Arrested for saying Santa is not real

No, you're the one who is not to be taken seriously.

You just pop up and insult and not much else.
Wrong :facepalm:
Not stupid, per se; he just has a radical distortion of reality. Take all his statements, realize he very likely believes them and notices none of the contradictions (in his own articles), and there's only a few possibilities: a) he's trolling (which I don't believe; he's too consistent and been at it too long), or b) he occupies a different reality where normal causal logic does not apply. It's the not so obvious kind of crazy. I know it well, as I have family that have the same issue.

To be fair, though, I suppose a c) he's just really dumb is still on the table. I'm still voting sociopath.
That's what I said. Too fucking stupid to be taken seriously.

Will E Worm

I thought the picture was funny. :)