Ask the person below you a question

nope, but thanks for asking?

Who's your fave pornstar?
yes , 21 years ago

music-lover or movie-lover ?
A : No, for me friends are forever ...
no matter what happens, how far they live doesn't matter, everybody's welcome ... I hope it goes the other way as well ...

I translated propositioned and it came out like "to follow". perhaps I answered wrong, it's been awhile that i wrote again in English.

Q ; What's your favorit drink ? Name and describe if it is a cocktail ...
Brunettes ...

Do you think that Stallone is going to make another Rocky ? (VII ?)
No that's why I'm here ... :D

Think Obama will win The Presidential elections ?
Robert DeNiro

If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you buy?
A big house in the suburbs.

If there was one young Hollywood actress you can bone, who would it be?

Is Family Guy better than Futurama?
Yes, by a country mile.

Is South Park better than Family Guy?