard warriors really gotta wake up, Yea the US mostly steam rolls alot of engagements but fuck your over extended badly now. In fact the north korean army wont be easily taken out, China doesnt want involved in it....A good reason why it might not take place because confrontation is not convenient for the middle kingdom yet. Having said that I still highly doubt they will tolerate American intervention in the north, They may sit by if the south moves against the north(quietly and discreetly supported by America) but its debatable if the south can beat the north, they failed before.
Man watched news this evening....Usually I go with the posturing route but I think this situation is actually far more dangerous than usual. They have actually sunk a ship hence drew first blood. Kim boyo is ill and I reckon he feels his regime will collapse without him, I mean like his son went AWOL didnt he? Clear sign he really hasnt got a successor.

So dying dictator with legacies problems, He just might want to take a pop. And man you keyboard warriors really gotta wake up, Yea the US mostly steam rolls alot of engagements but fuck your over extended badly now. In fact the north korean army wont be easily taken out, China doesnt want involved in it....A good reason why it might not take place because confrontation is not convenient for the middle kingdom yet. Having said that I still highly doubt they will tolerate American intervention in the north, They may sit by if the south moves against the north(quietly and discreetly supported by America) but its debatable if the south can beat the north, they failed before.

they only failed because they were poorly trained and didnt have good enough weapons and supplies. once we came in during the Korean war with the other UN backers we did take a beating for a while, but we turned it around and pushed the NK/Chinese almost all the way to the Chinese border.

After the war we stayed, trained and equipped the S.Koreans and left our own troops there. NKorea will be tough to beat, but they can be beaten. in a war similar to what DRock was talking about, with a few things being tweaked a lil
This sounds like nothing more than posturing. I am not concerned one bit. We need to keep our butts out of this.

I completely agree. If you look at Kim Jong Il's history as "Supreme Leader" in that country, he really wants nothing more than to be acknowledged as a player in the international sense of the word. He poses no real threat, mainly due to the fact that China has such an economic interest in stability in their region, and the fact that if anything were to happen, China would simply have to lever some pressure on North Korea and make them realize that they could wipe them off the face of the earth if need be. Aside from that, Kim Jong Il has a vested interest in not pissing off the western world. I mean the guy drinks Hennessey by the case, drives Range Rovers and loves NBA basketball. All of those things would be taken away from him so quickly he would surely kill himself.
The question is this as far as Chinese intervention: Do they think its better that they support a Communist country, or to continue lucrative trade arrangements with the US?
That said without Chinese support the North will get pasted.
I dunno. They rarely do.
Fox is like one big Obama roast these days. I don't know if they pay attention to other things.

so if i say "BUSH" or "W" it doesn't set a bunch of minions (intellectuals in their own mind) off? Dan Rather, does that donkey ring any bells? (the death of journalism) meet up with me in a couple of years when the big "O" is obvious to everyone "the royal turd".. geeeez! you stupid libs


so if i say "BUSH" or "W" it doesn't set a bunch of minions (intellectuals in their own mind) off? Dan Rather, does that donkey ring any bells? (the death of journalism) meet up with me in a couple of years when the big "O" is obvious to everyone "the royal turd".. geeeez! you stupid libs
