Ask the person below you a question

Yes! I love it, unfortunately I don't have much of a yard to work in right now but i'm looking forward to it when we move.

Do you live in a big city or small town?


Closed Account
No I'm not. :D

Do you enjoy taking baths?


Closed Account
Why yes aint this Thread is all about asking questions. ;)

How many hrs a day do you watch tv?


Closed Account
No were I live at dont allow them bummer. :(

How many cds to you own?
I can't have pets either :( cds? omg I've never counted, I couldn't even guess, we have alot.

Who is/was the most influential person in your life?


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Closed Account
Yes and maybe more on some days.

Do you like going out to dinner?
only if its to taco bell, or if there's a lot people going with me.

what's your favorite time of day?

dick van cock

Closed Account
How long is your dick? (for girls: how deep is your pussy?).
dick van cock measures 179 cm.

(btw: my pussycat Pinky was put to death in 1995, because she suffered from a terrible bladder infection. I guess she's now six feet deep underground - comprehensive enough, Calm? :D)

At what age did you have your first (alcoholic...!) drink?


Closed Account
14 it was "Wild Irish Rose" red, rockgut . lol I'm Italian though, so I was always dabbling in wine with permission my entire childhood. :D

Do you eat breakfast like a good boy/girl?