Areola CAPPED Titties

Fae Allen shows what it takes to have the right size aerola

other girls only wish they had what she has:

Start out with healthy boobs:

Make sure they cover the whole front end of your boob when hanging down:

Boys will like them dark if possible. They wanna see them thru your cloths:

They should take up the length of your fingers at least if not your palm or bigger:
Dawn Phoenix has a great set of aereola capped boobs:

She says "see my size"

"Look how big they are as I lay back"

"the front of my boobs are covered by my huge aereola"

"They're so big that I can pull them and you can still see how big they are"
Lovely Libra qualifies
She says "Baby, my areolas are way bigger than my fingers...they're bigger than my hands"

"They hang straight down and cover my big boobies"

"Just look at how big they are, don't you like em?"

"I must have the darkest ones and biggest ones around, I could be the queen here"
My oh my....So far Libra and Kayla are leading in this category for black women.
So many with bigger boobs but not the right huge areola:
Sierra, Kim Eternity, Goldie Jackson, Spontaneous Xtasy, Miss Deja...

Lola Lane has cap's but not as large. Can anyone step up? Hmmm....
Ahh what about the classic Jenny Hill? "II" category, she has huge boobs....Nope

Ok, jump to the and Simone Fox.

Oh yeah...

Areola as big as her palm, no, hands, no....almost her face!

Smashed together: 264.jpg

Hanging down: 339.jpg

She says " Libra and the rest of yall are pretty and have nice little boobies, but MINE are bigger and have BETTER aerolas...sorry" 109.jpg

Here you go: 293.jpg
Even the most massive tit queens are silent...

Shar Nitapanus has small areola.
The full breasted Farrah Vancock does too.
and yes, even the size queen herself, Norma Stitz had tiny areola....whoa!

And the latest Massive boobed black babe, Miosotis...average areola

Who will win?
Not enough pictures or the right pose to see if Bea 4 You qualifies. I'd say no at this time.

Not much on Beatrice Vidal however her boobs are small enough that her areolas seem to cap them. We'll have to revisit her later on.