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Arizona Immigration Bill PASSES!!

Do You Think She Made the Right Decision?

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In a free country any person should be allowed to go about his business without carrying ID.It's different in a police state but do you want to become one?
ID is so easy to forge anyway. Most forms are useless because they don't lock the bearer to the document.
I also want to point out that Jan Brewer was not elected Governor, but only gained the position because the previous Governor left to Become Obama's head of homeland security.

So Arizonans are being bound to a law put in place by someone that we didn't even fucking vote for. That stinks.

I'm sad to see Arizona going down the can by pandering to the most short-sighted reactionaries. Another recent bill that she passed was to allow concealed firearms without a permit- which of course was salivated over by gun nuts- and takes away that previous source of revenue for the state that is spiraling toward bankruptcy.

Speaking of which Brewer failed to muster enough support to get a sales tax increase pushed through; her only plan to help the economy (I thought Republicans oppose taxes?). So what is she doing now? Blame it all on Illegal Immigrants and distract the public away from the fact that Arizona has nothing to balance the budget, except a new law that does nothing to prevent people from Illegally Immigrating here in the first place and wastes even more state and local money processing them through the civil court system, instead of leaving it up to the federal ICE.

The cops really have no way of identifying whether someone is an illegal immigrant, but to stop and ask them, so how on Earth can she say that this won't effect American citizens? It will effect everyone.

I'm not defending illegal immigrants, I just object to the fact that I'm an American citizen that has (or used to have) the right to protection against unlawful search and seizure and now I have to prove it just because the state wants to know.

What happened until innocent until proven guilty? Guess that's gone too. Now it's presumed guilty of being an illegal immigrant until proven innocent.
The Federal Government has fallen flat on its ass in regards to enforcing our immigration laws. If they won't do what they should be doing then it falls to the states to pick up the slack. If they don't want states enforcing federal laws then they need to do it. Its time for the government to put up or shut up. Arizona is taking a stand; can the Feds say the same?
It's about time someone takes a bite out of the crime in our state.

i assume the crimes that you might be mentioning of would be drug trafficking. You do understand that American's purchasing these drugs is what fuels the act, right? Did you also know that America actually arms the cartels with the guns that spark the violence?

simple google searches are your friend concerning this matter, turn off the tv and read.
"Americans are understandably focused on the flow of drugs and migrants into the U.S. from Mexico," says Andreas Peter, author of "Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide."
"But too often glossed over in the border security debate is the flow of weapons across the border into Mexico,"

i am sure you could refer to many other acts of crime linking to illegal migration, yet it comes down to the basics of societial issues eg: poverty

i also can say this much
men, women and children in Mexico are being killed by the tens of thousands, because America wants its cocaine
I think they are just referring to the crime of not having a government issued piece of paper declaring you a citizen, not to any actual act of violence or social transgression.

...although they will be quick to point out that the former is also guilty of the later, but will be at a loss to explain why it warranted the attention given the fact that it is far surpassed by domestic (legal citizen) criminals and also by non-felonious (undocumented) immigrants.
Wait a minute. People are scared of the government, and yet you approve of a new law that allows the government of Arizona to stop people and ask them for proof of citizenship?

Let me help you out with the reasoning here

federal government = black president
black president = scary
state law targeting brown people = not scary

Blaming Mexicans for the problems of a state. How fresh.

I wonder who will make up that lost sales tax revenue?

I guess Arizonans property and sales taxes will be increasing dramatically to hire new cops for their dream police state, fund deportation gulags and to transport these "criminals" back to the homeland :rolleyes:

If a white person speaks French or English with a funny accent, I guess the AZ police will be checking to see if they're in the state illegally too?

There's a reason why Arizona routinely comes up in the top ten of "Dumbest States" annually. This bill will be tossed out.

I guess it does make for a nice political ad for the Gov's reelection campaign?
i also can say this much
men, women and children in Mexico are being killed by the tens of thousands, because America wants its cocaine

Bullshit! Excluding the murdering cartels in the blame is so despicable that I almost can't comment on it: what I want to say would get me banned. But I will say, Mexicans are being killed by the tens of thousands because of Mexicans wanting their money and power. Oh wait, that doesn't fit nicely into you Blame America model. Neither does the fact that MOST of the cartel arms come from South American, Asian, Eastern European and corrupt Mexican military sources. Direct sources.

I'd be the first to agree that American and Canadian consumption shares blame in the cartel nightmare, but placing that blame on consumption entirely is complete and utter bullshit. Kind of like blaming the girl in the sexy miniskirt for her rape.


Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer today signed into law an immigration bill that gives the state the toughest law in the nation, making it a state crime to be in the country illegally and requiring local police to enforce federal immigration laws.

Brewer said she signed the bill in response to "the crisis the federal government has refused to fix.''

WAY TO GO JAN BREWER!!! It's about time someone takes a bite out of the crime in our state.

I am for this 100% and it has nothing to do with racial profiling...if you're here illegally...you're committing a CRIME!!!

Correct. What the hell ever happened to the environment and unsustainable population growth in this country ? :dunno:
You never want to let crisis to go to waste
- rahn emanuel
- hillary clinton

The dems will stop short of nothing if they find an opportunity to dominate American politics . . forever.
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer today signed into law an immigration bill that gives the state the toughest law in the nation, making it a state crime to be in the country illegally and requiring local police to enforce federal immigration laws.

Brewer said she signed the bill in response to "the crisis the federal government has refused to fix.''

WAY TO GO JAN BREWER!!! It's about time someone takes a bite out of the crime in our state.

I am for this 100% and it has nothing to do with racial profiling...if you're here illegally...you're committing a CRIME!!!

Wow! The goober makes it illegal to be in the state illegally.:rolleyes:

Supposing if you're not hispanic and in the AZ illegally you may miss the profiling dragnet?


Like the Democrats, the catholics will stop short of nothing in order to fill their collection baskets ! :1orglaugh:thefinger
Like the Republicans, the corporations will stop short of nothing in order to fill their collection baskets!


The AZ Business Lobby will put an end to this bill.

The last time the Catholic Church had any power in this neck of the woods, Cortes landed in the Yucatan Penisula :dunno:
Like the Republicans, the corporations will stop short of nothing in order to fill their collection baskets!


The AZ Business Lobby will put an end to this bill.

The last time the Catholic Church had any power in this neck of the woods, Cortes landed in the Yucatan Penisula :dunno:

The biggest impact on deterring people from coming here illegally has been the recession. In fact, many have returned from where they came without being rounded up.

Dummies don't realize if you don't hire them they will stay where (home) they are.
You have uncovered one of the many gaps in logic that form the basis of "conservative thought" nowadays.

Gov't is bad except when we need it :rolleyes:

I believe Conservatives claim that the role of government is the defend the Republic and the freedoms of its citizens.

I'm actually firmly against this bill, I don't like expanding the power and role of the police, but I don't understand how it can be linked to demonstrate Conservative hypocrisy.
Cheap labor = good business practice
No matter that cheap labor ruins the quality of life for all citizens.

Conservatives say "these are the jobs that Americans don't want to do" when they really mean we don't want to pay Americans to do them.

Is it patriotic to hire an American? Not if a business has to pay that American a fair wage/salary. What happened to the idea that "Nobody is more productive than the American worker"...I guess that's just empty Republican rhetoric that gets votes?

Or are all Conservatives now Libertarians?


Closed Account
very good. i wish Kalifornia would do something like this. dammit, people, if you want to be here do it the legal way.

oh, and we should have guard towers with snipers in them along the border too. just sayin' ;)