Ask an American...


Torn & Frayed.
well we think you are a lot of things, but we have tact

Man, I got family there, so I know all about the culture. Been to three provinces. Ontario or BC are the best. Manitoba you can legally buy your booze at 18. That's where I first bought legally. ;)

Hell, when TSHTF, I might even move there, much to the dismay of Dirk, Plasma and Diva. ;)
yeah that to, but you can avoid most of them because unfortunately we took away there land and forced them to stay in certain areas

What, did America export their early immigration policy? ;)

But no, there were a shitload of them in Winnipeg when I was there. They almost abducted our goalie. :mad:
^^^That sounds like me, anywhere between three and ninety. But what is considered normal?. :wave2: