Ask an American...

Will E Worm

Do you think it may becomes mandatory to be obese to become an American citizen in a near future? ;):tongue::D:1orglaugh:rofl:
Actually, pound for pound, the U.K. is fatter. Kid you not. Keep eatin' those sausages for breakfast, and that delicious clotted cream on those pastry things......damn that stuff is good, but it will blow you up.

But that's not to say we aren't a fat country here in the states. We are. Ehh.

*eats another cheesesteak*
Would you like to see NFL, NBA and MLB expands more in Canada (or even in Mexico) or those professional games should remains within USA borders?
Would you like to see NFL, NBA and MLB expands more in Canada (or even in Mexico) or those professional games should remains within USA borders?

I think it would be fine for those countries to have their own leagues for those sports if there was enough interest.But not where american teams had to travel during the regular season to play's tough enough on the teams to have to travel sometimes across the US to play each other much less to different countries.I know the NFL players hate this traveling to the UK for games.Maybe at some point if they had their own leagues and were deemed worthy(lol) we could have some sort of championship/playoff series that involved them.


Postal Paranoiac
Do you think it may becomes mandatory to be obese to become an American citizen in a near future? ;):tongue::D:1orglaugh:rofl:

Chicken fried steak, gizzards, sweet potato pie, the Whopper, Ben and Jerry's, White Castle, cable television, video games, the many times have you driven by a KFC and smelled chicken, usually around lunch time? They do that shit on purpose.
Are Missoura and Missouri the same place? Same question for Arkansas / Arkansaw. :dunno: :wave2:
Also, how do U.S licence plates work? Do they tell the age of the car, where it's from, if it's legal etc? Or is it just a random number? :thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Are Missoura and Missouri the same place? Same question for Arkansas / Arkansaw. :dunno: :wave2:

Yes, its just in the pronunciation

It seems that those Americans who travel abroad are a minority. Do you have a passport, and do you use it? What about your friends?

Fuck a damn passport. As fucked as this country is, I still feel safer here, the rest of the world hates Americans. The world looks at us like they used to look at the Germans when Hitler was in power. Bush has made us all look bad...Obama better fix it!

Also, how do U.S licence plates work? Do they tell the age of the car, where it's from, if it's legal etc? Or is it just a random number? :thumbsup:

Random as far as I know
Why do you say "As American as apple pie,baseball and burgers" when all these things originated elsewhere?

Why don't people ever seem to find it strange that France is identified with wine, the Swiss with timepieces, etc... even though those things did not originate there? :dunno: