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Is Orville and cuddles a result of a very illicit affair you had with a giant green parrot and a monkey some years ago? If not how were they placed in your care?
What I'm saying now is a lie. Is that true ?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?.
can you help me with this? my hooker told me it and I couldnt figure it out and theres no way she is smarter than me :mad::mad::mad:

Three men walk inside a hotel and decide to stay for the night. They pay the price of $30 by splitting it so they each pay $10. They go up their room, but then the manager realizes that the price that night is $25 dollars so he sends $5 dollars up with the bell boy. The bellboy realizes that $5 can't be split by 3 so he pockets $2 and gives the men $1 each. But if you calculate it, the 3 men each payed $9, and 9 times 3 is 27, then add the $2 from the bellboy you got $29. Where did the last $1 go?

she tried to tell me she use to be a math teacher but wasnt making a enough lol go figure.

Is he serious ? Why adding the 2 from the bellboy's pocket ?

mr google

What do you think Will e Worm did on his short holiday? :georges:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Why does every fog back I've ever encountered insist on mispronouncing the word aluminum (Aa-loom-in-umm)?

Why can't I stop watching Top Gear?

when the council came to take away that tree in your backyard, the dead one supported by old doors, prams, bits of random wood and carrier bags - did you consciously let it die by the overdose of hoard-based clutter, was it dead anyway (and you just wanted to keep it upright) or was it merely a hoarded, dead tree you'd found on your travels?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Need Wednesday's winning Texas lotto numbers. Send them to me private please! Thanks!
Re: Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want

Why hasn't my order arrived yet ? ! :mad:
You know full well that you are not allowed to own any beasts. Do you really want me to divulge the reasons? Really?

What I'm saying now is a lie. Is that true ?

Can a vampire get AIDS?
A vampire can contract HIV if it dines on the blood of someone with that condition. However, due to a vampires unique biology it will not develop into AIDS. Of course as you have probably already realised, the cure for AIDS lies in developing a serum from this infected vampire blood. However, you try telling that to the World Health Organisation! You'll be laughed out of the room. . .as I was. :(

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?.
As much as it bloody well wanted to thank you very much!

What do you think Will e Worm did on his short holiday? :georges:
I have absolutely zero interest in this matter. Sorry.
Why does every fog back I've ever encountered insist on mispronouncing the word aluminum (Aa-loom-in-umm)?

Why can't I stop watching Top Gear?
fog back?!?

Because its the best programme. . .in the world.

What will you name johnny's doggy?
I shall call in Johnny's Doggy


when the council came to take away that tree in your backyard, the dead one supported by old doors, prams, bits of random wood and carrier bags - did you consciously let it die by the overdose of hoard-based clutter, was it dead anyway (and you just wanted to keep it upright) or was it merely a hoarded, dead tree you'd found on your travels?
Er, the last one? :dunno:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Yes fog backs. Mexicans are disparaging. Canadians are frost backs and now I am calling the British "fog backs."
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