Let's get some meaningful reform in place that's fair,
I like your well balanced and pragmatic approach, Rey, I really do (and I'm not being facetious
Why should they respect us, we're the one's making the concessions ?
Let's get some meaningful reform in place that's fair,
I like your well balanced and pragmatic approach, Rey, I really do (and I'm not being facetious) but what happens when the ''immigrees'' defy what's written in the reform legislation, right ?
Why should they respect us, we're the one's making the concessions ?
I like your well balanced and pragmatic approach, Rey, I really do (and I'm not being facetious) but what happens when the ''immigrees'' defy what's written in the reform legislation, right ?
Why should they respect us, we're the one's making the concessions ?
Just because someone is not an American citizen does not mean they are not entitled to basic human rights. You can not commit a crime against a person, legal citizen or not, and escape persecution. You can not let a person die in the streets in this country because they are not a citizen or because they can't afford to pay for healthcare. You do not have the right to harass someone just because you don't like them.
What are "illegals" protesting over anyway? What protests are you talking about specifically?
You have closed off your thinking to an alarming degree.
You're joking right? Can you back this up? I find it hard to believe that Arizonans would endorse a tax increase as opposed to the usual: cut education, cut health, cut welfare, cut business taxes, etc.
Not sure most Latinos separate themselves among nationalities when it comes to what they perceive to be in the interests of Latinos. Latinos of Cuban origin being the exception as they generally have a different (single issue) agenda...getting Americans to give a shit about what kind of g'ment Cuba has.
Well the debate is about whether some should have access to services. But you are technically wrong. All people here in the US have some basic rights regardless of their citizenship status (i.e. You still have the right against being murdered, raped, etc. no matter if you're here legally or not.)
What exactly aren't the Feds doing? We have a border check point, agencies which interdict illegal border crossings, etc. Just because the efforts are not as effective as we would like doesn't mean the Feds aren't on the job. Like saying cops aren't doing their jobs because crime isn't at zero pct.
BTW, I'm still the only, "...don't care.."vote. :bigjump:
PS...Wanna to bitch about illegal immigration? Bitch at the people who hire them...not g'ment for not being able to trap every fly (as it were). If we've learned anything from the Great Recession is that if there are no jobs...you don't need to round them up or build fences..they will go home on their own.:2 cents:
Damn Jane you have a GREAT way of saying exactly what I think...way to go :nanner:
Quite some time back we were considering moving to Australia and one of the requirements is that you have proof that you have $100,000 liquid assets on the way in so you never have to use any of their social services...might be a great thought for the US!!
Good for Arizona. I hope Texas follows soon.
That is what I find crazy about this whole debate. Other countries would never allow this to happen. You go to Europe and you can be stopped at anytime and asked for your passport. Yet when a state wants to crack down on illegal aliens it is a big deal. Suddenly we are racist. I guess it never occured to people that a lot of us Hispanics support this bill. How the hell am I racist against my own race? This is for all illegals not just mexicans. I wish people would know what the hell they are talking about before posting about this subject. :2 cents:
That is what I find crazy about this whole debate. Other countries would never allow this to happen. You go to Europe and you can be stopped at anytime and asked for your passport. Yet when a state wants to crack down on illegal aliens it is a big deal. Suddenly we are racist. I guess it never occured to people that a lot of us Hispanics support this bill. How the hell am I racist against my own race? This is for all illegals not just mexicans. I wish people would know what the hell they are talking about before posting about this subject. :2 cents:
Exactly. Police officers in Germany are allowed to stop any person on the street and have them show their identification card. It is not strictly law to carry that on you, but if you don't they are allowed to keep you around until your identity is clarified. If not, you will be taken to the police station and things get sorted out there.
What are the laws concerning this in the USA?
As a Cuban I had no idea that was our agenda. Do you ever get sick of your postings that are basically just you spouting off at the mouth? Then again you think the goverenment is doing a good job and Obama rocks.
This racist law exposes the cowardice and hypocrisy of so-called Conservatives that make up the majority of the GOP. Ironically, these GeneriCons claim to be against Big Government yet expand the power of government rather then diminish it by turning Arizona into a police state by creating laws to alienate, scapegoat and persecute any indigenous Brown skinned person.
Good for Arizona. I hope Texas follows soon.
Actually they are working on a similar bill right now. :thumbsup:
To see one thing...how to use it as a political tool.In today's Houston Chronicle:
Texas lawmakers closely watching Arizona
Being asked to prove your identity is not a violation of human rights from my viewpoint.