Asian porn star

have seen her a few times but no name... small breasts, have always seen her "finish the guy off"...

any ideas?


  • IMG_0129.JPG
    182.2 KB · Views: 271
i wish i did. the scene this is from is her and some guy in the back seat of what looks like a limo... or at least a car with a huge back seat.
no, its not her. thanks though.

this girls breasts are much smaller, and ive always seen her hair kinda short with bangs like in the picture.

when i get a chance i want to try and get another pic up.
found the full scene, but still no name attached to it.

http:// www .tu
be8 .com /asian /hot -asian- car- fuck/ 7666/

just put the address together... i was getting the 'ol wtf? business when i pasted the link.