Ask a canadian person...

Don't know why either. I'm from the English part of Canada and can't stand the BS government formed by the British. I think the Senate should be abolished. One the one bright side, if the Queen dies, then Chuck becomes king. With those big ears, he might get shot by mistake as a moose.

One Canadian discussed the Crown with me and his reasoning was that with a big powerful Southern neighbour it helps to keep these links rather than end up as lookalike Americans.
Iz it kold in Kanada lajk in Rusia

Yes. October to April is roughly our cold time. With peaks in January and February. Some areas of Canada have a micro-climate, like Vancouver, which makes those areas less forsty than others.
The French part of Canada sums it up. :)
There is a lack of doctors here but for those lucky enough to have a family doc, they are appreciated.

As for the emergency department, they assess on priority. I went into the hospital complaining about chest pains and a tingling arm and I was immediately looked at. It was only hypertension but I was forced to stay in the hospital for observations since my BP and HR would spike while I was resting. As for another visit to the ER, they told me to see my dentist since I tried to eat a hockey puck.

Thanks for the detailed explanations, lost1dc :hatsoff:

Might be usefull to add for the non-canadians that our Canadian system is more a... Provincial System. While there is socialized medecine everywhere, it varies from a Province to another how it works in the details.

Don't let the word socialized scare you: it works and it worth to be looked at for countries which have choosen to not establish such system.


In principle, socialized medicine isn't such a "bad thing", it's just that they're rationed systems. With that, patients can be forced to seek other alternatives, depending on the specific area of deficiency. It might be a good idea to get a passport together.;) If you are diagnosed with the big "C", it is highly advisable to get treatment . . and on the double !!

Aside - Hungary and Thailand are supposed to be excellent alternative destinations for significantly discounted medical care. I have even heard of patients and doctors negotiating a final price, pre surgery, for a wide variety of medical procedures.
In principle, socialized medicine isn't such a "bad thing", it's just that they're rationed systems. With that, patients can be forced to seek other alternatives, depending on the specific area of deficiency. It might be a good idea to get a passport together.;) If you are diagnosed with the big "C", it is highly advisable to get treatment . . and on the double !!

One of the quality of the system is ... when we can't get treated in a "reasonnable" (what does it means? :confused:) time, canadian citizens can be sent to foreign coutries to be treated (almost always in USA). And it's all covered by the system.

One of the flaw is indeed the alternative. Where i live, i'm bond with the services in my area. If, by example, neurochirurgians sucks in my area, i don't have the choice. On the other hand, citizens are used to that so it's relatively easy to trick the system as you only have to "burrow" an area code from a relative, a friend or else in the area where you want to have your operation to get the neurochirurgian you want.

Aside - Hungary and Thailand are supposed to be excellent alternative destinations for significantly discounted medical care. I have even heard of patients and doctors negotiating a final price, pre surgery, for a wide variety of medical procedures

The richer citizens are using the destination you mentionned. Citizens who don't want to wait, and have the money to do it, are going to the destination you mentionned. Cuba is also popular (excellent medecine down there). It's not illegal or anything.

We have few doctors who are working outside the socialized medecine too that works in Canada. Again, if you don't want to wait, and you can afford the bills, it's not illegal or anything to use it.

The socialised system is flexible.
Just forgot to underline a fact which is major when it comes to socialized medecine... you have to accept the taxes comming with it.

So instead of paying private insurences, we pay higher taxes.
Socialised medicine sounds just like the British National Health. I'd much rather pay taxes to have a readily available public service than pay insurance companies for something I may never need.

Do you have to buy car insurance in Canada, or is it optional? It's legally required in Britain, which I think is terrible, as private companies charge huge prices and almost always wriggle out of claims. There should be some kind of state run system, where you put a certain amount of money in a bank account, and if you stop driving you can get it all back. :2 cents: :wave2:
Do you have to buy car insurance in Canada, or is it optional? It's legally required in Britain, which I think is terrible, as private companies charge huge prices and almost always wriggle out of claims. There should be some kind of state run system, where you put a certain amount of money in a bank account, and if you stop driving you can get it all back. :2 cents: :wave2:

Beleive it or not... I never ever owned a driver liscence neither a car. I live in a heavily populated area so i'm using public transportation and my bycicle.

The only thing i know regarding driving and cars is... the price of gaz :1orglaugh
To answer HeyFellas, yes we are legally binded to have insurance to drive vehicles. And yes they rape us for money too. And your idea sounds awesome.
How is your bacon different?
Do the Canadians think someone should start an "ask a dutch person..." thread on the freeones board?

(now it's just a matter of counting the majority of the votes :), considering it's only 3 threads it can't be too difficult. Of course, now that I think of it, I should have asked about an "ask a Lowlands person" thread. Now the Belgians (especially the flemmish) won't want to stay behind...)
How is your bacon different?

Not only is it "Candian Bacon" but we also call it peameal bacon. And just as Will E said, its just a slice of ham thats been rolled in peameal prior to being sliced.

On some days its better to keep a full 24 or 28 outside than it is to keep just a few in the fridge. This is only achievable in the country though. Too many fucknuts in the city would punk your beer.